The Amazing Doctor: Gerald's Ascendance
The Amazing Doctor: Gerald's Ascendance
Author: Diamond Writes
Chapter 1

The guard opened the cell door and putting his head inside the room, he scanned the room.

"Gerald! Come out!" He instructed. 

Gerald came out of the cell room. His cellmates were almost tear-eyed because they were going to miss him.

The guard started walking away without saying another word to Gerald. 

Gerald quickly followed the guard from behind. They got to the counter and the guard at the counter gave Gerald his properties. 

"Eyes are on you, so be careful else, I will be welcoming you back here in no time." The guard said as he handed Gerald's properties to him.

"Thank you." Gerald smiled.

As the prison gate opened and Gerald came outside, he breathed in a breath of fresh air.

He spent a year in prison, during which time he made hundreds of millions of dollars treating wealthy people outside prison.

Gerald smiled as a luxurious car pulled in. Gerald knew that was his wife Fiona. 

She had been the one holding his money while he was in prison.

His smile became more broad as she stepped out of the car.

He was already imagining living a happy life with his wife from the money he had made.

He knew that she was the one who had helped him get out of prison and he could not wait to show how grateful he was to her.

He saw that she was dressed in luxury and designer brands and he knew that it was his money she was spending but he did not care. She was his wife after all.

Gerald opened his arms as he walked towards his wife, but his wife raised her beautiful leg in the air to stop him, he could almost see her underwear.

Gerald squinted his eyes in confusion. He could not understand why his wife was acting strange.

"Honey, what is the problem?" Gerald asked her.

Fiona did not say anything to him, rather, she wrinkled her nose at him in disgust as she handed a file to him.

There was confusion written all over Gerald's face as he took the file from her.

His eyes widened in shock as he brought out the documents that were inside the file and began to read them.

"What is the meaning of this Fiona?" Gerald asked her.

"It is written on it, I don't know what else you want me to explain," Fiona answered nonchalantly. 

Gerald did not want to believe that what he was reading was true so he burst into laughter. 

Fiona looked at him like he had gone mad.

"What's funny to you?" She asked him.

"You must be joking right?" Gerald said as he tried to compose himself, "You got me out of jail just for this prank?"

"Don't flatter yourself, I'd rather you rot in it."  Fiona answered without blinking an eyelid

Gerald's face turned ashen with pain.

He had initially thought that it was his wife who had brought him out of prison but now began to wonder who had pulled the strings to get him out of prison.

"Fiona why? Why would you want to divorce me?" Gerald asked pained. 

Fiona folded her hands on her chest and smirked.

"Simple! I do not want to be known as the wife of an ex-convict." She stated simply. 

The words hit Gerald hard and he staggered. 

He had never thought of himself as that. He knew a lot of people might refer to him as an ex-convict but never for once did he imagine that his wife would be among them.

Gerald was pained and was almost close to tears but he refused to cry because of her.

"Fiona! How can you look down on me because I'm an ex-convict? If it hadn't been for me, you'd be the one in prison." Gerald asked.

"Oh please keep your voice down!" Fiona shouted at him.

Gerald was taken aback by her behavior. Before he went to prison, she had never spoken to him in such a manner.

Gerald wondered what could have made his wife change so much in such a short time.

"What happened Fiona? This is not the you that I know." Gerald said.

"Of course! This is not the me you know!" Fiona agreed.

"Then who are you now?" Gerald asked.

"I am now the CEO of one of the listed companies in the country, I cannot be with someone who has been to prison!" Fiona said.

"Really?" Gerald asked.

"Yes! What will people say about me?" Fiona answered. 

Gerald was at a loss for what to say. Everything was looking and sounding amusing to him.

Fiona had pretended to be a good wife to him while he was still in prison and he had trusted her with his money. 

He knew then that she had used the money he made while he was in prison to build her company. 

Now, he was without his wife and his money. She had played a fast one on him.

"So what about my money?" Gerald inquired of her.

"What money?" Fiona asked him pretending not to understand what he was talking about.

"Stop the pretense Fiona" Gerald demanded.

Fiona's face lit up with fake realization. She was acting like she just understood what he was talking about.

"Oh, the money? Well, that was what I used to take care of myself while you were in prison." Fiona lied.

Gerald had suspected that it was his money she had used to set up her company but hearing her lie about it, he felt nauseated.

"You are lying! You used my money to set up your company!" Gerald alleged.

Fiona flicked her hands to wave away Gerald's accusations. 

"You can say whatever you want to say but you must meet me in court tomorrow to finalize the divorce!" Fiona said.

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