All Chapters of Winston Empire: Battle Between Heirs: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
55 chapters
Chapter 11: Reward for Betrayal
Anna refused to speak to Joel when they got home. Their quarrel just got worsened by his grandfather's insensitive remark. Joel was aware that his grandfather was worried that he was the only son of the Winston family. The day he went to see his grandfather, he had mentioned to him the need to have another heir in case anything were to happen to Joel. Joel didn't take him seriously. If he had known his grandfather's intention beforehand he wouldn't have taken Anna and Mimi to him. Joel went on to attend to other matters. It was time to free the jerks he had tied up in the abandoned warehouse yesterday. He had to release them immediately because the news was already flooding with headlines about Xavier and minions missing. The news also reported the destruction of Xavier's hotel. Joel knew it wouldn't be wise to kill them now. If the authorities were to investigate the cause of their death. It might lead back to him. He picked up his phone to make one call. "Release them
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Chapter 12: Billionaires Club
The mere mention of Joel Brown Winston was beginning to creep under his enemies skin. The news about the Winston Empire being passed to a young heir was making rounds. Those close to the Winston Family knew Joel was the heir everyone is talking about. Meanwhile, others unaware of the happenings within the Winston Empire were eager to discover who the heir was. The biggest surprise to everyone was that the trillion-dollar conglomerate had never gone bankrupt contrary to what was believed years ago. Joel had to make a broadcast statement by 5 pm announcing his succession. Before that, he had an important task to deal with. At the other end, the Billionaires Club was watching Joel closely. They were furious about what he had done to their members, especially Xavier, a senior member of the club. "What do you say we do now about Joel Brown, the new heir to the Winston Empire?" the president of the club, asked. He didn’t want to waste any more time. As soon as the members on the rou
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Chapter 13: The Shocking News 
Anna was beyond happy because Mimi's surgery was a success. However, she was still mad at Joel because of his grandfather. Joel was a smart man who knew when not to stress over a matter. He loves Anna but the tension between them made him pull away because he's scared he might reveal his dark side to her if she pushed him with her annoying remarks. Joel, who had apologized for his grandfather's mistake, thinks Anna isn't telling him something. Since her visit there's this anxiety that appears on her face when his grandfather's name is mentioned. She's been acting all weird. Joel understands that his grandfather is a strict and blunt man. Telling Anna about how she needs to give birth to a son was his way of worrying about the family. He desperately wanted another male child in the family. Joel lost his parents in a helicopter crash seven years ago. Since then his grandfather had been pestering him to get married. It came as a shock to him when he brought Anna home and his gran
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Chapter 14: Suspicion
Joel stormed into his grandfather's room. He sees some of the staff surrounding his grandfather's bed. Upon seeing him. They all made way for him to come in. His heart was heavy, every step he took towards his grandfather was him struggling not to break down. His only family was gone…the legendary Business Grandmaster was no more. Few years ago he was shocked when he heard about his parents death on the news. The helicopter crash that took his parents life was that one incident that changed his life forever. Becoming an heir to a trillion-dollar empire when he was still learning the basics in business wasn't easy on him. The burden on him was too much. He had to be a fast learner to survive in the corporate world and to make his grandfather proud. Joel touched his grandfather's hand in his. It felt so cold. His father laid there without moving "Albert!" He yelled his grandfather's secretary's name, fighting back the tears that stung his eyes, "Damn it! Where are you, Albert
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Chapter 15: Hurdles
Never had Joel felt so confused and lost in his life. The only time his felt this emotionally stressed was when his parents died. He couldn't put it past him that Anna might know something and she's decided to remain quiet.His grandfather was about to reveal something to him and the next minute, he's been told that he is dead. To Joel, it was very abnormal and suspicious. And then what makes it worse, is the reason the doctor gave as the cause of death. Joel and Anna weren't speaking at all. Anna has tried to make him understand that she knows nothing about his grandfather's death but Joel refuses to believe her. He comes back home late just to avoid her and prevent him from getting so angry. Two weeks later, on the day of the funeral, Joel promised to search for answers and bring his grandfather justice. After everyone had left the memorial pack, Doctor Lee Chen waited behind to speak to Joel. He pulled him away from the scores of people who had attended Carl Brown Winston's Buri
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Chapter 16: Open Invitation
Joel joined Xavier as soon as he reached his company. "What are you doing here?" Joel barked. He wasn't in the mood to entertain any visitor yet. Xavier was the last person he wanted to see. "Ouch…I feel hurt. You shouldn't be yelling at me like that. I'm just a guest" Xavier had a mischievous grin across his face. "I only came to pay my respects, you know." Joel almost punched Xavier on his face but Albert, who was also with them, stopped him right on time. The two hefty men serving as Xavier's body guard stepped forward to protect their master. "You should have had the decency to come to face me after his funeral. You can't deceive me because I know what this visit is all about. You're here to laugh." "Ahhh…" Xavier's hand flew to cover his mouth, pretending to be shocked. "How did you know that? Actually, the Billionaire club will miss your father and his legacy. He was our rival. Sympathizing with you in a way that doesn't show our true feelings is only hypocritical.
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Chapter 17: The Brotherhood Cult
This month was the worst month of Joel's life. He hasn't had a moment to breathe like a normal human should. From his grandfather's death to his marriage falling apart. Nothing was working well for him. Albert informed Joel of a visitor who had come to the estate to see him. "I don't feel like seeing anyone." Joel blurted, he picked his teacup and stir his coffee with a spoon. "By the way, whoever isn't booked to see me for today has no business with me." "This visitor isn't some visitor you can just send away." "Who is this? And why can't I send him away?" Joel asked impatiently. Albert shook his head gently, he moved close enough to Joel to explain. "He used to visit your grandfather when he was alive," he muttered. "There's this thing called the Brotherhood cult, the late master was a part of them." Joel suddenly felt his stomach churn. "You mean like the Billionaires club?" "Yes. It's sad your grandfather couldn't tell you more before he died." Joel couldn't
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Chapter 18: The Corporate Titan's Estranged Wife
Joel didn't want to think too much about the Brotherhood cult or Billionaires Club. They were the least of his problems. His marriage was on fire and whoever killed his father I'd walk free. Suspecting his wife was already giving sleepless nights and banging headaches. He shook his head as a thought popped in his head. Something was going on behind the scenes. Why was everyone trying to take him under their wing?If he were to ever join the Billionaires club he was sure that the Brotherhood wouldn't seat silent. Joel dropped into the leather seat. He decided he would just tidy up his grandfather's desk and clear out anything that's unimportant. That's his best bet for keeping his mind from wandering to places he didn't want to go. He began by emptying the drawers on the left side of the desk. When he was done sorting the papers and separating the important files from the unimportant ones, he returned them back into the drawer.He turned to the right side and in the first drawer he
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Chapter 19: The Corporate Titan's Estranged Wife (II)
Anna picked up the file with trembling hands and her jaw immediately dropped. She couldn't raise her head to look him in the eye. The shame she felt tore through her like a knife. "Can't you speak? I'm waiting!" Joel's patience was fast running out. "I…I wanted to tell you, but I…didn't know how to…I'm sorry." Anna stuttered as she continued to look down at the secret she's hidden from Joel for five years. "You lied to me Anna. You told me you had no family as you had lost them when you were young." His nose flared and eyes flashed at her, completely losing his temper. "What part of your life is even real? You hid the fact that you're a Mafia's daughter all these years." Tears trickled down Anna's cheeks. "That was my past. I wanted to live a new life leaving all the terrible experiences behind. I and Harper had to run from home after our father died because a rival mafia gang was after us." "And you want me to believe all this? I love you Anna. I left my family just to s
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Chapter 20: Crumbling Times
Joel stormed through the doors of the Winston Estate, his mind reeling with shock and anger. The revelation that his wife, Anna, was the daughter of a Mexican mafia lord and had hidden her identity from him felt like a betrayal. He couldn't believe it. Not after what they have been through together. To him she was just a simple beautiful Mexican lady he fell in love with. His wife's sudden transition from a simple lady to a notorious mafia's daughter was making him lose his mind. He moved in the direction of the study. He couldn't believe the woman he loved and trusted could deceive him so deeply.As he entered his study, his secretary, Albert, approached him with a sad expression. "Sir, I'm afraid I have some terrible news."Joel's heart sank further. "What is it, Albert? I'm just getting back from seeing my wife and I'm not in a good mood right now. If you know that this isn't terrible-terrible , then give me some space."Albert bowed and boldly took a step forward. "The cl
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