Chapter Eleven

Donald's POV

I was practically over the moon with the good news. According to Hector, I would need to get the cheque cashed and then I would have the money transferred directly into my bank account.

I was feeling like I had just walked on the moon because the thought of divorcing Rose…. it's put a slight pep in my step.

I called back to the office telling them that I would not be available for the rest of the day and to move my schedule till tomorrow.

On getting to the bank, I reached out to my account manager handing over the check so that he could cash it and transfer the money to me. He directed me to a lounge to wait while they had all the nitty-gritties I ironed out.

Since I was a VIP client it didn't take much time at all and in less than an hour I got the notification on my phone and the man showed up shortly after handing me documentation that the wire was successful.

Now that I had more than enough money to get me through this escapade with Rose, I didn't really feel like g
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