All Chapters of Winston Empire: Battle Between Heirs: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
55 chapters
Chapter 1: Fraudster (I)
Joel Brown Winston yawned, extending his arms until he was well set. He had been working at night and so could not go back home to his wife and daughter. He just had to call her to inform her that he could not come back home the previous day. Frank Simsero, his senior at work, had assigned him some work to do and he was to present it to him and the CEO this morning. That's the reason he had to work all through the night. He was about to fold his sleeves, when he realized that a crucial paper was not on his desk as it should. It was a financial report he was going to also present to the Chief Executive Officer of the company, Jimmy Hendrik. Joel was carried away searching for the documents when two police officers walked into the office. He didn't know they were coming to him. “Are you Joel Brown?” One of the police officers questioned. Joel glanced up from the work desk that he was using. Everyone at the office looked at him, wondering why two policemen were here at this early
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Chapter 2: Fraudster (II)
When Joel was lying in a cold room of the police station with severe injuries, Officer Michaels just enjoyed his sadism. ⁤⁤He strolled around Joel, and his tone was sarcastic, full of hatred. ⁤“Well, well, well, Joel Winston,” Michaels mocked and his voice was filled with hatred. ⁤⁤“Well, I got a rather amusing message today, you know, there is a party tonight and your wife would be main attraction there for all rich men.”⁤ ⁤Joel was fuming with anger as Officer Michaels went on to disrespect and humiliate Anna, his wife. ⁤⁤Every word that Michaels said was a dagger piercing Joel’s heart, each insult building up the rage within him until it was hot and blazing. ⁤⁤”You don’t even mention her name in that disgusting mouth of yours!”⁤⁤ Joel shouted, his throat was sore and his eyes welled up with anger. ⁤⁤“If anything happens to her because of youᅳ” ⁤Joel's anger boiled over. ⁤⁤“You bastard!” he said in a voice that was rough with anger. ⁤⁤“If you or anyone else touches my wife, yo
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Chapter 3: Fraudster (III)
Officer Miachel raised up his hand just when the cops were about to push Joel. " If any of you try to lay your stinky hands on him, I will make sure my angel will have that hand as her lunch!" The chief officer and a familiar man walked in. Joel recognises this man as David Campell. He was a butler of the Winston family. "How dare you arrest him?" The chief barked at the policeman.. Joel on the other hand was surprised to see David Campbell here. He wasn't close to the man and has never really spoken much with him at work. So he was surprised that David knew who he was. “I am sorry, young master for arriving late.” He bowed his head and apologized to him."You would never lay your hands on anyone again after this” He punched the policeman, and that made him fall on the ground with a thud."How dare you lay your filthy hands on him? Don't you know who he is?"." David turned his face to the policeman and threatened him.. The policeman looked confused. The chief officer decided to
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Chapter 4: Framed by the Company
The police officer shrieked in his defense. "No. I swear I didn't. Your wife's step brother Harper is part of the plan too. He's the one taking her to him. " Joel fell back in the chair, his head in his hands. He was shocked that this was happening to him. He got up and tossed the chair to the wall in anger. His wife would be raped by Frank if he doesn't save her on time. To add to his worries, his daughter, Mimi, is sick. She has a heart disease and her surgery is in a month's time. He was still saving up for the surgery. He didn't want anything happening to her either. "And where the fuck is my daughter?" Joel yelled at the policeman. "I have no idea. Harper should know?" Joel felt defeated. He couldn't believe his brother-in-law would connive with his enemies to put him behind bars and take his wife away. "You don't have to worry. We would find their location," David Campbell said. He wanted Joel to remain calm. "I'll advise you to call your grandfather. He has been wanting
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Chapter 5: Taken to the Enemies
"Not after I paid Harper two hundred thousand dollars to bring you to me. If I let you go, that would be a loss for me," Frank said and his friends laughed. "Having you to myself is compensation for the part I played in sending your husband to jail. Get up and put up a dance show for us…start by rocking those wide hips of yours." Anna was reluctant. This made Frank furious. He walked up to her and slapped her face, then yanked her hair to get her standing on her feet. "Do it now." He ordered. Anna was still persistent. Frank decided to play her by bringing her daughter into the picture. He was going to force her to do what he says. "If you really want to save your daughter, you will have to please me and my friends tonight. You will dance and later we will all have fun with you right here on this couch."Four bundles of hundred dollar bills were laid on the table by Frank. This was to compel her. Frank pointed at the money. "That's more than enough money for your daughter's su
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Chapter 6: Fighting for His Family
There were murmurs around them as soon as Xavier Taylor was mentioned. Joel knows who he is, because everyone in Florida does. Xavier is the heir to a multibillion-dollar conglomerate and a rich family, just like Joel. The only difference is that Xavier flaunts his family name and his achievements while Joel doesn't. Joel was an independent business man after he distanced himself from his grandfather's business five years ago. He achieved success on his own for two years, but things turned upside down after he was nearly killed by a hitman. Joel walked to the sofa to take a seat, crossing one leg over another. He looked up at Frank and his trembling friends who still looked traumatized after Joel's beating. "I will wait for your boss. You're nothing but ass-lickers, so talking to a bunch of shits like you is a waste of time. Xavier owns the hotel afterall.""When he meets you here, you will regret ever setting foot in his hotel. He would kill you and toss your body to his wild d
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Chapter 7: The Corporate Titan's Shocking Return
A thought popped up in Xavier's head. He was contemplating how easy it would be to take out Joel here in his hotel. If he doesn't kill Joel now, then he is doomed. And killing Joel at this moment was the best bet for Xavier because he knew it would be harder to kill him if he was out of here. Joel is the Corporate Titan that they all wanted dead. Now that he's officially back, it only meant one thing for the others; trouble. "All of you here today with Xavier will face my wrath. I will come after you one by one."Xavier's minions trembled. They were afraid for their lives and businesses. They thought Joel had no power anymore. Joel rose from the sofa and straightened his suit. "In case you all have forgotten, let me remind you that I will be blowing up the hotel soon." "You will do no such thing." Xavier warned as he pulled a short gun from the back of his trousers.Joel was fast to kick the short gun from Xavier's hands. As a taekwondo champion and skilled martial artist, he cou
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Chapter 8: The Corporate Titan Revealed
"Ple…we…were scared you would cause us trouble again." Xavier groaned in pain. "The company you were working for was enjoying immense success thanks to your effort. We told your boss, Jimmy Hendrik, to fabricate a charge that would put you away in jail for a long time." "I wonder why Jimmy would do such a thing. Did you offer him money or —"Xavier didn't allow Joel to finish asking his question. "No. It wasn't money. We told him we would give him whatever he wanted if helped us get rid of you. He told us he wanted to join the Billionaires club." "Pathetic." Joel hissed, shaking his head, "Jimmy Hendrik, has no clue what's about to hit him. He splashed wine on me and humiliated me after all I did for his company. He'll hate being a CEO." Joel walked up to each of Xavier's men, and tied thorns on their feet. Their screams came out as a muffled sound as the thorns prick their skin with each movement. Xavier couldn't help his men. He watched as Joel tormented them. "Your men will
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Chapter 9: Revealing His Identity
"I was never one to put myself in the limelight. I didn't like flaunting my family name," Joel muttered. "After my parents died in a helicopter crash. The burden to grow the empire was too much to bear. I received fake love from people because of who I was and also my grandfather and I fell out. So I decided I wasn't going to use my family name as my identity anymore." "Why didn't you ever tell me this until now? You lied to me. I thought you were a humble guy who was so brilliant when it came to business." "I was trying to shield you and protect you from the dark side of my world. And I wanted someone to love me for me. I was tired of receiving love and help that weren't genuine." Joel gently touched her. "Don't touch me!" She glared at him. "If you're Joel Brown Winston as you claim to be then we shouldn't have been struggling all these years. We could barely afford many essentials. We are in so much debt." Joel knew she would receive the news in a negative way because he ha
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Chapter 10: Visit to the Winston Estate
There wasn't any communication between Joel and Anna after the tension between them yesterday. However, this morning a message was sent to Joel that his grandfather wanted to see Anna and their daughter Mimi. This made Joel worried. He didn't have any idea why his grandfather wanted to see them. His relationship and marriage to Anna was the reason he had fallen out with his grandfather five years ago. He never agreed for Joel to marry Anna because she wasn't from a wealthy family. Anna was a nobody from the city of Mexico. And to his grandfather, she wasn't suitable to be welcomed into the Winston family. "Where are you taking us to?" Anna asked the second she got into the back of the car next to Jeol. "My grandfather wants to see you." Joel answered without looking at her. He pulled his daughter onto his lap. The driver started the car. "Why?" "I don't know. I guess he wants to see you and Mimi. Get to know you two." "I see." She mumbled. "Why wasn't he ever in our lives unt
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