All Chapters of The Amazing Doctor: Gerald's Ascendance : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
115 chapters
Chapter 71
The worried girl could be seen around the balcony praying to the stars to keep her father safe. The pending rain had fallen hours ago leaving behind some shower. The nervous girl watch these showers trail down the soil before it finally cease.Though there were no stars, she believes a miracle would happen and that her father will come home to her safe and sound.Her gaze shifts to her grandfather who was petrified and walking to and fro. He has been on the phone all day, trying to use his influence to know the whereabout of his son.He was keeping an eye on grace but his eyes were keen to whosoever replied his calls. His intension was to send grace and her father out of this country because he knew more tragedy would befall him.Even if his pessimistic son would refute, he would try another way, if it means kidnapping them both and taking away.He couldn't bare to lose Brian yet, though, he might have disown him due to anger, he was still willing to help.Those eyes of hers trail to
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Chapter 72
#Presently#He panicked to find her but to no avail. Chang had ordered he should be killed and in order to escape, he fell into a pool, drowning.A sneeze erupted from his nose, that got his eyes opened, his body stiffen as he attempted to turn around but couldn't due to the pain that coarse in his body. He let out a groan, stretched his arms and then blinked his eyes.A sweet scent of lavenda and rose hit his nose that he hastily jolted up from where he laid just to figure out where he was. He glanced at his chest and suddenly screamed. His swing his head up, scrutinized this place and speculates that he was in a room.Could he be in heaven? If so, God spared his sins and gave him a special suite to stay. However, if this was heaven, then, it was his soul here. He snapped out of that thought and brought out another assertion, although they weren't relating with the situation on ground.Could this be a different trap to make him die a rosy death or perhaps die by poison? Torture? Howe
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Chapter 73
His feet touched the marble tile, his eyes rolled to the back while his body moved sluggish to the door, his ears was keen to any sound that it could pick.Although he was alone here, he was still cautious of the environment he found himself. inhaled, tried not to freak out and then turned the knob of his door to get out.Stepping out of this room was like another gateway to heaven, he had no slippers on but his bare foot stomp the place.Anyone he comes across, gives a bow and scamper away, he did the same too which made him look like a psycho as he was frighten by his workers also.The only person who didn't run away was his secretary, Lucian, this man was the first man who approached him by the beach and did all the callings."Good morning sir" he muttered with a slight bow and Gerald did the same because he felt there was a need to respect elders.Lucian narrowed a brow at him and cleared his throat, brush pass the scene while saying;"The doctor would stop by to diagnose what's w
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Chapter 74
His life was going to be waste at such an age when he haven't even taken a glimpse at his future and if his dreams would ever come true. Those fears was suddenly lifted when he felt a warm embrace and tears sinking on to the off white shirt he wore, he felt this woman's gown covered almost all his body. He raised his head slowly to take a look at who was hugging him rather than killing him in cold blood. His eyes quickly detect that she was wearing a wedding dress which was covered in mud, her umber coloured hair was tossed by the brief wind and it swept across his face that it covered his sight. "Oh Alex don't ever try that again..." Her serene voice cried in his ears that he became speechless to say anything to this woman cuddling him. He desperately needed to have a glimpse at this woman whose warm breath was felt through neck which made his skin squiver coupled with her touch. "I love you" she furthered kissing him on the cheek and gluing her body firmly to his that he coul
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Chapter 75
"You lied Gerald I waited in the cold! But you never showed up! Why did you do that?" She began wailing profusely that his heart skipped."Sorry miss, I'm not gerald, I lost my way..."Her scoff made him stop in his speech that he clearly had to gaze at her to see if she was some knowable but no way! She was different."I trusted you to come but I guess you were off satisfying one your mistress that you didn't even show up at your own wedding!""What?"This lady was becoming piss off from the way he was acting all witty as though not guilty of what she spoke."Who are you? You got the wrong person, if you would excuse me, I've got to leave" he beckoned intending to walk pass her but she obstructed his view and said;"I'm not letting you go! Dispicable man, you..."Her wish was for the proper word to come out but they were stucked in-between her teeth that only her tears spoke the words and it was left for him to interprete what they meant and he didn't look like one who was intereste
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Chapter 76
"Alex" She blasted and the line got disconnected."She's scary" he commented wondering who the fiancee could be because from the looks of it, the ladies from last night seems to be acquinted with him.Another call came in and it was a different woman again requesting to have a word with him but his reply was the same thing as the former. He crawled towards the telephone and disconnected the cables just to avoid further calls or interference with his thoughts. This wasn't time to let women disturb him.Stretching his hand and letting out a yawn, made him sleepy but he needed to clean up this room, Incase that pokenosing secretary storms in. He mumbled to himself, glanced at the rampaged room and told himself he got this.Doing clean ups wasn't stress for him as he got lazy sisters around, and all the house chores were shifted over to him. Even though he worked all his life, he wasn't appreciated as the girls took all the glory. That reminded him of valery who had wished him to survive
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Chapter 77
"What's going on?""Oh, she's a thief, who stole something vital, don't worry sir, she would be put behind bars" the manager assured combing his brows with his fingers and faking a smile, that was obvious it was an act. Who could smile genuinely at this man's presence? Everyone just has to maintain their distance somehow and if this manager had his way, he would have preferred to be a minor worker over here than being promoted to a manager which got him doing dirty jobs for this man."Sir, this way" the Manager's voice eluded his thoughts and Alex scoffed, bothered by what to say at the conference. Mostly when he wasn't with Lucian to guard him. That secretary of his took a different path when they got out of the elevator, claiming he needed to handle another issue that came up.While the manager led the way, Gerald kept looking back if perhaps he might have a glimpse of that strange girl but she was gone. He hoped she escaped them though because he needed to get information from her
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Chapter 78
These two stepped out as soon as the elevator came to a halt at their designated place, and then each took different route with a different agenda in their mind.Meanwhile, the latter who was Gerald, accompanied by his secretary had gotten into the company. They were able to surpass the mob of press outside. Gerald had no idea why this was the second place they had to visit after sealing up the matter with the claimed journalist who goes by the name, Eric. Since they got here, the latter haven't said a word as his dull and unexpressive face could tell that he was distressed over something.His secretary always had a serious look so it was hard to guess if he was worried or even emotional for a bit, he had to beckon on gerald to act all natural or else might give the personnels they were going to meet a negative impression.Earlier, he would say to himself that he fumbled, not knowing what to say to the greedy journalist he saw, but his secretary helped out in a bloody way. It was diff
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Chapter 79
"We're all going to die!" A middle age woman cried while covering her ears from going deaf due to the sound made by the shooting gun. To worsen it, they couldn't see who was pulling the trigger but they could tell, the person was close by. Horripilations hits them, wondering how this would end.Gerald shuddered, tears had gathered in his eyes, only this woman seemed courageous over here as she flip off the curtains to expose the windows. She took a squatting position when doing that and motioned to the stiffen Gerald that they needed to get out, somehow.Shockingly, she saw one of the assassins at another building aiming the gun at the conference room, it targeted at Gerald but kept missing the target."Shit!" She lamented thinking of a possible way to escape, her eyes gazed below, the height was a distance and she could barely see the ground completely, the assassin found her preying and intended to shoot at her but she was clever enough to shove herself aside.He could hear whispers
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Chapter 80
Lucian collected the card and tore it in his presence with no much wastage of time because he was a man with actions."Watch your steps Rodger or else, you might fall into your own trap, have a nice day" he whispered and gave a sided smile."You...sly!" Rodger wroth clenching his teeth as he could see Lucian lower his eyes at his feet then at the suit he wore.He was fond of being called name by this mafia and one thing others knew was that Lucian was fearless, perhaps that's why Gerald kept him close to do all dirty jobs for him. However, it was hard to dictate what goes on in Lucian's mind if was against Gerald or for him."It was you that night" Lucian thought to himself and suddenly paced away with a nervous face. As for rodger, a groan could be heard from him, he could tell what that act of Lucian meant and definitely needed to curb this man's thoughts about him.Rodger chuckled hysterically, this man knows way too much and the only way to keep him silent was ending his life befo
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