All Chapters of The Return of Billionaire Quincy: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
163 chapters
chapter 81
Lauren could not bring a word out of her mouth, but she was very nervous, not knowing what Quincy’s mother wanted from her.“Did she perhaps have a hunch that there could have been a lie in what Quincy said, about me? What exactly did she want?” Lauren thought to herself, fidgeting from inside.“I'll send for you shortly.” Quincy’s mother replied, and Lauren gave a smile. “I'll be expecting you, ma'am.” She replied, and Quincy’s mother nodded.“Tonight is going to be great. I can already feel it. The event celebration is in the air.” Gloria sang as they went up the stairs.“How big is it?” Lauren asked, out of curiosity.“Very big. The palace will be filled up. There will be lots of people coming in. The important people will fill the building, and the less privileged will be entertained outside. They will have a buffet, music, entertainment, and a fair share of everything going on inside. It's just that only trusted people are allowed inside. Lady Rose makes it so.” Gloria replied,
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chapter 82
“Sounds? What kind of sounds?” Quincy asked, and her eyes seemed to fix into blank space, trying to explain. “Scraping sounds. Sometimes it feels like it's underneath my floor. Like there's a room underneath, and someone is just running something long and sharp over the ceiling which is the floor of my room. Also, I realized some things are not always the way I left them. Today, a knife was missing from the cabinet, and I was so scared that I could not even cook in the kitchen. When I went back this evening, the knife was on the countertop, and I never placed it there. There's also the case of the lights. I turn all the lights in the house off before going to sleep, but when I wake in the middle of the night, some of the lights are on, or is that you?”Quincy looked around, “I don't roam around the house at night, and when I do, I rarely turn the lights on. I know my way around the house fairly well.”Her voice shook, “Then who…? Could there be someone in the house like I think? Don'
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chapter 83
Silence greeted them. Quincy stared down into the abyss before them, squinting his eyes, prepared to see Elise emerge before them with a gun that wouldn't fail her that time. Slowly, he took a step, and the staircase creaked loudly beneath him. It would give anyone time to prepare a gun. Large beams of light ripped through the thick darkness as the men turned on the torches in their hands. Another step— an even louder creak. Quincy descended lower and lower, and a damp and earthy smell filled his nostrils. The walls were peeling, and the floor was unswept. Lots of stuff he had dumped in the basement were coated with dust, and tangled with webs that were as thick as the dust themselves. Tables, chairs, barrels, an old guitar that lay unused, and more cobwebs hanging down the ceiling. Bertha sneezed, and Quincy turned. “I'm allergic to dust.” She said, and sneezed again, her eyes watering. “I think you should leave then,” Quincy suggested, and taking one large sweep of the bas
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chapter 84
The shock was too much for him, especially the fact that he was about to be chained alive. He tried to release himself from the ropes they had used to tie him up, but while doing that, he mistakenly hit his head on a metal, right behind him. As his head hit the metal, he passed out, and Bertha became angry.“How could he pass out just like that!” She raised her voice, finding it annoying.She had been waiting for this moment, and the fact that he had just paused the moment for her, was what got on her nerves. “Don’t worry, mother. When he wakes, we’ll finish off the job. There’s no way he can escape this.” Elise assured her, and Bertha calmed down, feeling much better.All she wanted to do was to avenge her son, then only could she believe that he rested in peace and that she had acted like a true mother.“Let’s go have something to eat, mother. I’m famished.” Elise uttered, and they both left.“Alright, daughter.”But as they wanted to step out, the police force dashed in and point
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chapter 85
“Release her for what? She might be old, but she's still a criminal. One who tried to see you alive.” Scott said, looking bewildered. “As much as it disgusts me, I have something to finish up with her. I have to make it clear that I'm in no way responsible for her son's death. He died out of his guilt, irresponsibility, and lack of tolerance. She must be brought to me, so she can know what kind of man her son was.”“So there's more to this?”“More to this.” “The center she and her daughter were taken to is quite far. It might take some hours for them to reach here. I suggest you eat a little and use your pills.” Scott said, pulling back the drapes. “I should do that.” Quincy agreed. Scott left the room, and Quincy lay back in his sheets, taking a deep breath, thinking of the horror of the whole thing. Upon seeing the chainsaw, it felt like the world falling in upon him. The pain he would endure would be more than getting smashed by the car press. A chainsaw. Her son lost his legs
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chapter 86
“She has been secured, back. Do you still feel she should be let loose? You witnessed how she acted crazy.”“I know. Take her to a rehabilitation center. Once she is back to being normal and has understood what I explained, then I would launch back at her.”“What do you mean?”“You don’t have to understand, right now. But trust me, I got things under control.” Quincy said, looking serious.Scott sighed, hoping Quincy wasn’t going to do anything, which would end up putting him in danger as he didn’t want anything to happen to him, anymore. He wished that the hospital situation would be the last incident to ever happen to him, in his life.Later in the night, he was discharged, and driven home.Quincy lay down on his bed, and sighed, staring at the ceiling. He wondered how things went different for him, starting from when Charles had abducted Eunice, just to get Kohler to his side. It still hurt him that Kohler had walked out of his life, but he had no power over what was meant to happe
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chapter 87
“And what do you mean by ‘I should watch my back’?”“It means what it means.”“Elise is also in prison. Your partner is stuck just like you are.”“That's why I would never forgive you!” She hissed. “You hurt both my children. Killed one and sent one to prison.”“Your son killed himself, and your daughter doomed herself. I have nothing to do with you, and how you raised your children.”“My innocent Louis. Louis could not even harm a fly! What did you do to him to make him harm himself? He was so sweet, friendly, and careful with everyone he knew. But you… you came into the picture, and just… Of course, my son wouldn't apologize to the lady he slammed into the wall. She was fine, wasn't she? She wasn't dead. Louis might have been a stubborn boy, maybe that's why he didn't apologize because she only got what she deserved, but still… he… he— you drove him to harm himself. Why wouldn't I fight back? Why wouldn't I murder the person who drove him to kill himself? You don't know how it feels
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chapter 88
Quincy had passed out as it was all too much for him to bear. This made Scott, very tense and anxious.“Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. Let’s take him home, first.” The woman urged, and Scott nodded his head.They drove Quincy home, and on getting home, Scott managed to carry him into his room, just so he could unbutton his shirt, and pull it off. At least, he would need air and nothing that would make him feel like he was being pressed down.“Quincy, I need you to be strong and brave, regarding this. This can’t continue to get the best of you.” He uttered while staring at the unconscious Quincy.“I hope he doesn’t need extra medical attention, since he passed out?” Scott asked, out of curiosity, and concern.“No. No, he doesn’t. he’s fine. It’s more like he has drifted off to sleep. That’s the only way his brain was able to protect him from all the pain, and anxiousness.” The woman uttered, and Scott sighed.He felt this was a serious issue that wasn’t meant to be taken lightly, but one
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chapter 89
Into the night, Scott and Quincy drank, taking glass after glass, bottle after bottle. They seemed to understand each other beyond words. It was another night for Quincy to grieve over his loss of Kohler. “You know… despite how much I despise her for leaving me when she's not the only one grieving Eunice, when she's not the only one who felt the stab to the heart, despite all that, I find myself missing her,” Quincy said, pouring himself another drink, while Scott helped himself to a spicy piece of chicken.“It happens. Yeah, we miss people we ought to forget, but hey, the best thing is to talk about it. Just say all that's on your mind, and let it go with the wind. I promise you, you'll feel a thousand times better.” He replied, before biting deep into the chicken. “Is that true?”“I'm quite sure it had worked several times for me. So go on. What do you miss about her?” “Well, just everything. The way she blushes when I compliment her or stare at her. You know that twinkle in her
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chapter 90
Quincy blinked his eyes to be certain he was seeing right, but then, he still saw Bertha standing, and giving him a straight expression.“I didn’t give an order for them to release her. Why the heck is she outside here?” Quincy voiced out, looking perplexed.“Quincy, what’s going on? Who are you talking about?” Scott asked, looking around to spot the person he was talking about. “Quincy?” Scott called out to him again.And then Quincy held Scott’s shoulders, and his eyes were wide open.“Bertha! Bertha, she is here!” He voiced out feeling so anxious.“Bertha? Bertha isn’t here, Quincy. She is still locked up behind bars.” Scott voiced out and tried to shake Quincy back to reality.Quincy looked back at the spot he once saw Bertha, and she was no longer there.“She is no longer there! Where did she run to?” Quincy voiced out, feeling disturbed about the issue, and was almost breaking free from Scott’s grip.“No, Quincy. She wasn’t there. You know what? I’ll call the cops to confirm, no
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