Chapter Nine
Donald 's POV

Her lips were soft under mine, momentarily distracting me from pushing her off. Anna took that for me being interested in her and she sank her fingers into my hair deepening the kiss.

My eyes flew open in surprise, wondering how I could push her off without coming off as annoying.

She must have realized I stopped kissing her shortly after because she pulled away, her face contrite.

“Oh my gosh! I'm such an idiot, I shouldn't have done that. Did it feel like I harassed you?”

There were a lot of things that I wanted to say to her but my eyes darted towards the elevator, eager for the doors to open so that I can get the hell out of here.

My no response was also answer to her because she pressed her hands to her face looking as though she was about to cry. “Donald, please say something…”

“Can we talk about this later…?” I asked. “I have to see Hector and I'm sure he will be expecting me so…”

Luckily, the doors dinged open and I was able to get out in the nick of time before
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