All Chapters of The Return of Billionaire Quincy: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
163 chapters
Chapter 41
Two weeks later, Quincy was just coming back from Paris. He had a successful two-week event, which was more like the best moment in his life.“Yes, I’m back home, Scott.” He informed Scott, over the phone.“Finally! How did the last meeting, go?” Scott asked, out of curiosity.“Well, it went well. I’m now free. I have managed to keep to the terms and conditions, and no longer do I need to hide under a fake identity.” Quincy said to Scott, and Scott rejoiced, over the phone.Both of them were happy that they were alive, happy and hearty to witness this wonderful moment.“I’m on my way home. I’ll be taking the day, off, today. Then tomorrow, we can resume back to work. But then, this evening, we have to have our celebration.” “Sure, we can. I’ll come over to your home in the evening. For now, you should have some rest.” Scott said.“Alright, until evening,” Quincy uttered and then hung up.He smiled and dropped his phone.~flashback~“Alright, Mr. Quincy. We have tracked, and seen that
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Chapter 42
Scott noticed that Quincy’s mood had changed, and the way he looked, seemed like he had seen a ghost.“What’s going on?” Scott asked as he moved closer to Quincy, to find out what was going on.Without Quincy having to say a word, Scott looked at the text he got.“I just wanted to inform you that I’m two weeks gone. I was the one whom you slept with, the other day. Sorry, I couldn’t contact you; I went on an important trip, and I had less access to my phone. Let’s meet at a restaurant, now, to talk about it.” – Lauren Shane.“Oh, my goodness! It was Lauren you slept with! Oh, goodness!” Scott spoke, looking shocked.Quincy didn’t know what exactly to say as he was still taken aback by what he saw. “You know what? I think you should just see her. You both have to talk about this.” He uttered, trying to advise him.“I will have to meet her, then. I don’t think that baby is mine.” Quincy said.“We can’t find that out until she gives birth. So, if she is truly speaking the truth, about t
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Chapter 43
Quincy got home, with his celebrative mood, ruined. He threw one of the glasses of wine which he and Scott had used; at the wall, and walked up the stairs. At this moment, he just wanted to be on his bed, until sleep was ready to heed his call.The next day, he got a text from Lauren, talking about the test they were meant to have, today.“I don’t need to go for a test, since you said you are pregnant. I’m heading to work; I don’t want any disturbance.” He sent a text back to her.Then he got a call, a minute after sending the text, which he answered.“Why are you being so distant, and cold, Quincy? This is unlike you.” She complained softly.“This is what happens when you plot something like that against me, just to pin down a pregnancy on me,” Quincy spoke, being as transparent as he could.“Come on, Quincy. How is it a plot against you? Shouldn’t you use it as a way to get back at your ex-wife who left you at such a time?”“You can’t decide for me, what I’m meant to do, and what I’
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Chapter 44
Lauren was taken aback by what he said. She could tell that he spoke with anger, and knew that she was gradually pushing him to the wall."I was... I was blinded by my love for you." She said, with a broken voice."I didn't say I wasn't going to accept the pregnancy, even though sometimes I find it difficult to believe I would be in such a situation. But at least, I told you to give me time to be able to wrap my head around the situation." Lauren then sniffled and cleaned the tears which were left in her eyes, but refused to fall."Alright, I'm sorry if I made you feel choked. As long as you accept that the child is yours, I'll wait until you're finally ready for marriage." She agreed, even though it wasn't with all her heart. But she knew that to gain his heart and to be able to win in this situation, she would have to be very patient."Good. By the way, I'm sorry for raising my voice at you, and saying words I shouldn't have said." He apologized, sincerely."It's fine. I understan
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Chapter 45
After he met with Mr. Harrison, Scott came in as usual, ready to ask about how it went.“How did it go?” He asked, with a smile.Quincy smiled as well, but the reason he smiled was the way Scott had always been checking up on him, trying to be certain that things were going well for him, and it pleased him. He was glad that he was there for him when everyone else turned their back on him.“It went well. I’m going to be sponsoring them, and yes, they’ll be making use of our advertising agency. So, regarding the gain; it’s going to be 50:50.”“That’s still a fair share.”“Yes. So, tomorrow, you can deal with the finances. By the way, what about the information I asked you to sort out for me?” Quincy asked as he rose to his feet.“They changed her school to one which is a bit far from the last. I just sent the details to you.”“Alright, thanks. I understand she would change her school details, just because of the abduction case. In case anyone would want to try the same thing on Charles’
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Chapter 46
Lauren was quite surprised that he told her to allow Kohler to get the contract when she expected that he would tell her to degrade her in the worst way possible.“Why?” She asked, looking perplexed. “You don’t have to worry about that. Just give her the contract, since you said hers was better than the rest.”“But you know I can do anything for you. Not accepting her, doesn’t affect me in any way.” Lauren said, wondering if that could be the reason, he didn’t want his matter to interfere in her business affairs.“Like I said, give her the contract, since she deserves it. I know what I’m talking about, and you don’t need to withdraw any profit for her, just because of me.” Quincy said, and leaned back on his seat, in the dining room.“Well, if that’s what you feel is best, then, it’s fine,” Lauren said, then resumed her cooking.Quincy was glad that things were going just the way he wanted, with her, and when she was cooked enough, all he planned to do, would work well. The first per
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chapter 47
“Kohler? What are you doing here? How did you find this place?” Quincy asked, still baffled that she found it and that she was even looking for him.“Won’t you invite me into your house?” She questioned, looking at him like she wasn’t aware that her presence was causing him a surprise.“You showed up here, all of a sudden, and you’re asking me to let you into my house?”“Isn’t it courtesy to do so?”Even if Quincy wanted to think twice about it, he didn’t want Lauren to be seen for two reasons. One was that she would feel he would have a hand in the contract she was intending to get from Lauren, and two, she would also feel like he has moved on, so fast.More than anything, he still wanted her to feel like she was in the wrong because he needed her to know how bad what she did, was. The worst was that the daughter which she fought him, for, was no longer getting enough of her attention. “Well, if you feel you do not want me to come in, then we can go somewhere else. Maybe a restauran
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chapter 48
Over at Mr. Walter’s side, other prominent people had come to meet him and were happy for him. They all knew how Kohler was different from the rest of his grandchildren, so, seeing as she had finally broken through, they were more than happy to celebrate with him.“Finally, she has proven herself worthy to handle your company. To be sincere, I doubted that she would be able to get the Garuma contract, when Deborah was also participating in the contest” One of the men spoke, with a smile.“That’s very true. But that’s a lesson for us not to underestimate someone. As long as they were going to be trained, we ought to still have hope in them.” Another uttered, and they all nodded.“Well, I’m glad you’re all saying that, and you have realized it as well. I knew she had the potential, but that was going to be without that man she called a husband. You know some people are just there to hinder your progress.”“That’s very true.” They all nodded again and began to engage themselves in other
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chapter 49
~back to reality~“You don’t need to feel down or anything. You just couldn’t do a thing for me, and now that I’m liberated, you should be happy for me. But the only thing I wouldn’t condole from you, is you, stalking my daughter.” Kohler said, with a straight expression.“She is our daughter, and I have every right to see her. Also, you aren’t giving her the attention, that she needs.”“How can you tell, just from a few minutes of watching her, then? You are only proving to be dumb, right now, Quincy. Anyways, I didn’t come to exchange words with you or to say the painful truth to you, because I don’t know how you’ll take it. Just stay away from my daughter. This is going to be the first and the last warning.” She said, trying to make her stand.Just before Quincy could say a word, his phone beeped, and so did, Kohler’s.“I’ve waited so long for this day, for this revenge. And I don’t mind if I go down, finally with this atrocity which I’m going to commit. Your girl whom I didn’t pla
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chapter 50
“How dare you! How dare you!” Gerald voiced out in anger. “How dare you speak to my wife like that! Even though Eunice had sent you a letter, it doesn’t mean that you can speak to her or us, anyway.” Gerald defended Kohler.If Kohler had been good, all along, he would have been happy for her, that she found a man who could always defend her, but the only thing was that the man wasn’t a good influence on her.“There is no law that says I can’t say those words to her. What I’m speaking to her, is nothing but the truth, and if we present this in court, you will be reprimanded.” Quincy spoke, with his brows, raised.“Reprimanded or not, you still shouldn’t be speaking to her that way. A kid could think selfishly at times, and that could have been what Eunice was doing. We took good care of her and even spent our free time with her. What else did she expect from us? We were working for her to have a good life, so, she didn’t understand that.”“If I may ask, how much free time, did you have
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