All Chapters of The Amazing Doctor: Gerald's Ascendance : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
114 chapters
Chapter 11
Ivan landed on the floor with a thud, but he quickly stood up. He was embarrassed, but he refused to show it. He was not ready to show how weak he was. He moved towards Gerald again and tried to punch him, but Gerald overpowered him and kicked him in the chin, and he fell down on the floor again. He could not believe that Gerald was stronger than him."How come? How come you are stronger than me? I am the disciple of a master." Ivan said to Gerald. Gerald ignored Evan's question and looked at him contemptuously. He walked towards him to where he was and stepped on his chest. "Now, you must apologize. Who is useless? Who is the useless one among the both of us?" Gerald asked him.Ivan refused to back down, he refused to accept defeat, and instead he continued to threaten Gerald. "You don't know what you have just gotten yourself into. You are in for a big mess. I will make sure I deal with you." He said. Gerald got more angry and was about to land another punch on him when Fion
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Chapter 12
Gerald scoffed at Henry. He believed that if only Henry knew that he was invited by Grace to come work there, he would not be talking to him the way he was doing.Gerald believed that Henry would have been addressing him with respect if he knew the connection he had with Grace and her grandfather."How dare you scoff at me?" Henry asked in anger. "You bloody ex-convict!" Gerald did not want to get angry with Henry because of Grace, so he kept quiet while Henry called him names.Henry on the other hand became more angry with the silent treatment Gerald was giving him.He could not stomach the fact that someone who he believed was beneath his status would keep silent as he was talking to him."You have the guts to ignore me when I'm talking to you? Who the hell do you think I am?" Henry shouted.Gerald was beginning to get tired of Henry's childish outbursts but he still refused to lose his cool."I don't know what you want me to say or do. When I talk, you pick offense, when I keep si
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Chapter 13
Henry and the security were both stunned to hear what Gerald said. The security quickly stood up and he became scared not knowing if he had offended someone higher than Henry unknowingly to him. Henry quickly let go of his shock and his face turned into a sneer. "You are not just a criminal, but also a pathological liar!" Henry shouted. "What?" Gerald said. Henry burst into a mocking laughter before he answered Gerald. "You must think that I'm a fool to believe that my boss would stoop low as to date a low-life criminal like you!" Henry jeered. The security nodded his head in agreement with what Henry said. He thought about it and he realized that it was unrealistic for their boss to date someone like Gerald. He began to curse himself for getting scared easily. "That is true!" The security blurted out. "There is no way our boss would date someone like you!" Gerald looked at both Henry and the security and he scoffed. He knew that they would find it hard to believe him and he
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Chapter 14
Henry saw the call end and he smiled in triumph that Gerald had failed in his plans."I knew that there was no way my boss would stoop so low as to come here to save a criminal like you." Henry mocked.He and the security started to laugh and make mockery of Gerald who only stood there staring at them in silence.Gerald had a strong belief that Grace was going to come. He knew she was too inquisitive to let the situation pass without her knowing what exactly was wrong which was why he did not explain to her on the phone."Sir, I knew this criminal here was just wasting our time, allow me to teach him a lesson." The security said."You are right." Henry agreed with security.He called in two extra security guards and they came."Drag him out of here and let's teach him a lesson," Henry instructed the security guards. The security guards were about to drag Gerald out when they heard a knock on the door. The security opened the door and was shocked to see Grace standing at the door. "W
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Chapter 15
Henry and the three security guards, on hearing that Grace was about to fire them, quickly lay down on the floor and started begging. "Please, Ma, don't do this to me, please. I promise it will never repeat itself." Henry begged. "That's your own. Use this experience you have here and correct your next job in whatever company you find yourself. Now get out of here before I do something more terrible than just firing you." Grace shouted. Henry and the security quickly stood up on their feet and scrambled out of the office. Grace was afraid that Gerald might not want to help her grandfather again due to the treatment he received from Henry, so she turned to him to apologize. "I'm sorry for the way you were treated by the security guards and by Henry. It was never my intention. Please, forgive me." Grace begged.Gerald was surprised that Grace was apologizing on behalf of Henry and the security guards. This was a new side to her that he didn't see coming. And he could not help but wo
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Chapter 16
Fiona and Ivan walked out of the Cafe. They needed to go somewhere to celebrate."I'm going to check for an expensive restaurant where we can have our celebration," Ivan said with a huge smile on his face.Fiona loved the sound of that."Okay, baby, I can't wait," She said to him.They walked towards the Yola company parking lot where their cars were parked.The Cafe where they went was close to Yola company."What do you think about this place?" Ivan asked Fiona as he showed her his phone.It was the photo gallery of a new restaurant that had just been opened.Fiona's eyes glowed as she scrolled through the pictures."I love it Ivan, it's perfect," She said to him with a huge smile.She kissed him on the cheek, which made Ivan happy. He felt proud that he had made her happy."Okay, let's go have some fun," Ivan said.He was about to open the door for Fiona when he saw Henry coming out from the back entrance of Yola company that leads to the parking lot.Henry looked depressed as walk
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Chapter 17
"So how do you plan on doing that?" I can ask.Fiona looked at him."Don't you mean we baby," She said and walked towards him.She threw her arms around his neck."I won't be able to do it on my own, baby," She said to Ivan.Ivan felt pleased."Of course baby, I'm always here for you," He said and kissed her.He was happy that Fiona wanted him to join her.But Henry didn't look convinced."How do you both plan on doing that?" He asked them.Fiona and Ivan looked at each other.Then Fiona smiled as an idea popped into her head."We are going to wait for her to come and then we'll tell her everything," Fiona said.Ivan smiled at Fiona's brilliance."That's a good plan baby," He said. " That way she'll get to know that he isn't who he says he is," He said to her.Henry just stared at them speechless."What?" Ivan asked him.Then he spoke up."Miss Grace and Mr. Gerald already left an hour ago," he said."Wait, what?!" Fiona yelled."Also, I don't think you'll be able to meet her anymore
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Chapter 18
Gerald was shocked by what Grace said, but he didn't show it.Instead, he played along with it."Hey, Honey," He said as he waved back at her.Grace's eyes widened in surprise.Then Gerald walked towards her and placed a kiss on her forehead.Grace's jaw dropped open.Gerald noticed it. He stood in a way that Fiona and Ivan wouldn't see, and then he used his hand to lift it lightly.Grace looked up to him.Gerald had a smirk on his face.She moved a step backward, away from Gerald, and bumped into the car.She wasn't expecting what just happened to happen.She had gone to a meeting with another driver because Gerald had informed her earlier that he would be busy in the afternoon.When she got home, she found out that He wasn't there yet.She saw the maids at home carrying some bowls and other stuff in and out of her grandpa's room.She walked in and saw him giving instructions to the maids."What's going on Grandpa?" She had asked.The moment he caught sight of her, he smiled at her.
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Chapter 19
"Ah!" Fiona yelled the moment they drove off.She started pacing back and forth."I don't understand, how can she put so much trust in that idiot to the point that she refuses to even listen to us!" She yells.Ivan moves close to her and places both hands on her shoulder, but she shoves it off."You need to calm down Fiona," He said to her.She laughed and said, "Calm down, Calm down! CALM DOWN!" She yells, each phrase a pitch higher. She was so upset."How can that little brat refuse to listen to me even after I told her Gerald was dangerous? She is such a spoiled...""Keep quiet, Fiona, this company belongs to her family so you can't say that here," Ivan said, interrupted her.Fiona glared at Ivan, but then she screamed.She raked her hair with her hands.He was right, she can't just insult Grace in front of her own company."But what did we do wrong?" She asked angrily.Ivan didn't know what to say.He just stared as Fiona threw her anger feats.But just then something came to his
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Chapter 20
Gerald walked into the Wellington family's mansion.He saw some maids lined up in front of Mr. Wellington's room.When he got to the door, John, who was just outside the door, greeted him."Good evening, Mr. Gerald," John said to him."Good evening, Mr. John," Gerald replied. "Where is Mr. Wellington?" He asked him as he looked towards the maids and then back at John."Right in his room Mr. Gerald," He said to him as he opened the door."No, wait a minute," Gerald signaled. "What about the herb I told you about, were you able to get it?" He asked John."Oh!" John exclaimed. "I'll go get it now," He said.Gerald watched John walk away, so he decided to also leave to go get his tools.He went into his room and opened up his bag.He had bought a set of golden acupuncture needles to use on Mr. Wellin
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