All Chapters of Winston Empire: Battle Between Heirs: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
55 chapters
Chapter 41: Grand Party
Six months had passed and Joel had found a way to survive all that has happened to him. Now he was standing in his lavish living room, surrounded by friends and colleagues celebrating his win; the immense success of Winston Successes. The company's turnaround was nothing short of miraculous and Joel was the man of the hour. Being the end of the year, It is a great time and season to celebrate such a winAs he mingled with the guests, a familiar face approached him. It was Clark, a close friend. He met Clark in Mexico years ago. Clark only recently moved to Florida three months ago and has really been a good friend. "Joel, I am beyond shocked. How did you do it?" he said, his eyes flashed with curiosity. "When I came over to Florida, you were at the brink of disaster and now…this" A little smile appeared on Joel's lips. "Honestly, Clark, I can't explain the effect my suffering had on me. I can remember being determined not to allow whoever was out to get me to win." "I envy you,
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Chapter 42: Questionable Union
Joel sat in his office beaming with excitement as he discussed his upcoming engagement with Emma. He looked like someone who had fallen in love all over again. He flipped his pen continuously on his desk while smiling and speaking excitedly. Albert couldn't help but take in the new Joel. He had to do what he had to do to get Joel to his senses months ago, but Joel behaved like he was reborn and triumphed through his sufferings. He doesn't even talk about Anna much but he hears from the maid that they've seen him on several occasions staring at a picture of hers. There's no doubt he's still in love with her. Albert was happy to see him as a new man but he was worried and he was determined to speak to Joel about the matter. The moment Joel ended the phone, Albert dropped into a seat and pulled himself forward. "Sir, are you sure about this?"Joel's smile disappeared as he put on a straight face. "What do you mean, Albert?""You've only just known this lady, Emma. And now you are ru
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Chapter 43: Unaware 
Joel and Emma were enjoying a lavish dinner at one of the fanciest restaurants in town, the Chez Pierre. Joel sipped his wines and smiled back at Emma. He couldn't help but admire how beautiful she looked tonight. "I could keep staring at you forever." Joel leaned in and whispered. Emma turned away shyly. "You flatter me alot." "That's no flatter, babe. You're beautiful and I'm sure you're going to bear me a handsome son." She leaned closely and stretched her hand to caress one of his hands lying on the table. "You have nothing to worry about. A handsome son you shall get." They both laugh and continue to savor their exquisite meal, and when Joel looked up from his meal to speak, their conversation quickly turned to their social circle. Emma's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I think after the wedding, we should have a dinner party and invite at least twenty people," "Twenty?" Joel raised a brow. "I was thinking more like five or six close friends. At most ten." "Come on,
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Chapter 43: The Lies She Told
The doctor was trying to explain to Joel further about Emma's refusal to speak up after she was asked some questions regarding her fake pregnancy but he was too impatient and enraged. Joel stormed into the hospital room. "Emma we need to talk," he growled, his voice reverberating through the room. Emma tried getting away from him "I can explain,""Explain what?" He yelled. "How you never had asthma or how you lied about being pregnant." The doctor tried to intervene. "Sir, I think this is best done away from the surroundings. But Joel was unstoppable. He fired at the doctor. "You can't tell me what and what not to do here."The doctor had to take a step back to avoid any confrontations with Joel. Joel lunged at Emma and gripped her neck and pushed her against the wall. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you right now. " He snarled, tightening his grip on her neck. "I'm sorry….I wanted to be yours so badly that I had to lie about the pregnancy. And I didn't want to distu
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Chapter 44: Vacation in Mexico
Joel stepped out of the plane in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico and took a deep breath of warm salty air. He had to escape to this beautiful town to relax after what happened between him and Emma. He still couldn't believe that he had almost fallen for her lies. He breathed in a lungful of air again. He was sure this beautiful town would clear his mind and put it at ease. Before he left he had warned Albert not to inform anyone of where he had gone Not even Emma, if she happened to come back to ask. "I'll be spending two weeks in Mexico." He had told Albert. "On no account should you tell anyone where I am exactly. I really need to get out of here for a while." "You need time to relax, sir. I'll do as you've instructed," Albert replied. "I'm exhausted from the number of calls I receive trying to explain to everyone why the wedding was called off." He had said. "Won't they still ask questions when you return?" Albert had asked. "I seriously need a break from that which disturbs me no
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Chapter 45: The Unexpected Visitor
Watching how people from different races come to have a great time in Puerto Vallarta looked remarkable. Joel sat alone at a beautiful restaurant surrounded by loving couples and families. As he gazed out at the serene ocean. He felt unhappy and lonely. He couldn't help but think of Anna, the one woman who had ever truly loved him for who he was, not his wealth. "If only I could find someone like her again," Joel sighed to himself. For months, those who he had given the job to keep searching for her hadn't returned with any good news. She's still nowhere to be found. He thought about his past relationships, including Emma, who was nothing but a manipulator and a liar. Joel's mind wandered to the idea of finding a responsible woman to carry his child but his thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of his food. As he ate, Joel began to think about securing an heir for himself, in case he could find a suitable partner. He considered the possibility of getting a surrogate mother,
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Chapter 46: Spy
Joel's impatience grew as he waited for Emma to begin speaking. He was eager for her to leave, so the faster she begins telling him what she's here for, the faster he'll get rid of her. Emma claimed she's connected and knows people at high places but he couldn't accept that as the whole truth. She located him so easily. Her ability to find him here only added to his distrust, especially considering the lies she had already told him. "I'm waiting, spit it out. You know I don't have all day." Joel said, his tone firm as he stated at her. "What do you know about my grandfather's death?" Emma's smile seemed forced as she finished texting someone on her phone. "Just a minute. I promise to tell you everything." She placed her phone on the table and her hand knocked over her glass of wine, spilling it all over the table and rug. She gasped, pretending it was an accident. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I've been clumsy lately." Joel raised an eyebrow, he's been watching her closely and he
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Chapter 47: The Man Behind the Mask
Joel's breathing became more shallow as he struggled in pain. The footsteps got closer. The stranger stopped in front of Joel's struggling form and gazed down at him with contempt. Seeing the only Winston Heir lying helplessly on the floor made him drip with excitement. He turned to Emma. "Well done, you've done an amazing job. Who would have thought the grandson to the almighty Carl Brown Winston will be easily eliminated." Emma muttered with so much pride. "Thank you, Liam. Even though you doubted me. I told you I could do it." Liam's gaze shifted back to Joel, who was writhing in pain. Joel was trying to say something but he was barely audible. "What are you trying to say?" Liam squatted and lowered his head close to Joel's mouth. "Who…are…you?" Joel breathed with difficulty. "Oh!" Liam laughed. "I was going to tell you even if you don't ask. But I can see why it's rude to keep a dying man waiting" Liam looked so excited to introduce himself, it was as if he had
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Chapter 48: Dead or Alive
An elegant lady dressed in a beautiful white dress stared across the waiting room, turning her head from left to right. It was obvious she was waiting for someone. There was no sign of that person passing by. Moments later, her eyes were fixed on the elevator. She didn't want to lose this person in case he passed by. After waiting for a long time, her patience was beginning to wear out. She was here to see Joel Winston Brown. She had planned on seeing him and surprising him but unfortunately her plan was disrupted by the appearance if a strange lady. She had to come back down to wait when she saw the lady walk into Joel's room. She was almost lost in thought when she saw the lady who had walked into Joel's room earlier emerge, arm in arm with another man. Her eyes widened in confusion. She was certain this lady had gone into Joel's room. She's known about his arrival in Mexico and every other detail about him wasn't a secret to her. She wasn't comfortable with what she had seen
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Chapter 49: Keep It a Secret
The doctor filled Anna in on how they think her husband, Joel, was poisoned. They had to commence with more important processes to stabilize him properly after a gastric lavage was performed on him. At the receptionist desk, Anna was about to sign the papers when the news came on with Joel's face on the screen. Joel's situation was already public knowledge. She wondered how the media got to know so fast and she was shown Jeol wasn't the kind of man throwing his title or influence around. So it had to be someone else's doing that the news was being reported. The headline read: "Businessman Joel Brown Winston Found Unconscious (Possibly Dead) in a Mexican Five Star Hotel." Anna's hands trembled. She didn't like that the news about her husband was already spreading fast. She knew she had to act fast. After signing the necessary document, Anna quickly made her way to meet the doctor in charge of Joel's case. Her heart was pounding in her chest. "Doctor, I'm sorry. I can see you ar
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