All Chapters of Voyage of Mysteries: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
99 chapters
Chapter Sixty One: "My Culinary Skills"
" asked us to feel at home, right?" Ethan asked with a puzzled look. "Yes, I asked you to feel at home," Patrick said, sizing up this Ethan kid once more. "So does using your old clothes as rags count as feeling at home?" Ethan asked. Patrick's face darkened, "No one uses treasures for rags." "But your clothes don't look like treasures," Ethan muttered inaudibly. "Ruff," Chase rubbed his body at Cassio's right calf as he turned to stare at the three large tilapia fish hanging by the fireplace. Cassio turned to look and then narrowed his blue eyes. I think I need to cook but I don't know why. Well, recipes are coming into my head and I might have another migraine if I don't try to cook. "I have to go out fishing," Patrick said. "I would have stayed to cook but time's running out." Of course that was true. After rescuing the noble kids he had spent much time taking them home, preparing medicine for them and watching them get bandaged. It was so time consuming and
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Chapter Sixty Two: Awesome or Scary?
In a couple of minutes Joana and Ethan were already done with eating, their plates licked clean. Their eyes were watery, begging Cassio for more food."Hehe," Cassio chuckled to himself as he raised his chin in pride, his eyes gazing at Joana with triumphant."Please I want to eat more!" Ethan begged as he dropped to his kneels, his voice becoming surprisingly feminine.Cassio was disgusted and waved his hands, "Stop that already. It's gross.""But...but..." Ethan muttered sadly."Can I have one more plate?" Joana asked as she stared at the big plate of food on Cassio's laps."Funny enough, you're not been honourable," Cassio said. "I won, remember? You brought the betting terms."Of course Cassio forgot about the kissing part but Joana remembered everything and blushed deeply."What?" Cassio asked in a puzzled manner as he stared at Ethan who looked as if he had swallowed a bar of soap. "Why are you looking at me like that? You don't want her to kowtow to me?""N-not that..." Ethan w
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Chapter Sixty Three: Home Alone
Ouch, I feel so weak!My body feels so weak!Cassio gradually opened his eyes, his chest heaving gently as he took in a deep breathe. The sun rays penetrated the cracks in the roof and radiated through the windows, making him to shut his eyes immediately. After some time he opened his eyes and moved his hands. He tried sitting up but felt very weak. That was when his hand bumped against something. At first he was alarmed but calmed down when he felt that the object was as soft as silk.Gosh, I was alarmed for nothing...Cassio took a deep breathe as his left fingers fiddled with the silky object and that was when the thing moved."..."Cassio was momentarily stumped, his fingers curled around several hair strands which he had mistaken for silk."Ah..." a soft feminine moan came from beside the bed, causing Cassio to freeze. Then the object which turned out to be someone's head moved in his direction.Both boy and girl stared at each other in a daze for some time, their mouth agape. All
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Chapter Sixty Four: "How Many Phobias Do You Have?"
After having a hearty breakfast of steamed buns and roasted tilapia fish, Cassio sat down in the chair to properly digest the food. Joana was doing the housework so he was relieved that he could rest his mind without getting distracted. The bad news? Joana was almost done.With that short period of time Cassio decided to contemplate his existence without necessarily triggering a brain splitting migraine. He decided to think but not think too much about the matter.First of all, where do I come from? Cassio thought within himself, his eyebrows squeezed. I have gleaned that I am of noble blood with great cooking skills and a little combat prowess, is it possible for me to discover my place of origin looking into those aspects? If that's the case, why doesn't Ethan know how to cook or fight? Does he, like me, need something to trigger his subconscious, bringing out those inherent traits which have been buried deep within him?Cassio turned to look if Joana was done with her chores and wa
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Chapter Sixty Five: Chaldeans
By the time Joana was done teaching Cassio how to swim, it was already noon. She was very exhausted and quickly got out of the stream with Cassio. Teaching him how to swim was akin to teaching a goat how to talk. It was very much impossible. And coupled with his phobic reaction to the stream, it made matters worse. After about twenty times of teaching him how to swim, he still couldn't even come close to the stream without shuddering much less attempting to swim."You're the worst swimmer ever!" Joana complained as she walked out of the stream towards a patch of grasses to sit down.Cassio who had long gotten out of water couldn't help but shrug, "I can't swim.""More accurately, you're afraid of swimming," Joana rolled her eyes."Then you're afraid of cooking," Cassio said with a small doze of sarcasm."..."Joana was speechless and didn't know how to retort."We need to go back to the village," Cassio said as he brushed his hair with his hands."I was about to say the same," Joana s
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Chapter Sixty Six: All Devoured
The Chaldean leader who was riding the black horse spoke in a deep voice, "Burn everyone...""You..." he pointed at another Chaldean. "Find a way to make sure that kid never gets back up.""Yes Chief!" the Chaldean nodded without any complaint even though he knew that no one would survive being hit by a poisoned arrow much less falling into a pit. It was a custom for them to burn down everything after raiding a place.The other Chaldeans nodded and immediately lit up torches and began burning everything in the village.The Chaldean took the torch and walked up to the pit where Cassio had fallen. He looked into it and saw that it was very dark inside. Slowly he threw the torch into it and walked away."Let's move before the military comes!" the Chaldean leader said as he pulled the reins. "We don't want them to get to us."The Chaldeans nodded and immediately sheathed their scythes and ran, following the Chaldean leader who was riding on his horse. There was a stampede which caused dus
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Chapter Sixty Seven: Awake
The trio rode for several hours, taking several shortcuts in order to get Cassio to Camelot quickly. They didn't even stop riding till it was evening."Let's stop for rest," Ken said as he pulled the reins, causing his horse to halt instantly. "We can't keep riding all day. We must sure we are physically fit.""Yes, your Highness," Matthew readily agreed, grabbing Cassio off the horse with one hand and hoisting him to his right shoulder. He then came down from the horse."Unbelievable," Thorne said as he got down as well, unstrapping the food supplies.Matthew lay Cassio gently on the ground while Thorne made campfire to keep them warm. Then he brought out the food supplies. They were flanks of roast meat and strawberries.Suddenly Cassio who was in his dream began sniffing, "I smell food...""..."The trio were momentarily speechless. Someone who had been totally unconscious for hours now was now stirred up because he perceived food."Should we call him a glutton?" Matthew asked with
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Chapter Sixty Eight: Monster
Cassio was disappointed when he discovered that he was holding the last piece of strawberry. He had wanted to keep on eating forever but reality always proved to be harsh.He sighed as he popped the fruit into his mouth, licking his lips as he savoured the sweet taste of strawberry and salty delicious taste of roast meat. The combination exploded, causing his mouth to water. He didn't even know when he let out a loud belch, attracting the disgusted stares of the bodyguards and prince."I'm sorry..." he said as he kept a very straight face so that he would not look embarrassed."Whatever," Ken waved his right hand. "Let's get out of here. I don't know how you guys can comfortably eat where there are dead bodies.""..."Matthew and Thorne didn't know how to react while Cassio felt a lump in his throat.Did I just eat in the company of brutally dismembered corpses? Cassio couldn't help but feel that he had done something very embarrassing and stupid. This didn't fit his cold personality.
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Chapter Sixty Nine: Dream
The full moon hung up in the sky, radiating glamorously. The stars shone brightly, seeming like dots of white light in the sky. This scene was beautiful, having an allure of its own. Nocturnal creatures were fully awake, making the night vibrant with their movements and sounds. This added life to the dead night, making it full of natural energy."Ugh..." Ethan groaned as he finally pulled himself out of the marsh, collapsing on the ground with Chase on his back. Both of them were caked in mud from head to toe, their eyes being the only things that retained their original colour."My arms hurt so badly..." Ethan complained as he stretched his arms.He and Chase had been stuck in the marsh for a whole day, finding a way to get out of it. To make matters worse, this marsh was very big and had tricky routes. They were even lucky they came out of it by night without encountering any dangerous animal or monster lurking in the marsh."Can't believe a marsh can be this big!" Ethan said as he
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Chapter Seventy: Mercenaries
A middle aged man sat on a throne made of pure gold, his golden eyes gazing into the distance. Dressed in a white royal robe embroidered with golden silk, he exuded a majestic vibe which seemed unparalleled. A strand of blonde hair peeked out of the gold crown on his head, lying across his forehead. This man was seated in a large hall with white walls and gigantic white pillars. There were golden candlesticks embedded into the walls and pillars bearing white candles which burned away slowly. The floor was tiled with white marbles, displaying absolute cleaningness and reflectiveness. White banners bearing emblems of a golden beast with several heads were hung on the four walls of the hall, one behind the throne of the man. q There was a heavy knock on the door and the man said in a refined voice, "Come in." The door opened and a knight walked into the hall which was obviously the palace. He was dressed in a white outfit with a golden armour adorning him. A white hilted longsword wa
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