Chapter Ten

Donald's POV

Hector's resounding laugh boomed across the phone. “What the hell are you talking about?” It was clear that my request threw him for a loop momentarily.

I need you to listen to me, it's urgent okay? I need your help.” My fingers tightened around my phone. I could almost feel the moose tightening around my neck with each minute I spent married to that witch.

Hector became alert, sensing the seriousness in my tone. “Man, I can't really talk where I am…buh are you free to come by the office?”

My heart had sank when he began drumming up excuses but they were promptly lifted soon after. “Can I do that today?”

“Of course.” He easily agreed. “I'll tell my secretary to pencil you in. See you soon, buddy.”

He ended the call soon after, probably attending to business. The same thing I should be doing, instead I'm racking my brain for ideas on how to cut loose from Rose.

For some reason, she's seeking for ways to keep me tied down to her.

Quite annoying, especially as she's the one
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