All Chapters of Voyage of Mysteries: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
99 chapters
Chapter Forty One: Another Voyage
There were still many 'Raiths' in the city, appearing as the others were killed. The more they were killed, the more they appeared and in the end there were numerous doppelgangers that proved difficult to kill.Walter, Arthur, Chase and Cassio continued killing these doppelgangers till they finally came across each other.Arthur's eyes narrowed after seeing the two of them. They were none other than Dragon Saber Sefirah and Phoenix Sword Lex! He became more surprised after seeing the talking golden retriever who seemed to be Sefirah's companion. And to think the dog could do magic made his facial muscles twitch! He didn't know if it was a dream and wanted to tell himself it was a dream. But then, the reality presented itself plainly to him—it was not a dream!He wanted to draw his sword and attack them but couldn't as he felt he would be outnumbered. Also, they were helping him deal with the doppelgangers so he felt they were being chivalrous heroes.He was still contemplating on what
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Chapter Forty Two: Selene, Goddess of the Moon?
For three months, the ship drifted on the boundless sea. It billowed through the hazy waters, floating gently like a feather in the air. Everywhere was hazy, unable to see through or hear through—imperceivable. Dolphins leaped out of the sea, splashing gusts of water around. Whales billowed through the waters, blaring deep in the waters. Sharks snaked their ways through the aquatic haven, looking for preys. All these made Sea of Infinity quite interesting. Of course, one could only see these things when they were very close and not over 40 metres away from the ship.Cassio stood on the deck of the ship, gazing through the infinity and wondering about the mysteries of Sea of Infinity. Where did this Sea of Infinity lead to? Did it lead to other dimensional planes?And this became his assignment—solving the mysteries behind the Sea of Infinity. He spend time calculating, using laws and theories to solve the mysteries behind the Sea of Infinity and the end, he got something.The Sea of I
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Chapter Forty Three: Northern Continent
Cassio sat on a chair at the deck, eating a large plate of ambrosia. This dessert was among the packs of food that had been stalled away in the ship the day he left Knyghtdom, preserved with magic so that it could last for years until the magic spells preserving them was gone.The shredded coconut and oranges turned out to be very milky and sugary, blending into his taste buds. Other ingredients which he didn't know were interlaced with the dessert, making it an ambrosial and sumptuous meal he couldn't stop eating. He had been actually eating this same food for days. The more he ate, the more it became tastier and in the end, he had finished packs of the dessert in a few days—packs which would have lasted a family of five for a month.Selene walked towards him and sat on the bare floor, staring at him in amusement. With a giggle, she asked, "Is this how humans eat?""..."Cassio was embarrassed as he slowed down his eating pace, staring ahead so that his eyes didn't meet hers—it would
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Chapter Forty Four: Hall of Corruption
As the ship drifted towards the seaport, the haze cleared and everything became visible. Anchored to the harbour were many ships and boats but surprisingly, only a few people were at the seaport.Cassio sighed and wanted to remind Selene that they were approaching the seaport when he noticed she was gone."..."He was very much shocked about how she could suddenly disappear into thin air without his knowledge. And to think he was a Magician in the School of Alchemy made it more alarming!He was alarmed and almost got agitated when he received a message in his mind: "Don't worry my love, I'm coming. Just left to convey my thoughts to my coven."Cassio heaved a sigh of relief and muttered, "You could have told me, Selene. Why give me a heart attack!"The ship finally came to stop at the harbour, the gangway sliding out of the ship. Cassio walked out of the ship down the gangway, his hands at his back."Hey!" a man cloaked in black shouted in surprise. "How did you survive the mysterious
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Chapter Forty Five: A Brewing Storm
Cassio watched as several Sorcerers boarded the thousands of ships on the sea, preparing for their voyage to the Northern Continent. The ships were fully set to sail, brimming with abyssal auras. The engines could be heard revving like angry bulls, causing waves to billow through the surface of the waters. Cassio couldn't help but wonder how these ships were made.The whole Sorcerers were filled with happiness as they had been finally given the chance they longed for all their lives—the chance to battle the Magicians, Priests and Knyghts!Northern Continent didn't only have Sorcerers but other powerful beings as well. There were the Black Priests of the Satanic Priesthood and the Vile Knyghts of the Black Form Combat. They all joined the Sorcerers, their eyes filled with zeal.As all of them boarded the ships, the whole surrounding was filled with screeching sounds as if the evil spirits were cheering them.Cassio wanted to hurry up to the Southern Continent and warn them. He wanted t
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Chapter Forty Six: Battle Cry
It has been months since Ken Orion tried drawing the Excalibur out of the stone which was lying in the castle. He tried so many times but failed to pull out the Excalibur and finally, he gave up trying. The whole Knyghtdom had lost hope in the heir to the throne, fearing that the worst would happen. A prince who was not deemed worthy to pull the sword from the stone was no prince!But Ken didn't give up as he tried day and night to pull the sword even though he failed at every attempt he made. It seemed fate was mocking at him—making things turn out worse for him.Arthur Dwayne remained a loyal Knyght to the Prince, never covering the throne as Ken could not draw the sword from the stone. It had been prophesied thousands of years ago that one with the blood of Arthur Orion would draw the Excalibur and fight for mankind. An unknown catastrophe had been foreseen, heading towards the Southern Continent and so the wielder of the Excalibur was needed—the Excalibur which was among the most
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Chapter Forty Seven: Descent of Evil Eye
Cassio and the others had finished setting up the numerous auras and were now ready to begin the rituals which would summon Evil Eye.The altars were all black with abyssal auras, evil and malevolence surging out of them and rising into the atmosphere. Foulness and vileness filled the environment, polluting it.I can't let this happen, Cassio thought to himself as he immediately took the initiative to attack. He had to attack when everyone had let down their guard!Particles were manipulated, causing reality to be altered. Before anyone could react, they were all erased from reality—they and the altars. Everything happened so fast that all of the Sorcerers could only die in regret, shock and fear. Only one thing was in their minds:"Why, Amon?"Cassio sighed, relieved that he had stopped the ritual. Now, he had to escape to the Southern Continent and join the fight before it would be too late. He raised his hand, manipulating particles so he could vanish. But at that moment, he felt h
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Chapter Forty Eight: Twilight of the Gods
Walter Anderson stood dignified, filling up the vast cosmos. His body was illusory, seeming to blend in with the infinities stacked upon each other. Undescribable and unfathomable auras surged from his whole body as his eyes stared at his mortal enemy, the one who had taken everything he had from him—Castor!When Walter Anderson had rushed to Duchy, he had immediately spotted Castor who had also been waiting for him all this while. Seeing each other, both of them unleashed their abilities to advance, ascending to Array ten instantly. They had immediately ascended out of the Physical Plane, suspended between the Physical Plane and Metaphysical Plane. Hence, their figures could be seen filling the whole universe while they remained illusory. They were trying as much as possible to restrain the laws and rules binding the whole infinite cosmos, the laws and rules which prevented higher existences from remaining in lower existential planes for a long period of time. But then, these laws an
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Chapter Forty Nine: The End of It
Hellenes stood for several moments, staring at the Conundrum Deities with detest. Her grey eyes scrutinized them, boring into Their very existences."Now!"The Conundrum Deities immediately unleashed Their attacks, trying to kill Her like They had done before. They knew that now it would be harder to kill Her as Elder Deities were very powerful. Even a normal God would be hard to kill as They would keep on resurrecting immediately. All normal Gods could basically not die no matter what except more powerful factors came into play. And this was a threat higher than Gods, infintely beyond them. This was an Elder Goddess! Even though She newly ascended to become an Elder Goddess, She seemed very powerful—as powerful as all of them combined.There was a clear difference between beings who rapidly ascended up the Nine Paths of Immortality and beings who slowly ascended. The latter were always very powerful when they caught up with the former, accumulating infinite might with the aeons of re
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Chapter Fifty: This World is Earth
The next day, Cassio woke up feeling happy. He didn't know why he was happy, but he felt very happy—as if something lacking in him had been fulfilled or would be filled. Today, he would be going on the voyage of mysteries—he would unravel the hidden truths behind this world once and for all! He didn't care if it would take him all his lifetime to fulfil this. What he cared about was solving the mysteries and leaving this world, cutting off the uncanny connection Ulf still had on him.Hearing that Cassio Damien Hastle would be journeying across infinity to find the hidden mysteries of this world, everyone was filled with bewilderment. They wondered if it was foolishness or he was being confident in his capabilities. They felt that even though his mother was the Goddess, doing things like that was very impossible! The Magician who first founded the Magic System had gone to journey across infinity but had mysteriously disappeared till this day! Cassio was not even close to the man who wa
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