All Chapters of FANTASY- I CAN CONTROL PLANTS: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
81 chapters
John was stunned after listening to Jack's words. So he asked in a slightly worried tone," What are monsters?"Jack looked at Tom and later said while looking at the ground with a cautious look," Master, monsters are mutated creatures whose body side, and shape have been enlarged and their strength has also entered the rank of bronze tier or above"." But even the lowest bronze-tier monsters are hard to deal with as their body has terrible defense and thus to defeat a single bronze-tier monster a group of a minimum of three bronze-tier knights is required".John nodded his head and then he remembered that he had absorbed the bamboo plant. So maybe after summoning a long thin bamboo, he might be able to easily capture the Water Ball Plant. From its shape, he felt that it would contain 5 liters of water. But for him, it was light as a feather as after reaching silver tier his body had been strengthened a lot. He couldn't measure the strength but he still felt that lifting 2 tons of weig
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Mistborn River
John ate the watermelon together with Jack and Tom. Then he looked at the Mistborn River and found it was wide but he could still see the other end. As it was summertime the water level was low and the banks had dried.He looked at the river and then he asked," Tom how do people cross this Mistborn River?"Tom ate the watermelon in his mouth and he was still amazed by how sweet this fruit could be. After listening to his master's question he immediately replied." Master usually a boat used to be parked to pick up the caravans but now since the orcs invaded the route has been closed. Now we have two options. The first is to cross the river from here. The second option is to travel along the bank downwards until we find a narrow creek. Then we can also cross it easily".John looked at the sky and found the sun had already reached over their heads. So he said," Let's cross the river directly".Saying so he began to speed up the eating of watermelons and then he washed his hands and mout
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Mist Haven
" Welcome To Mist Haven"Looking at the road sign, John was stunned. Then he looked at Tom and he asked," Tom have you ever been to Mist Haven?"Tom thought for a second and then he replied," Master I have been to Mist Haven but that was ten years ago. So I don't know anything about the current situation."John looked at the dirt road that was full of ditches and felt that it was necessary to mend it. He could also spot a small amount of water and it showed that it rained heavily. This could be said to be a good sign.He slowly traveled toward the Mist Haven and found there was an abandoned field as it was overflowing with water. He could see the crops had been drowned and so he continued to head deeper. He was puzzled as he didn't find any person.So he increased the speed and soon saw the huts made from mud and twigs. Seeing this he felt that the territory he got might be different than he imagined. Suddenly he heard huge sounds coming from the center of the village." Burn the Wit
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Serf's Joy
Listening to Jonas's words, John couldn't help but feel a little sympathy in his heart. But it disappeared when he remembered that this world was very different from the previous world. So he decided to use Jonas to establish his authority.So he looked at Tom and said," Tom if any person in my rule dares to rape women then their man part will be chopped off and he would be starved to death."As soon as he finished speaking all the people were stunned. As his punishment was even more terrible than the previous nobles. While the serfs also felt a feeling of despair in their hearts.Tom immediately said," Don't worry Master, I will make sure to cut off his thing and tie him on the stake".John was satisfied with Tom's reply and then he looked at his serfs and said," You all don't need to be afraid of me. As long as you don't make any mistakes and live life according to rules no one will dare to oppress you".Tom called a few people and dragged Jason who had a look of terror on his face.
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Jackal Gang
John opened the manor and found the smell of rotten wood. The bugs had already eaten the furniture and there was not a single piece of good furniture.Seeing this he said," Let's clean two rooms, I will make some simple beds. We will sleep on it today".While John was cleaning the rooms, the serfs were chatting among themselves.Olivia looked at Aurelia and said," Maybe the new Lord is very good".Aurelia nodded her head with a solemn expression and said," Indeed Mom. He is a good lord".Saying so she ate the watermelon and said," It's so sweet."Olivia had eaten watermelon but the taste was sour so she was a little stunned. So she ate the piece and was immediately captivated by the taste. She immediately decided that whatever task the Lord had she would be the first to agree.As long as she could do the task then she could eat the delicious watermelon.Leander on the other hand looked at Watermelon with a look of confusion. As he has never eaten such a strange fruit before.So he dec
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John used the mana to control the grass. In the next second the grass began to move like snakes and before those ordinary people could react their legs were already tied with grasses. Jackal who was looking intoxicated at the flying vehicle suddenly felt a sense of danger. So he jumped down from the horse and looked behind only to see his gang members dragged down and then they were pulled towards the grass and their hands and feet were warped with grasses making them immovable.By the time he came to his senses, he found that he was alone. At this time fresh air hit his face. It was a cold but exhilarating feeling but he wasn't in the mood to appreciate it as the person in front of him was too mysterious. For the first time in three years, he felt that his life was in danger.He still trusted his instinct so he decided to attack the person in front of him. With his speed, he could feel that he could easily overcome him. Even the plants that he could control won't be able to catch up
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Tom brought back ten people and they helped him carry and distribute the watermelon. It took only half an hour to do so.He also brought the architects who knew how to build simple buildings. His name was Liam. Liam was a man in his fifties. He was wearing simple clothes made from plant fibers. He had black hair and his skin was tanned. His hand was filled with calluses due to doing rough work.Today when he was gathered with other people in front of the manor then he heard that Lord John was looking for an architect. He had built many types of houses and had deep knowledge about building. Even the manor was built by him. He looked at Lord John and found that his Lord was very young. Looking at him he felt a mysterious aura around him. He didn't dare to look into his eyes as he felt great pressure. So he bowed and said," Lord John, my name is Liam, the architecture you were looking for."John immediately said," Liam get up. Today I called you to ask. Do you know how to make a bathro
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The villagers were still confused after Lord John went. They didn't know the reason why he was angry. Some of the villagers were still angry. Suddenly Tom and Jack took the lead and he looked at Liam and said," Liam can you explain the noble use of the bathroom."Tom had already thought and felt that even if he explained the villagers then he wouldn't be able to convince them. And if the next day those people still made the mistake then he would fail Master John.Liam who was called forward immediately came in front of the villagers and said in a loud tone," Hello everyone. You all know me right."The villagers also responded," Of course Liam, we know you very well."Listening to the reply, Liam smiled and said," Good. Then I will tell you something very important. Do you know what this building is? It's called a bathroom. You all also know that I was brought by the previous Lord here. So I will tell you all that except for the Royal place where the King Lives. No nobles have a bathr
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Task board
Then John looked at Tom who also had an excited expression on his face. So he asked," Tom you will be responsible for delivering orders/tasks and recruiting people."" Today I will make a task board where further tasks will be published and the villagers can pick the task accordingly. If there are more people then it will depend on you to choose which people to pick from."Tom immediately felt that this position was a good one. He felt like he finally had powers in hand just like Jack. So he immediately bowed and said," Master, I will work as you say."John patted his back and said," Let's go to the center of the village."He walked forward and Tom followed behind. He chose Tom for this job because Jack didn't know how to read and write. And so he handed the security job to Jack.The center of the village was just outside the manor. He came to the place and then he placed his hand on the ground. In the next second a wooden platform was raised. It was two meters big and three meters wi
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Jack's Report
Tom rode the hoverboard carefully and he had an illusion that although this hoverboard was slow it was more powerful than the previous one he rode. But he shook his head and removed that worthless thought from his mind.Then he drove the Hoverboard slowly towards the Task Hall. He saw that the villagers were still present. Seeing them he immediately stopped the Hover Board and said in a loud tone," Everyone I have good news. Master John has asked me to recruit twenty drivers, ten from men and ten from women."" If you are still wondering what the driver is, then do you see this flying vehicle? The one who rides the vehicle is called the driver."The people were shocked when they heard they could drive such a magical vehicle. This made them have various emotions like excitement and fear at the same time. As if they made any mistake and broke the vehicle then won't the Lord John punish them?But there are still curious young people and they all came forward. Tom selected lean and thin p
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