All Chapters of The Amazing Doctor: Gerald's Ascendance : Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
114 chapters
Chapter 1
The guard opened the cell door and putting his head inside the room, he scanned the room."Gerald! Come out!" He instructed. Gerald came out of the cell room. His cellmates were almost tear-eyed because they were going to miss him.The guard started walking away without saying another word to Gerald. Gerald quickly followed the guard from behind. They got to the counter and the guard at the counter gave Gerald his properties. "Eyes are on you, so be careful else, I will be welcoming you back here in no time." The guard said as he handed Gerald's properties to him."Thank you." Gerald smiled.As the prison gate opened and Gerald came outside, he breathed in a breath of fresh air.He spent a year in prison, during which time he made hundreds of millions of dollars treating wealthy people outside prison.Gerald smiled as a luxurious car pulled in. Gerald knew that was his wife Fiona. She had been the one holding his money while he was in prison.His smile became more broad as she ste
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Chapter 2
Gerald kept staring at her. He could not believe that his marriage which he had thought was perfect was crumbling before his very own eyes."And if I choose not to come?" Gerald asked her.Fiona burst into a mocking laughter. She walked menacingly towards Gerald and used the tip of one of her fingers to brush some imaginary dirt from his body."What are you doing?" Gerald asked her while sounding suspicious. "This is exactly what you are right now!" Fiona said."What? What do you mean by that?" Gerald inquired from her."Just the way I could easily brush the dirt on your clothes off with the tip of my finger, that exactly how easy it will be for me to brush you out of my way!" Fiona warned."Is that a threat?" Gerald asked her."No! It's a warning because divorce or no divorce, I will not let you get in my way of success!" Fiona threatened. "And what will you do?" Gerald's eyes blazed with anger.Fiona smiled ruefully at him."You don't want to know what I am capable of Gerald so yo
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Chapter 3
Gerald turned to look at the man in shock. "Who are you?" He asked the old man. The old man was holding a black card in his hand which he stretched towards Gerald. Gerald raised his eyebrow in confusion as he looked at the man. "What do you want from me?" Gerald asked the old man. "Please, I need treatment." The old man begged. "How did you find me?" Gerald asked him. "I heard your medical skills were exceptional, so I helped you get out of prison. I hope you can save me." The old man answered. Gerald was a miracle doctor which was how he was able to make money while he was in prison. His reputation has far preceded him and he was known far and wide by lots of people but his wife did not know who he truly was. Gerald looked at the old man and waved his head at him. "Go away, I am not in the mood to treat anyone." Gerald turned the old man down. He was still reeling from the pain and betrayal of his wife so he was not in the mood to treat anybody. "Please,
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Chapter 4
Gerald left the old man without giving him any answer and went straight to the hospital. Before he went to prison, his mother had been seriously sick and his ex-wife had promised him that she would continue to look after her.He made sure he always reminded his ex-wife to check up on his mother to make sure she was okay and all her hospital bills were met.Gerald got to the hospital and went straight to the private ward. He still remembered the room where his mother was kept.'What?' Gerald asked himself in shock as he met an empty bed.He had gotten to his mother's room and she was not there. He checked the head of the bed where the names of the patients were usually written and he could not find anything. Perplexed, Gerald came out of the room and went to meet the nurse who was in charge of the computer where patients' names were saved and cataloged."Excuse me." He said to the nurse."Yes sir, how may I be of help to you, handsome?" The nurse asked flashing her well-dented teeth a
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Chapter 5
The next day, Gerald took a taxi and went to the courthouse. When he got there, he met his ex-wife, and her mother already there waiting for him. Gerald wanted to pretend like he did not see them and just walk past them but his wife's mother did not allow him.She immediately walked up to him and before he could say or do anything, she gave him a dirty slap.Gerald was taken aback by the sudden assault but he did not flinch or act like he felt any pain."What was that for?" He asked her coldly. "You useless thing! How dare you think of caging my daughter!" His wife's mother was accused.Gerald was stunned but he chose not to answer her but he continued to stare coldly at his ex-wife."You dare to keep my daughter from gaining her freedom! You bloody ex-convict!" His wife's mother insulted him.Gerald was not in the mood to answer his wife's mother because she was not the one he had issues with. "I went to the hospital!" He informed Fiona.Fiona looked at him coldly like she did no
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Chapter 6
Fiona was shocked by the sudden outburst of the man but she still refused to come out of the car. "If you are not here for me, then who did you come to pick?" Fiona asked stubbornly. "I came to pick up a Mr. Gerald." The man explained. Fiona on hearing Gerald's name burst into laughter. The man was surprised by her sudden laughter and could not help but wonder if something was wrong with her."And why are you laughing?" The man asked Fiona."I think there is a mistake somewhere because the person you are claiming that you were sent to pick up is an ex-convict! I mean he just came out of prison!" Fiona told the man.Fiona could not bring herself to believe that Gerald who just came out of prison would be picked up by a fleet of luxurious cars. The man got tired of Fiona's complaints and asked her to show him Gerald. Fiona still thinking that everything was a prank pointed at Gerald. The man walked up to Gerald who had been watching the scene with an amused face. "Good day sir, my
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Chapter 7
The fleet of cars stopped at the Metro Hotel and John quickly rushed down to open the car door for Gerald. "We are here sir," John announced to Gerald as he opened the door. Gerald came out of the car and stood in awe of the magnificent Hotel. Metro Hotel was the top Hotel in the city. It was a thing of pride to tell someone that you went to the Metro Hotel for dinner not to talk about lodging there. "Please come with me, sir," John said. Gerald followed John and they both entered the hotel. John told Gerald that Mr. Wellington was in the VIP section of the Hotel. Gerald followed John to the VIP section but John stopped at the lobby. "I'm afraid this is the limit I can go," John explained. "I don't understand what you mean," Gerald said with a confused look on his face. "The thing is, I am not qualified to enter the VIP section of the hotel," John explained. "Okay, so how do I get to see Mr. Wellington?" Gerald asked still confused. "A designated receptionist would com
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Chapter 8
The woman had a surprise look on her face as she heard what the old man said. "Grandpa, I don't understand! How can this thug here be the miracle doctor you told me about?" The woman asked, standing up. Gerald was mad at her for calling him a thug but he decided to control his anger out of respect to the old man. "With all due respect sir, I do not appreciate your granddaughter calling me a thug! It's an insult to my person." Gerald complained. "Oh please cut the crap!" The woman shouted at Gerald. "You are not just a thug, but a pervert also!" Gerald became angry. He could not understand why the woman kept insisting that he was a pervert when everything was just a mistake. He regretted his good intentions to help her. He would have just allowed her to fall down and maybe then she would not have been insulting him right now. The old man saw that things were beginning to escalate between Gerald and his granddaughter. So he decided to stop the matter from escalating. "Grace.
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Chapter 9
Gerald was surprised that the old man had another reason for calling him. So he sat down. "What is it, Mr. Wellington? Gerald asked the old man Grace also wondered what her grandfather had said. As far as she knew, her grandfather had only told her that he had found a doctor who could cure him. Mr. Wellington looked at Gerald and then at Grace. "I called you here because I wish you could marry my granddaughter, Grace." The old man said. Gerald and Grace were both surprised. Gerald wondered why the old man would want him to marry his granddaughter while Grace was also surprised at why her grandfather would want her to marry a stranger. Gerald was thinking if the old man did not trust him enough to heal him, and wanted to use his granddaughter as leverage, because if he get married to a member of his family, he would have no choice but to treat him well. Gerald knew that he was not ready to remarry again, not after the recent betrayal he just experienced from his ex-wife, Fion
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Chapter 10
The next day, Gerald went to Grace Company, Yola Company. She was busy writing and did not notice him at first. She was putting on a tight suit, and Gerald could not help but admire how she looked good in a tight suit, and he continued staring at her. Grace suddenly felt like she was being watched, so she raised up her head and noticed Gerald staring at her. Grace was angry when she saw Gerald, and she gave him a cold look. "Good morning." She e greeted coldly. "I can see that you arrived quite early and on time." She said. Gerald smiled and ignored a cold attitude, and then he said, "How are you? You look good in your tight suit," he said. Grace frowned at the compliment. Then Gerald continued to stare at her, breast button, and she became angry. After what happened between them yesterday, she thought he would have changed. She became annoyed as she remembered the incident of yesterday. Gerald had noticed her annoyance, and after what happened between them yesterday,
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