All Chapters of Winston Empire: Battle Between Heirs: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
55 chapters
Chapter 31: Running for Her Life
The banging sound on one of the doors caused Anna's eyes to flutter open, her heart racing as she was jolted awake by this strange sound. She looked around her darkened room, scared and confused. She realized it was 9:00 pm. She had fallen asleep early just next to her daughter. She sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed. "I need to check out what made that sound," she said to herself aloud. When she left her room, she noticed something was off. Her maid and guards were nowhere to be found. A chill ran down her spine as she increased her pace and screamed their names individually. But she was only met with the echoes of her own voice. "Where is everyone?" she wondered, her voice barely above a whisper. She quickly made her way through the house, the silence screaming in her head. Her bare feet reacted to the coldness of the tiled floor and later became numb. But as she turned a corner, she saw it. Trails of blood on the floor. Her heart skipped a beat as fe
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Chapter 32: Family Gone Missing
Joel's driver pulled into the compound. Joel was breathing heavily, his heart pounding in his chest because he had so much to say to Anna. He hoped Anna would listen to him and forgive him for treating her awfully. "I'm such a terrible husband," he whispered to himself. He was shocked to see the police car and an ambulance there. He hadn't been paying attention when he drove in which is why he hadn't noticed that the gates were wide open and the guard was nowhere to be found. He hurried into the house and just then some medics walked out with three corpses in a body guard. He noticed something was off. The police were everywhere, and they seemed to be in a state of chaos. Joel's mind was racing as he tried to make sense of what was happening."Excuse me," he said to one of the officers. "What's going on here?"The officer turned to him and said, "Are you the homeowner, Joel Brown Winston?"Joel nodded, and the officer continued, "We've had a bit of an incident here. Three bodies
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Chapter 33: Regrets
The detective and officers tried to restrain Joel but he didn't make it easy for them. He stormed out of the room, his heart racing with fear and anxiety. How could his only child be gone? He thought to himself. He pushed through the doors wanting to see his daughter with his own eyes because he still couldn't believe what he just heard.Joel stopped as the doors gave way for him. He looked around and then he saw her, his little girl, lying on a cold sterile table. His heart stopped as he took in the sight of her small, lifeless body. All he could do was growl out in pain. He held her little hand in his. "Mimi, I failed you and your mother. I'm sorry I have been a terrible father. It's all my fault." He growled again as he clutched onto his daughter's cold body, his scream echoed through the room. He felt his heart tearing apart. Deep down he knew this was the last straw. He wasn't sure he was going to be able to survive this. The Detective and the officers had to allow Joel somet
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Chapter 34: Broken
Albert tried to console Joel, but he pushed him away. He didn't want his comfort and didn't want his pity. He just wanted his wife found. The search had been on for three days and there was no news about his wife, Anna. Days passed and Joel became a shadow of himself. He stopped eating and sleeping. Everything was crashing down, even the business his grandfather had passed down to him. Joel realized he couldn't function without his family. Joel, refusing to give up, sent his men out again and told them to find her at all cost. They returned with the same sad news. She was nowhere to be found. Joel finally broke down and he shut himself away from the world. No amount of pleas from Albert could move Joel to get back to his normal life. For a week, Joel stayed indoors mourning the loss of his family. He couldn't believe he was all alone in the world. He couldn't believe he would never see them again. Albert couldn't take it anymore. If he let Joel have his way, he could die under
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Chapter 35: Negotiation
Albert ordered the men to put Joel in the car. Seconds later the car wound its way through the deserted roads, Joel's foggy mind struggling to comprehend his surroundings. No amount of struggle could free him from the grasp of these tough looking men. He wasn't in his best so he couldn't even save himself if he wanted to. Joel was turning into a liability even for himself. Joel's pounding headache intensified, making him give up his struggle. As the car came to a halt, his gaze fell upon an unfamiliar building. It was so quiet and the mysterious air surrounded it. "Where am I?" Joel demanded, his voice laced with a mix of anger and distrust. "Albert, why did you bring me here?" "You're somewhere safe," Albert replied, turning to face his men who were waiting for his next command."Don't fool me. There's nothing safe about this place." Joel snarled, jerking out of the men's hold. They were quick to hold him down. "Why would you bring me to such a place if you do not have Ill inte
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Chapter 36: Next Plan 
Joel’s eyes stared blankly at the wall, his mind consumed with self-loathing. How did it come to this? He couldn’t believe that an hour ago he was held captive by Albert just so he could bring him back to his senses. He stepped in front of the mirror and was disgusted at the reflection that stared back at him. He had lost so much weight. His once clean shaven face wasn't so clean anymore. He picked out a razor to shave before he stepped into the shower. His ego was hurt but he had to admit that Albert was right. Just because Anna wasn't found doesnt mean she was dead. And he couldn't hand it over the trophy to his enemies on a platter of gold. They are all in a competition to oust one another. Ruining himself with his own hand was giving the enemy more points and more advantage. He was such a fool. He thought. When he stepped out of the shower, he felt better. He dressed up quickly to head for the dining room, as he was already feeling famished. Albert had ordered his meal to be pr
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Chapter 37: His Backbone
Joel's footsteps echoed on the wet pavement as he approached the Hotel. It was an old hotel in the middle of town, it was so quiet and didn't have people walking in and out of it like other big fancy hotels. Joel believes the Brotherhood must have chosen this location as their meeting place because of its quietness and privacy.As he stepped in through the metal door, Joel was greeted by the figures of three figures dressed in expensive suits. They all raise their heads to meet his gaze. "You're late Winston." "I'll prefer being called by my name," Joel answered as he dropped into the leather seat. "I'm sorry, the rain caused a traffic jam.""Welcome Jeol," the familiar man seated in the middle said, his voice smooth and gentle. "It's good to see that you are still on your feet after all that has happened to you." Joel wasn't sure if he was to take the man's words as a complement or a tease. He nodded curtly, his heart racing. "I know you all have wanted this meeting to be held
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Chapter 38: Shocking Find
Joel was waiting for an answer. With the reaction they had on them, he was almost sure they knew who was causing him so much pain. "I'm all ears, gentlemen," he whispered, becoming impatient. "Don't put any ideas in your head yet." One of them was quick to say. "We are only being cautious. We aren't sure yet but with you asking for our help now, we have no choice but to investigate and confirm who is or are after you." "And here I was thinking you already had an answer to my question." Joel said rather loudly. "I hope this investigation won't take forever because I'm running out of time.""I hope you can trust us more than you do now. If you know who the Brotherhood cult is you would go home from here and have a nice sleep. But we'll let you off the hook because you have no idea of our capabilities." "It would be amazing if you could blow my mind because your confidence is off the roof." Joel stood up to pour himself another glass of champagne. He felt like drinking another becau
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Chapter 39: Painful Departure
A few people were talking to the nurse at the reception area. Joel wasn't expecting the hospital to be that busy by 7AM. He sat in a metal chair, his hands clasped tightly in his lap. He stared at the floor, trying to ground himself, breathing slowly to keep himself calm. His head felt heavy from the lack of sleep and even at the moment he felt so anxious because he didn't know what news to expect about his wife, Anna. When the reception area was free of people, he approached the reception desk, his voice barely above a whisper as he stated. "I'm Joel Brown and I'm the husband of one of your patients, Anna Brown." He leaned into the nurse. "I got a message last night that I should be here by 7 AM." The nurse, a middle-aged woman with kind eyes, gave him a brief sympathetic nod. "You can see Dr. Patchman now." Gesturing toward a door down the hall. Joel gave her kind smile before scurrying away. His heart raced as he walked down the corridor, his footsteps echoing against t
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Chapter 40: In Progress
A week later Joel had rushed over to meet the Brotherhood as soon as they called. This time at their official meeting point. He was already a part of them so he was given the main address to where the Brotherhood converged for their meetings. He had come to them in desperation, and now he was about to find out what the Brotherhood had done to give him what he desperately needed. The last time they met at the old hotel, he asked them for help and they promised to get back to him in less than a week. He was being hopeful and the news had come earlier that morning: the charges against him for Xavier's death had been dropped and the media had declared him innocent. He rejoiced for a moment before Albert came in to tell him about the meeting. He was happy with the outcome but he couldn't dismiss the suspicious thoughts his mind harbored. When Joel entered the chamber, the leaders of the Brotherhood were already waiting. Five men sat around a circular table. Their faces were unreadab
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