All Chapters of The Return of Billionaire Quincy: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
163 chapters
chapter 51
Immediately, Quincy pounced at him and punched every part of his body that he could, but the cops who were around were trying their best to block him from hurting Charles, beyond what he ought to.“Mr. Quincy! Mr. Quincy!” One of the cops voiced out, and even Scott had to offer a helping hand in stopping Quincy from doing his worst to Charles.They parted both of them and as Scott pulled him away, he had to hold his shoulders and looked into his eyes.“Come on, what is this you’re doing, Quincy? You know very well that you could also be taken in by the cops for doing what you just did, except you want to be like the likes of Charles who bribe their way out of an issue they were meant to face the consequences for!” Scott voiced out, trying to bring him back to his senses.Quincy withdrew from him and then walked to a distance, and then connected his palm to his forehead, feeling angry. Even the little he was able to do, wasn’t enough to take his anger away.Scott went to the cops and s
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chapter 52
Then Lauren held Quincy’s hand and urged him to stand to his feet.“Lauren, I came here to have a lone time. You can’t just come here and tell me to leave. How did you even know I was here? The last time I went to a bar, you also found me.”“The first time, it was coincidental, and right now, Scott called me to check up on you, here. Let’s just leave this place, and go home, where you would feel a lot better.” Lauren urged.“If I was going to feel a lot better at home, I would have gone home, instead,” Quincy uttered, and grabbed the bottle of alcohol, but Lauren snatched it from him.“That’s because you never thought of me, being at your home.” She uttered, and Quincy let out a relenting sigh.If there was one thing, he knew about her, she was adamant and would stand her ground, especially if she knew she was right, on what she was standing on.So, trying to be adamant as well, wouldn’t have worked out.He rose to his feet, and paid the bartender, then walked out of the bar, with Lau
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chapter 53
That night, on his way home, he decided to get food for Lauren. She had made a positive impact on his life, last night, and it went a long way for him. So, the least he could do was to let her know that he appreciated her.He had bought her favorite food, and was expecting squeals from her, the moment she set her eyes on the package, and realized what the package held.On getting home, she reacted just the same way he knew she would react.“Oh, my goodness. Thanks again, Quincy. I appreciate this. I hope you also got food for yourself, as well?” She asked, out of concern.“Yes, I did,” Quincy affirmed, and then they bought walked up to the dining room, to eat up.“Wow. I’m so glad you brought me, this. You don’t know how excited I am.” She said as he picked up her cutlery, ready to dig in.“You should know that I’m aware, and that’s why I got you this. Anyways, I’m glad you are enjoying it.” Quincy uttered, and she smiled.“Wow. This is just so perfect. This restaurant is really good.
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chapter 54
The team lead was anxious because he didn’t know how Quincy was going to react. One thing was certain; wealthy people didn’t like things that would be negative to them, and might because of the forecast, decide to withdraw their investment from their project.But then, he couldn’t lie to him, as that would be worse; which is more like he was bluffing when he said that the mood check was 90 percent accurate.The C.E.O. gave the team lead a darting look for him to make the atmosphere, a little better, then the team lead cleared his throat.“Uhm. It showed me that you’ll be having a bad mood, but one of the positive reasons for having a mood check is just so you’ll be able to prevent it. It’s more like it’s warning you.” The team lead uttered, hoping that was enough to make him feel better.Quincy was quiet for a while, and when he was done being silent, he looked back at them. “Alright, let’s see how accurate this mood check, is. So, is that all you have for your presentation?” Quincy
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chapter 55
There was a particular way the woman was meant to come to him, but he feared that the baby could make her over-cautious in her steps, and therefore make her end up making a mistake.“I need you to be calm while walking towards me. Some parts of this building are already weak, due to the fire. You don’t have to worry; you and your baby will be fine. Just take one step at a time, but don’t put too much pressure on your steps.” Quincy instructed her, and she nodded.She coughed as the smoke was becoming too much, and she feared that it could have gotten to her baby, even though she had wrapped him in her hands,“Here,” Quincy called out to the woman. A series of coughs seized her, and she looked around through the thick smoke to find me. Her arm was under the baby's nose protectively, as she struggled to make sure the toxic smoke wasn't inhaled by him in large amounts. “Be careful!” Quincy shouted as she stepped on a floorboard that gave a loud creaking sound. “Careful, but quick! We do
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chapter 56
The next time Quincy opened his eyes, he was in a hospital. His eyelids fluttered open, and he squeezed them a little, because of how stinging it was, to suddenly open his eyes at the bright light. He looked to the left, and it seemed as if looking to the left, brought him memories of what happened, earlier, before he passed out.As he remembered all that had happened, he felt relieved that things went well. Truly, the mood check was accurate. He was going to be in a bad mood because at first, he wasn’t able to save the baby. But since he went back into the building to save the baby, he had automatically changed the fate of his mood.So, in other words, the mood check was accurate.While he was thinking back to everything, the sound of the sliding door, brought him back to reality.“You’re awake!” Lauren voiced out, happily, and Quincy smiled.“Yes, I am.” He uttered, and she hugged him tight.He never thought he would be so happy to see someone coming to see him, and showing how happ
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chapter 57
Lauren was happy that Quincy was on the same page with her, and she also couldn’t wait to watch those people who looked down on him, feel so little and ashamed.On getting home, Quincy thanked her deeply and watched as his driver drove her off. She was a good support, and she showed how good a friend, she was. As he walked back in, thinking about how things were going to play out on the very day that Kohler finds out that she had been an ingrate, all along, he thought about Eunice, as well.His heart broke for her because she didn’t deserve to die. She was still young and had so much to experience in this life. Quincy then brought out a phone and then sent a text to Scott.“I know they must have buried her, but you didn’t say a word about it. Give me the address to the cemetery.” He requested.Then he went to bed, to visit her grave, tomorrow after his pending work.~The next day, Quincy got ready for work. He prepared himself omelets, and watched the news on his phone, while he did
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chapter 58
On the other hand, Mr. Walter was in his living room when he had been given the news that his company had been refused to be given the contract. He felt so bad, and his mood was no different than a raging fire.“How could this happen?” He questioned rhetorically out loud as he tapped his feet.Then he rose to his feet and began to pace around, thinking of what could have gone wrong, but he couldn’t pinpoint any. He knew how close he was, to getting this contract; in fact, it was so certain even before he tendered the contract offer, but now, it was all ruined.“I want you to find out how exactly this contract was canceled, and rejected, or what had happened that made them change their mind. Find it out, now. I’m waiting.” He ordered one of his intel men who had come to give him the initial information.He couldn’t just help but think that something else had happened. After all, he had done it to a lot of people, and now that it had happened to him, he wasn’t used to such an occurrence
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chapter 59
When Quincy got home that night, he met Lauren who was busy pacing around in his living room. He didn’t expect to see her in his house, but a part of him expected that she would have made sure that she saw him, today.“Quincy, where have you been? Why did you ignore my texts, and why did you instruct Scott not to tell me where you were?” She questioned, looking offended.“Lauren, if there is one thing, I want you to understand, that is, we are not married. You can’t be monitoring my movements, neither should it be an offense to you, if you do not have access to my location, or if you aren’t in my schedule. I have had a long day, and would prefer to spend the rest of my night, alone.” Quincy said and walked out on her.The last thing he needed, was someone, nagging at him. And he had had enough of that. Although, she had been there for him when it was nice to have someone around him, but she had to know when to do that, and when not to; when it seemed like comfort, and when it seemed l
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chapter 60
“I’m so sorry, sir. I was just overwhelmed because I wasn’t certain of the baby’s gender, but it is clear, now. It sometimes happens. This is a baby girl. Congratulations, sir.” The doctor spoke out, with a smile that seemed a little awkward,“Are you sure that that was it was about?” Quincy asked, not convinced about the whole thing.“Y…yes sir. I’m sorry for making you feel it was something more.” The doctor apologized, and Quincy cleared his throat.He wanted to speak further but was interrupted by a call from Scott.“Excuse me, please.” He urged and then left their presence.As he walked further away, he answered the call.“Yeah?”“I’m sorry if I might have disturbed whatever you might be doing, but I just got information that Mr. Walter went to that company, himself, demanding an explanation on why they led him on, only to give him a last-minute disappointment,” Scott informed, and Quincy slid his hand into his pocket, and sighed.“Well, he is demanding for an answer. So, let the
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