Chapter Eight

Donald's POV 

Hector's resounding laugh boomed across the phone. “What the hell are you talking about?” It was clear that my request threw him for a loop momentarily.

I need you to listen to me, it's urgent okay? I need your help.” My fingers tightened around my phone. I could almost feel the moose tightening around my neck with each minute I spent married to that witch.

Hector became alert, sensing the seriousness in my tone. “Man, I can't really talk where I am…buh are you free to come by the office?”

My heart had sank when he began drumming up excuses but they were promptly lifted soon after. “Can I do that today?”

“Of course.” He easily agreed. “I'll tell my secretary to pencil you in. See you soon, buddy.”

He ended the call soon after, probably attending to business. The same thing I should be doing, instead I'm racking my brain for ideas on how to cut loose from Rose.

For some reason, she's seeking for ways to keep me tied down to her.

Quite annoying, especially as she's the one messing around.

I sighed, leaning back to my chair as I folded my arms over my stomach, deep in thought.

Hector was a very good friend of mine, one that I've known for over five years and our friendship has blossomed into something I would like to call brotherhood.

He was there when I was getting married to Rose but during the time of my emergency, unfortunately he didn't have the capacity to help me then or else I would not be in this situation.

 I remember back then how he cautioned me against marrying Rose, stating that being in debt was not good of enough reason to enter the ‘marriage shackles’.

I ignored his warnings, thinking they were the delusional ramblings of a man who had sworn off love but in hindsight maybe I should have observed a little bit better like he had told me.

Memories of the time I spent with Rose flashed through my mind like a tape on VCR on repeat. Even though I detested the sight of Rose now and all I wanted was to be left alone, it was quite hard to admit to myself that I wanted to give this all up.

Rose might be acting up now but during the three years that we spent together, there were so many memorable and fun moments that we shared…most of which were tempting me to try and work out this marriage. The other parts -the prideful parts- insisted on walking away and leaving her with her boy toy, David.

I reached for a bottle of whiskey that I kept under my desk for particularly difficult situations, popping open the cork. I raised it to my mouth and drunk deeply from the bottle, relishing the burn as it's went down my throat.

I had no idea how long I sat in the chair, spinning around polishing off the whiskey and thinking generally about my life and the next step to take once I was done with Rose and the divorce.

Fortunately, lunch time rolled around and I bolted out of the chair as fast as I could, heading straight for the parking lot.

Hector had his own company which were into tech, marketing, web….anything related to the digital space they handled it and over the past couple of years with enough funding and big time investors, he's been able to grow the company into a multi-million dollar industry and now he's looking into propelling it into the billion sector.

It was a huge achievement and I was really happy for my friend, watching his long time dream come to pass.

 It's quite inspiring and aside from that, Hector still remains the same person that he was…with a few minor changes as expected.

There was quite a lot of things on my mind, so much so that I was preoccupied with my thoughts and I failed to prepare like I used to. Whenever I want to text to come to his company 

“Oh my gosh Donny!” Somebody yelled his name from across the room the moment I stepped into the lobby. I looked up only to see Anna racing towards me looking as though she had found her long lost husband.

I winced, desperately trying to run back out the door but unfortunately all eyes were on us and there was no way I could run too except I tried stretching out my hands to hug her off awkwardly. “It's been so long! I've been looking all over for you,I'm thinking that you're deliberately trying to disappear, is that so?”

“Nope, not at all. I guess I've just been busy with a lot of projects, that's all.” I said with a polite smile on my face.

She ran her fingers down his arm. “That's good, I've also been busy but I was thinking that maybe we could spend some time together while you're free…”

My first instinct was to say no but then I realized that when I divorced Rose she would definitely find out and nothing would be able to stop her anymore. If she was like this when I was married, I dreaded to know how she would act when I'm single again.

Anna was a very focused person, who got what she wanted and it was good when it comes to work but in her personal life, it's a bit intense.

Sometimes I regret it ever meeting her at that show, two years ago.

“Absolutely, why don't you show me to Hector's office. He's expecting me.”

“Oh, of course. Come along,” she practically dragged me into the elevator, making up various excuses to touch him from time to time.

I was contemplating charging with sexual harassment but then the biggest one was yet to surface.

About two minutes before the elevator was about to open, suddenly anna moved towards him pressing him flat against the steel walls of the elevator and planted her lips on his.

What in the hell…?

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