All Chapters of Voyage of Mysteries: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
99 chapters
Chapter Eleven: Reconnaissance Turned Horror
After thinking for a long period of time, Walter finally came up with what you could call a perfect plan. He hadn't been so pleased all his life that he had to narrate his plan to the talkative Imaginary Cluster."So, you're gonna visit the museum this afternoon?" a puzzled face appeared on the mirror with the right eyebrow raised higher than the left."Yes," Walter nodded in a satisfactory way. To him, his plan was the best plan he had ever come across. Not even MCs in movies could contend with him now, so he thought."What are you gonna do at the museum?" Imaginary Cluster asked. Hearing this, Walter knew what was coming his way.Taking a deep breathe, Walter replied, "I'm gonna take a detour around the Museum this afternoon to familiarize myself with the place.""Oh!" Imaginary Cluster's voice became more excited than ever. "I see...So you're now Sherlock Holmes. Too bad you cannot be as smart as he was."Walter's face turned pale. Imaginary Cluster, can you learn some manners and
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Chapter Twelve: Book of Mysteries
The Museum, MythVille CityA lofty building stood in a very beautiful environment which exuded significance, differentiating it from the 'everyday' buildings around. The building was a perfect work of architecture, archaic in nature. It was very beautiful and has this 'mystical' exuberance.This was the city's museum. Not only did it keep ancient sculptures and relics but also mystical artefacts over the years.After getting his ticket at the ticket room, Walter had made his way to the permanent exhibition room.Here, he discovered that he was not the only person visiting. There were about twenty students and two teachers in the room as well, all of them fascinated by the galleries. The Museum curator was a man in his late 40s and had this air of profoundness around him. No doubt, he was very knowledgeable."This is the Ancient Tongue," the Museum curator said, showing down a black book. "This book contains the Ancient Tongue language."The students all widened their eyes with piqued
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Chapter Thirteen: Call the Cops
Office of the Arcane Safety HeadDamien Hastle was seated behind a brown desk, reading a book. With the runes and strange languages in the book, it was obvious he was reading a book about magic.Auburn hair, sea blue eyes and beautiful lips made him an exceptionally handsome man with an intriguing demeanour.He was focused on the rune book which lay before him, reading with all manner of seriousness. He wanted to increase his knowledge about magic so that he could cultivate his Magical Body and advance quickly to the High Magic Array. He had been in the Array Seven for two years now without any development and this was making him impatient with advancing.Advancing to High Magic Arrays was very difficult and dangerous—a mixture of the two with a higher tone. Unlike the Low and Middle Arrays where sorcerers had to build up their Magical Bodies before advancing, High Magic Arrays were not like that. They needed some kind of ritual and this ritual could take days, months and years! It wa
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Chapter Fourteen: Horror and Chaos
The faces gnarled as their heads flew towards the teams of Arcane Guards and sorcerers. Their faces became paler and paler, losing all form of luster. The teams couldn't help but gape in horror as these horde of creatures swarmed towards them. And to think that the whole woods was filled with these swarming creatures made everything eerie!All the teams quickly casted the Magical Barrier spell in oneness before they even used their mystical items. This was because the heads were moving very fast and had almost neared them. Using any mystical item in this situation would result to them losing vigilance, giving the creatures a wide array of chances to chew off their bodies.Seeing the magical barriers, the creatures didn't lose hope. Instead wide smiles appeared on their faces as if they were telling the teams that their collective effort to ward them off was in vain. They opened their mouths and long tongues slithered out of them, green liquids drooling over their mouths. On a closer
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Chapter Fifteen: Unrest
The remaining teams which didn't go to MythVille Woods, remained in the city. Every Arcane Guard of the Arcane Safety Department and sorcerer of the Hands Of Arcane paraded the whole city, keeping watch. Several bulwarks were put up by the Arcane Guards and sorcerers to protect the city for extraterrestrial attacks.It was in the late hours of the morning when the day was usually bustling with activities of great immensity. During this hour of the day, people were usually busy and didn't even have time for themselves. When the people saw the Arcane Guards and sorcerers moving about, they feared something was actually wrong. It was a normal thing for Arcane Guards to move about as they were the ones in charge of enforcing law and combating crimes in the city. But even at that, the number of Arcane Guards on the streets was usually sparse and not characterized by a prodigious immensity. There were so many Arcane Guards that every nook and cranny of the city was inhabited by them. Not on
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Chapter Sixteen: Fighting Off Evil
The Arcane Guards and sorcerers were still closing the portals when suddenly they heard loud shrills coming out of the countless portals all over the country.The shrills were so eerie, causing a prodigious wavering to the Magical Bodies of those who were not strong enough.Sou! Sou! Sou!There were sounds of something sharp cutting through the wind as countless spectral creatures flew out of the countless portals in the country.All these spectral creatures were transparent and had a gleam to their transparent bodies. Their appearances were filled with grotesqueness which were beyond description. Their appearances were never stable as they switched from one appearance to another, the former appearance becoming transient. This was enough to give anybody nightmare as their grotesqueness was filled with phantasm, intertwined with a surrealism prodigiosity.The Arcane Guards and sorcerers immediately kicked into action, activating powerful spells as well as mystical items. They didn't e
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Chapter Seventeen: Vile Knyghts
Walter walked towards the building, his feet carrying him with hastiness. He didn't dare delay as his whole family was still held captive by the Enchanter, Castor. Albeit he didn't trust Castor and wouldn't dare give him such a powerful mystical item such as the Book Of Mysteries, he didn't dare put the lives of his family members on the line. Everyone knew how evil and vile sorcerers from the Schools of Black Form Magic were!Using magic, he pushed the door open. A gust of light breeze brushed against his body, causing his hair to flutter as he walked into the building.The interior of the building had a different hue in comparison to the exterior. Walter had noticed that outside the building was actually old with algae growing over it. He had expected the interior to be affected as well but to his surprise, it was not like that. The walls were built with monoliths which shone like polished stones. Across the walls were candlesticks which held many candles. These candles were lit, bu
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Chapter Eighteen: All In Vain
The man who had been doing the talking didn't change his facial expression, seeing that Walter had decided to fight rather than hand over the Book Of Mysteries. Knowing that Walter was chalcenterous, he didn't underestimate him."Get the Book Of Mysteries," the man said gently, not bothering to threaten Walter anymore. He was a Tier One, Killer of the Vile Knyghts and had mastered all his martial arts. Seeing that Walter was only an Array two, Conjurer of the Thaumaturgy School, he felt that he was too weak to be able to fend off against all the Knyghts present. A Knyght who was at the peak of Tier One was actually equal to an Array Two. Even though the other twenty Knyghts were at the inchoate of Tier One, Walter was still outnumbered.Thud! Thud! Thud!Several feet stomped the ground, rushing towards Walter with their swords drawn. Their swords shimmered as they reflected the fulgent candles burning on the walls.Walter's muscles tightened as he kicked off the ground, propelling him
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Chapter Nineteen: Rogue Slayer of the Fivefold
Walter stood up weakly and lumbered towards the door, his eyes filled with pain and sorrow. He was so down right now that all he thought of was killing Castor. But where was the Castor he would kill? How was he gonna find Castor now that the Arcane Guards and sorcerers were at his neck?"He killed my family," he kept on muttering as he walked slowly, his weak feet carrying him in a floundering manner. He was so depressed right now that he wanted to just end his life at that moment.He was almost at the door when he had an immediate ominous feeling. Danger was already near!Pa!He trusted his instincts and leapt backwards, his hands spread apart as the tip of a sword flew towards him, leaving afterimages. Then the sword stopped midway and vanished out of sight, Walter landing afterwards.This...his lips quivered upon seeing the sword vanish without trace. This sword, it had no wielder! What a strange swordsmanship!"You're mesmerized by the swordsmanship," a voice said from nowhere. It
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Chapter Twenty: Miracle and Necromancy
Andrew Walls had already dealt with the countless portals without even casting a spell. At that moment he saw a portal open slowly, a prodigious aura wafting out of it instantly.Seeing this, Andrew Walls knew that the extraterrestrial being in the dimension behind that portal was no ordinary being. If he had not concentrated his power on the whole country, he feared the aura from the portal would have instantly destroyed it even when the extraterrestrial being had not yet revealed himself! He didn't panic as he had encountered powerful beings like that. Extraterrestrial beings beyond Array 5 could not descend to the mortal realm except through a weak body. There was some kind of law governing the infinite cosmos which prevented that. This was done so that higher dimensional beings would no descend to the world and cause havoc. Their presences alone could destroy lower dimensional planes instantly!Instead of closing the portal immediately, Andrew Walls decided to go into the portal—t
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