All Chapters of The Amazing Doctor: Gerald's Ascendance : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
114 chapters
Chapter 21
Grace paced back and forth at the porch of the Wellington mansion.Mr. John stared at her nervously.He had never seen her this restless and worried."You need to sit down, Miss Grace, you have been doing this for more than half an hour now," He said to her.She didn't listen to him, just like she didn't all the times that he had said it."I can't Mr. John. It's been close to an hour and still no word from them," She said to him.She wanted to know what was going on with her Grandpa.After giving orders to the bodyguards, she was hurrying to Mr. Wellington's room when Mr. John met her halfway and told her that Mr. Gerald had asked him to leave."Okay, I understand," she had said to him.After she found out that Gerald was going to use a traditional procedure to cure her Grandpa, she did some research.Read more
Chapter 22
Gerald had a wide smile plastered on his face as he stared down at Fiona who stood frozen in place. He was pleased with the way Grace handled the situation and now he watched Fiona, waiting for her reaction.Fiona’s lips hung open as she tried to process Grace's words. She would have never expected Grace's reaction as she wanted her revelation of Gerald's past to cause an uproar. Now, instead of driving a wedge between them, Grace seemed to want Gerald even more and the way she clung to him just infuriated her even more.“B..but Miss Grace, you need to listen to me!” Fiona stuttered as she pointed a trembling finger towards Gerald. “He's not who you think he is!”“I know exactly who he is,” Grace cut her off coldly. “And I trust him more than anyone. So unless you have something worthwhile to say, I suggest you leave now.” Gerald flashed a smug smirk at Fiona which infuriated her even more. She yanked her arm out of the guards grip and took a step closer to Grace.“You’re making a h
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Chapter 23
Gerald watched in awe as he saw Grace's lips curl in a cruel smile. He knew she could be annoying but he didn't know she had this side to her which made him wonder what was it that she wanted to do to him.“I’m going to make sure your company is blacklisted by every major player in the industry.” She declared. “Your career, your reputation, everything you worked for is going to crumble. You know the influence my grandfather holds so this isn't an empty threat.”Fiona's eyes widened in horror and Ivan started to feel very uncomfortable. They knew how powerful Grace’s family was and how far their reach extended. They never expected that their plan would backfire on them in this sort of way. If Grace followed through on her threats, then this would be the end of her career.“What are you saying Grace? Please you can't do this. I was only trying to protect you. I never meant for things to go this far.” Fiona’s entire demeanor changed as she began to beg for mercy.“You should have though
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Chapter 24
If Gerald's feelings were to be summed up in one word when he saw Fiona being dragged away, then it would be satisfaction. There was something deeply cathartic about finally seeing her get what she deserved after everything she had put him through. It was only fitting that Karma did what if knew how to do best.Gerald decided to forget about her and focus on the task at hand, the recovery of Grace's grandfather.They stepped into the opulent mansion and the butler appeared before them and bowed.“Miss Grace, Mr Zhao is expecting you in the study,” the butler said with a polite and respectful tone.Gerald furrowed his brows in confusion. He was in the study? He left him in his bedroom fast asleep. If he was in the study now then that could mean only one thing.Grace nodded and squeezed Gerald's hand before releasing it. “Let's go” she said and lead the way to the study.They reached the study and entered. It was a large study room, lined with bookshelves filled with old, leather bound
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Chapter 25
Gerald, please I need to talk to you. I know I've hurt you, but I still love you. Please can we meet.Gerald was dumbfounded when he saw the message. One would think that Fiona would learn her lesson and never contact him again but it seems like she had a much harder skin than he thought. Part of him wanted to ignore it and cut ties with her completely but another part of him wanted to know what this was about. He was interested in what she had to say that would change his mind.With a deep sigh, he typed out a response.Fine. Let's meet tomorrow, I want to hear what you have to say, after this. We are done.—---The next day, Gerald met Fiona at a small cafe in one of the quiet parts of town. She looked very nervous and all semblance of the prideful woman she had been yesterday was completely gone. Gerald would have belived her meekness if he hadn't been subjected to her cruelty first hand.“Thank you meet me.” Fiona said quietly, “I know..I don't deserve to be in your presence but I
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Chapter 26
Gerald took in a deep breath when he walked closer to the Zhao estate. It was an opulent mansion that screamed of old generational wealth. It was breathtaking.Grace however wasn't at ease. She thought back to Chang's expression when he saw Gerald and she didn't need any soothsayer to tell her that Chang didn't like Gerald at all, it was foolish of her to think that Chang would welcome Gerald with open arms in the first meeting knowing the kind of person her cousin was.“Both of you, meet me in the drawing room.” Chang walked past them swiftly and entered the house.“Well…he's a grumpy one.” Gerald observed with furrowed brows.“He's not exactly the best person towards strangers, I'm sorry about his attitude.” Grace apologized for his attitude.“It's fine, let's see what he wants.” He smiled and fondled her cheeks then both of them entered the manor.Grace led Gerald to one of the drawing rooms where Chang was waiting for them. He sat down with the poise of someone who knew he held a
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Chapter 27
Gerald paused and his instincts kicked in. Something didn't feel right. His instincts were tingling, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he could have sworn that they were being followed. “Grace, i think we should head back inside.” he said, pulling her back. “I think we should head back inside,”“Why? what's wrong?” Grace frowned as she noticed the panicked look on Gerald’s face. “I’m not quite sure but…” Gerald’s voice trailed off as he scanned the path ahead and behind. “I’d feel better if we weren’t out here alone.”Grace nodded, completely trusting his judgment which shocked her a little. Since when did she trust this man so much? They turned to head back towards the house but they didn't even take more than a few steps when a figure emerged from the undergrowth. It was Tao, Chang’s bodyguard. His large frame blocked their path, and the fierce look on his eyes was enough to make a man’s skin crawl. Read more
Chapter 28
“My parents.” Grace whispered as she unconsciously tightened her grip on Gerald. Her heart pounded against her chest with anxiety as she wondered how her parents would take the news of Gerald. Her father in particular, had always been strict about who she brought into their lives. What would he think of Gerald after an incident like this?Grace was still thinking about her next move when she caught sight of Chang and Jao leading her parents towards their direction. Her heart beat increased ten fold when she saw the scowl on her father's face, Chang however had a smug smile which Grace didn't miss.“Father, mother.” Grace rushed to greet them as she tried to keep her composure. Her mother offered her a small smile in response but her father's expression remained cold, his eyes fixed on Gerald who stared back at him with hands in pocket.“Grace, whose this?” Mr Zhao asked with the authority of a man who was not used to being questioned.“Thi…this is Gerald.” Grace replied, trying to so
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Chapter 29
“Gerald.” Mr Zhao began with a tone that was vastly different from before, shocking even Gerald. “I….I apologize for my earlier harshness, I didn't realize who you were, I owe you a debt of gratitude for what you did for my father. Forgive me, let's not end things on such a sour note. I was hasty in my judgement.”As if to prove his point, Mr Zhao sucked in another deep breath and right before the shock gazes of everyone, he bowed. “What!” Gerald was taken aback by the sudden change in Mr Zhao's attitude. Just moments ago, the man was ready to throw him out without a second thought, and now, after learning about how he saved his father, he was ready to make amends? The shift was so quick, it made Gerald's dizzy.“Uh…” For a second, Gerald didn't know what to say, but he managed to just simply say. “Thank you for your kind words.” The respect he had hoped for didn't feel as genuine as he would have liked but this was a nice start.“Why don't we come inside?” Mr Zhao asked as he notic
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Chapter 30
Gerald followed Grace's parents into the lavish living room, still recovering from the drastic shift in Mr. Zhao's demeanor. He glanced at Grace with a raised eyebrow, and she offered him a reassuring smile, though he could tell that she was as nervous as he was.They settled onto the soft plush couches, and after a brief moment of awkward silence, Mr. Zhao cleared his throat, his stern expression softening—a rare sight to see.“Gerald, I want to apologize again for my earlier behavior. It was unbecoming. I hope you can understand a father's concern for his daughter,” Mr. Zhao said, though Gerald couldn't tell whether it was a genuine apology.“I understand, Mr. Zhao. A parent's concern is natural. I just want you to know that I would never do anything to harm Grace. She is... very important to me,” Gerald nodded and said with a straight face.Grace’s face heated up like a bright tomato, and she felt giddy inside. Madam Zhao, who had been observing Gerald, cleared her throat to speak
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