All Chapters of FANTASY- I CAN CONTROL PLANTS: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
81 chapters
Making Gun
He had added the handle like bikes as in another hoverboard he built. He had also set the gears that would limit the speed of the hoverboard into three parts one at low gear speed that would speed only up to 20 km/hr. The middle gear would increase the speed from 20-50 km/hr and finally, the top gear and the speed could reach as high as 50-80 km/hr. Jack was smart and he learned to ride the hoverboard within ten minutes. Then he said," You can take this hoverboard and teach the guards in your team. After they learn to ride it you can come and pick the Hoverboard. But I would also warn you that riding the Hoverboard within the village must not exceed the speed limit of 20 km/hr."Jack replied in a solemn tone," Master, don't worry I will teach my subordinates well."John was satisfied with Jack's reply. Then he felt that by tomorrow they could start work.Today he began to think about the security of the villagers. Those wild animals were a huge threat and if that beast from deep insi
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Testing Gun
He had also used his abilities to make seeds of those guns and magazines. In one seed he could create five guns and it consumes 5% mana to create them.As for magazines one seed could create ten magazines but it consumed 1% mana to create them. He could create the gun in one day and it was possible due to his mind. He didn't know why but his mind had become calm and clear. Moreover, his thinking speed was increased. Now it was time for him to test his creation. But now he only had 5% in his reserve. So he decided to meditate for half an hour.He did and he recovered 40% mana. So he drove the Hoverboard and came out of the village. He could see the villagers were still gathered here watching the excitement. Jack saw him and he immediately came and said," Master, do you have any orders?"John looked at Jack and said," Well Jack you follow me."While Tom also came and greeted him. Then he asked," Master do you need me to do anything?".John shook his head and said," You can continue t
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While waiting for the people to find the targets, John conjured a gun and ten more magazines.After that, he began to wait.While Leander was thinking about the terrible firepower of the weapons and felt that if he was shot with it then it could easily take his life. As he was a hunter and was familiar with using bows and arrows he knew that the weapon in Lord John's hand could easily take over the bows and arrows.Kai also had similar thoughts to Leander. At first, when he saw the strange thing in Lord John's hand he was just curious. But when he heard a small explosion and with had he saw the tree in front of him being pierced. He felt that it was some kind of magic. In the next second, there was a continuous explosion, and with that, the hole in the tree increased. This made him frightened if he had that weapon in his hand then he wouldn't be afraid of facing those wild bears at all.Suddenly he stopped the hoverboard and saw a big bear that was 3 meters tall and 4 meters long and
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Feast 1
Jack and Tom were also present. They also guided the cook on how to use onions and garlic. Tom had already asked about how to use the vegetables so John explained it to him.As it became dark the Night Lit plant began to illuminate the surroundings. The light given by the Night Lit plant was comparable to that of a 30-watt bulb. The light it radiated was of orange greenish color which made the surroundings even more amazing.The children were also playing with each other while some elderly and disabled were sitting and chatting. Most of the people who were cooking the food were praising Lord John for his benevolence. Of course, hunters like Leander, Kai, Eli, Milo, and Axel were sitting with a dazed expression.At this time some of the villagers surrounded them and began to ask questions related to Lord John.Leander and the other people answered one by one. Suddenly a person asked," Hey why is Lord John so good to us? Do you feel there is anything fishy about him? As all the previo
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Feast 2
At this time the villagers were thinking just how humble their Lord was. While Zale looked at Lord John who was behind him.He rubbed his head and said in a loud tone," Hello Lord John."John immediately replied," Hello! What is your name?"Zale was stunned and then he laughed and said," Lord John, my name is Zale. I am an orphan and live alone. I am 24 years old and am looking for a girl to marry. The girl must be big and she..."Listening to Zale's chatter, the villagers were stunned and frightened at the same time. Eli, Milo, Axel Kai, Leander, and other people felt that something bad was going to happen. Just when they felt that Lord John was going to punish him they were stunned to find that Lord John was chatting with Zale.At this time, the villagers were relieved in their hearts and also began to think about what kind of person was Lord John. John even said," Zale what kind of girl do you like?".Zale shyly said," The girl with big breasts and butts."John immediately gave a
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Next day.John ate breakfast and then he looked at Tom and Jack in front of him." Tom you can ask the people to get the rest of the Hoverboard and then you have to select a team of males who will be responsible for digging the clayey soil and loading them on a hoverboard. After that, they also have to transfer it back to the village and transport it to the area South of the village."Listening to Master John's order, Tom asked in a hesitant tone," Master what does the clayey soil look like?"John also realized that he had almost forgotten that Tom didn't know about the details.So he immediately said," Clayey soil is found just next to river banks. You can test it by pouring some water into it. If there is a Potter in the village who makes utensils from clay then you also bring him with you. He can tell you the location of this soil."Tom was relieved in his heart. He happened to see a person making things out of clay. So he immediately said," Master John, then I will take my leave."
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Sap Plant
The training was indeed harsh and Kai was breathless. But when he remembered Lord John's words he didn't even think about slacking or else he might punish him together with the team. So he used the will power to persist and finally completed the task together with the team.At this time each of them was sweating and just when they thought that they were going to rest John gave the basic commands. They immediately made a mistake so he punished them by making them work for another half an hour.After that, he said," Dismiss."As soon as they heard this command they felt like they had been liberated." Get ready to eat food and then we will continue the training after an hour."Then he conjured the watermelon that was of higher grades. Jack who ate the watermelon immediately felt a huge change taking place inside his body. He felt as if warm energy was following throughout his whole body. The fatigue that had been accumulated was slowly released in the form of warm air. This feeling was
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A Month Later
Time passed by and today was already the fifteenth day.John was with Liam and he was supervising them. Today the foundation has been built for the first house. Before that, they all had to perform a ceremony to the Nature Goddess to bless their town.Then they began to dig the foundation and John looked at the bronze-tier bamboo that was being replaced as rods. After that they dug a foundation that was at least 6 meters deep then they began to pour the bamboo with Sap mixture with stones and sand. The sand was found 50 kilometers away. As for the stones, they were brought from the small waterfall next to the Dark Forest.He supervised the building and by evening the first house was completed. Looking at the first building had three rooms in two was the living room, 1 guest room, 1 kitchen, and 1 bathroom. The bathroom and kitchen had some in the walls which could be further used to buy John to add the bamboo pipes. Furthermore, he had also let them have enough space behind to grow so
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Silvermoon Empire
Zale started to train again. According to the normal time taken to complete the training he would spend no more than 90 minutes. But after feeling the changes in his body he began to work out. He felt that his whole body had changed. He had already completed 300 push-ups, and 200 squats within half an hour. What surprised him even more was that he didn't feel tired at all. Then he began to run as he did he felt that he could run even faster so he increased his speed and felt that other things had slowed down a little for him. This was a strange feeling and what was even more strange was that the speed at which he ran was too fast. He felt that he could complete the 15-kilometer run within half an hour. John was waiting with other soldiers and he was looking at the sand watch that he had invented that could measure in minutes. And with the amount of sand, it could measure easily in two hours.He saw Zale returning and saluting him. Then he said," Lord John, I have finished the task.
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Royal Place
Sophia looked at her father and said," Father do you know that I was kidnapped by a group of robbers."The king was stunned and just when he was going to use his aura he saw Sophia's expression change and then she said," At that time I saw a half elf. He rescued me. I could still remember the indifferent expression on his face. He even refused to escort me but later when I rewarded him he escorted me."" Father do you know we encountered 100 orcs at that time I thought that I wouldn't be able to see you again. But that half-elf took action and with a wave of his hand a strange plant came out of the ground. The number I can't remember but all I know is that those 100 orcs were killed in a single. All those orcs died and I realized that the half-elf was a mage."" When I reached the Blackrock Fortress, I seriously found those disgusting nobles still not defending the territory and they were going to run. So I canonized that half-elf as the noble. He chooses Mist Haven as his territory".
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