All Chapters of The Return of Billionaire Quincy: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
163 chapters
chapter 71
While Lauren was also thinking back on Quincy, she also thought back on the time she spent with Thomas, who was a very lovely friend, back then, before she finally broke it to him that she didn’t love him.“Ma’am, here are the fruits you asked for.” One of her maids uttered as she placed the tray of fruits, on the table.But Lauren didn’t say a word as she was lost in thoughts, and so, the maid had to leave.She had gone back to the time when Thomas had given her the morale to see her mother, whom she had been apart from, for years, because of her father.~flashback~Lauren had just gotten back to the mansion from college, and while she was feeling exhausted, she was happy about one thing; the time she spent with Quincy, at college.As she got into her room, she fell on the bed, covered her face with her palms, and let out muffled screams. Her mind kept replaying the moment he wrapped his arm around her waist, and how he stared into her eyes when she was about to trip from the stairs
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chapter 72
Lauren and Thomas had gotten back to the city, and the mood she left in, earlier wasn’t the same as she came back with. Thomas had taken her to her home and made her hide somewhere around the cars, and she had to watch as he knocked on the door.He was only going to act like he had missed his way, and then Lauren would get to catch a glimpse of her mother. But to her disappointment, it was a new person who was living there, and she had said that the woman living there before, had left, a month ago.“You don’t need to feel bad. I’m sure she’s okay.” Thomas assured Lauren.“She had to leave the house behind; where we’ve had a lot of memories. I don’t even know if she went on to search for me, or she just couldn’t bear living in that house, alone.” Lauren uttered, and her voice broke.Then Thomas pulled her closer to him and hugged her.“I’m sure she is fine. If you don’t want me to regret trying to make you happy, by bringing you here, then do me a favor by taking your mind off it.” Tho
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chapter 73
On the other hand, scared Bertha could have almost peed on her body, if not for the door opening, and Quincy walked in. He also thought someone else was in his room, doing a wicked act, and was also relieved it wasn’t who he thought it was.Although he had wished that it was the evildoer, so he would end him, once and for all, because he deserved to be sent to jail. Then he walked into the room to help Bertha up. Her legs were wobbling, but he stood as support until she could stand on her own.“What are you doing here, Bertha? I almost thought it was the perpetrator again. I could have sent for guards, and they could have done something even before opening the door.” Quincy said, speaking out of concern.“I’m sorry sir. But I wanted to clean up your room. Although I cleaned mine up, it isn’t easy to stay or sleep there. And I know it could be the same for you. So, I wanted to give your room a different touch, just so you won’t remember anything about the current issue, in your sleep.
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Chapter 74
Then she burst out in laughter, all of a sudden.“I’m just kidding.” She uttered as she saw Quincy’s confused expression.“It’s glad to see you smile. I’m sure this tough time will be over, soon.” Quincy assured, and they both smiled.On the other hand, Lauren had had enough of her flashbacks, and even the pain it was causing her. She so much wanted Quincy. It was seeming impossible for her to leave him, and this thought kept eating at her until she spoke to Gloria about it.“It’s like I’m going to go crazy. I don’t think I can do without Quincy. I want him badly, but he doesn’t see me.” She spoke out her feelings, looking truthful.“Hmmm. Even now, you’re still into him. I must say, this is a really strong love.”“And it’s hurting me. If there was a way for me to stop loving him, all of a sudden, it would have been much better.”“And since that can’t be possible, we can turn it around.” “I don’t understand. What do you mean?” Lauren asked, wondering what she was trying to bring out
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chapter 75
Lauren struggled so hard against the snake but it was too huge and strong for her to go against.It was becoming too difficult to hold her breath for that long as the snake still held her down deep inside the river.Only the heavens knew how deep they had gotten into the water. What Lauren was hoping for was that the snake wouldn't chop off her head after ensuring it had gotten a good grasp of her.There was no more strength for her to wiggle out of the snake's grasp, and she hadn't felt Nala’s presence yet.“I hope they didn't lead me to a suicide mission?” She thought in her head.“Could I even feel a presence inside this river and apart from that, the state I was in, presently?|Lauren was almost suffocating, and losing the will to fight anymore. But before she gave up, she heard the snake cry in pain as it began to unwrap itself around her.Even as it was releasing her of its grip, she still didn't have the strength to swim up. But before she gave up totally, she felt Emily's hand
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chapter 76
“What? What do you mean by we are in a danger hut?” Lauren asked, beginning to fear that they had just gotten from frying pan to fire.This was beginning to seem more like a dangerous journey and while that pissed her off, she knew she needed to go with whatever they asked me to do.“This is a hut where crazy crocodiles stay,” Nala responded in a low tone.“Crazy? Why are they called crazy?”“They sleep deeply, but the moment you wake them up with noise, they would track and hunt you until you're out of the forest. And that can make it difficult for us to focus on our destination here, and the little things we are to take note of. So, don't make noise.” She explained, and Lauren felt a cold chill in her spine.She wondered what she had gotten herself into.Lauren nodded her head and pursed her lips as tight as she could. There was no way she would want a bask of crocodiles after her. Not when she couldn't see with the blindfold on, which would also be a heavy burden on Nala.“As soon
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chapter 77
Lauren’s eyelids fluttered open behind the blindfold as she gained her consciousness back. It felt as if she had been out for long, but there was no way she could find out."Oh, Lauren. You must be crazy for keeping up the blindfold stuff.” She said to herself, feeling so horrible.She guessed the old man must be tricky. Since he stays in a place like this he is someone they ought to be wary of.It meant he could have sent Nala out to get him an apple because he wanted to capture her. She felt a little doom, somewhere in her, because if he was a trickster, then she could be really in deep trouble.“By the way, where am I?” She asked herself. Right there, she realized that there was too much heat where she was, and when she tried to sit up, her head hit something wooden.Lauren then became alert and used her hands to feel her surroundings. No matter how far her hands wanted to reach, there was always a wooden covering, restricting them like she was placed in a box.Hold on. Could it b
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chapter 78
“What's going on, Nala?” Lauren asked, in a low tone, and fear.“Whatever she says to you or makes you feel, do not believe her, neither should you put off the blindfold. Do not let her make you feel fear or it'll get real.” Nala said in a hurry, and then she heard a snap of a finger.Lauren covered her ears with her hands as it was piercingly loud. And out of the blue, she felt alone. She could no longer feel Nala’s presence.She was left alone, and the air was chilly. Also, it felt as if she was on a vast land that was dark but was illuminated by the moonlight.Then she heard a light, but echoing cackle“Where am I? Where's Nala?” Lauren asked, with a shaky voice.“Do you need to know when you can't see?” She cackled again. “Anyways, prepare to bade goodbye to the earth, because you will not live to see your loved ones and friends when my pet is done with you.” She threatened, in a way that sent fear down Lauren’s spine.Her heart skipped a beat in anxiousness.“Was she planning to
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chapter 79
With her heart in her chest, she screamed. She was supposed to brace for impact, but her hands were outstretched, even though she knew they would break if they hit the ground first. Fortunately for her, she fell against someone, and they both fell to the ground, rolling fast down a hill. She could not even raise her hands or try to take off the blindfold.They hit large rocks, branches, sharp twigs, and thorns as they rolled mercilessly down the hill. Lauren only hoped that she wasn't with anything scary.Eventually, they rolled into water, and she opened her mouth, only for water to gush in, and choke her. She raised her head, and gasped for breath, taking off the blindfold hastily.Nala emerged from the water, and Lauren screamed.“It's me!” She said hastily, and Lauren took in deep breaths. “You scared me.” She replied, feeling her heart, still racing as fast as a racing horse.“I lost you. Are you hurt?” She asked, looking at Lauren, and Lauren looked at herself. There were scra
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chapter 80
On Lauren’s side, she had also flashbacked to that time when she had just met Quincy’s godmother for the first time.For some reason, she badly wanted to be accepted by his godmother. She seemed like a really friendly, and fun person to be with; she didn't want to get on her bad side and be disliked by her. Also, since she wanted Quincy to herself, she had to at least, be on the good side of his godmother.Lauren got to her feet, immediately acknowledged her, and was surprised to find her legs shaking. Not even her fingers were spared from the tremble. They tightened on her dress. She was such a beautiful, and graceful woman. When she had walked in, her demeanor had come as relaxing, reassuring, and beautiful. “Welcome, ma'am.” She greeted them with dry lips. “I'm Lauren.” She said, not knowing what else to say. “Are you from this city?” She asked, with inquisitive eyes. “Yes,” Quincy replied before Lauren could get a word out, and it made a little relief trickle down her chest.
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