All Chapters of FANTASY- I CAN CONTROL PLANTS: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
81 chapters
Five days later.John at this time had bloodshot eyes. His face was abnormally pale but he still gritted his teeth and decided to complete the last water system. He didn't have self-abusing habits but he found that when he used his abilities again and again then the magic required to summon the same type of plant became very smooth.Not only that after working hard for the last forty days, he found that the mysterious vine inside his body had grown to two meters high. They had also become very sturdy. In addition to that, he felt that the mana control over the trees had increased. As before if he needed to bind someone who was ten meters away from him then it would take two seconds to complete the process.But now he could easily complete the process within 1 second. This was the horror brought by channeling and accurate control over mana. Moreover, he could feel that after the mysterious vines inside his body became big he could feel that his mana capacity had also increased by two t
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In the Evening.Everyone from the village has shifted to the new houses. Each person was smiling as this place was very good. The first thing they did after entering the house was take a bath. It was the most novel thing when they saw the water falling and filling the bucket. They took a cool bath and washed their bodies and clothes.Then they all also checked other details of the house and found that it was very good. As there were doors and windows. The lighting was also good. But there were no Night Lit plants which made them feel a little regretful but it was also okay as in the garden and in the street those plants have been planted.Finally, they came out and chatted with each other excitedly about the house. Now they don't have to worry about going to the bathroom but they also know that they have to keep their house clean or else if there was a house inspection done by the Lord then thier houses might be even taken back.Not only that they might be punished and exiled from thi
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Clara took out Mia the lazy parrot that liked to eat and sleep. Unlike other birds, this parrot was white and bluish. It was also the most beautiful bird that she had ever seen.More importantly, it could speak and the princess even claimed that its strength had reached the bronze tier.But as this bird was too lazy so very few people had seen it flying. She immediately came and said," Mia, the princess requires your presence."Mia looked at Clara and it immediately said," Carla, how come the Master remembered me today?"Clara replied patiently," You might have some important work to do. So get ready."Mia flew past Clara while thinking about the work that the princess would give her. In the past, she would still be lazy but in the last few days, she found the princess was sad so she didn't dare to be lazy.She flew inside the carriage and sat on the Princess's shoulder and she asked in a sweet tone," Master what are your orders?".Sophia smiled and rubbed Mia's head gently and said,
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Preparation Before Leaving
Listening to Tom's words, John was attracted to the offer. As if he wanted to further develop the town then iron and stones were required. Without them, it was impossible to develop him alone. Or else he would become the first person to keep on building the territory. Just thinking about it John shuddered.He looked at Tom and said," Tom, I will travel to Bradford Town so I might not be able to return in the next few days. So I will leave the city in your care. You can also command Milo and Kai to take action in the worst-case scenarios. I will also leave the magazines and bronze-tier watermelon. It can be used if you all are going to advance."Tom immediately bowed and said in a solemn tone," Don't worry master I will take care of people during your absence. But what I am worried about is food."John thought for a while and he said," How far is Bradford Town?"Tom immediately replied," It's fifty miles. You just have to follow along the river. There are small tributaries of Mistborn
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Volt Grass
At the river bank.The maids were armed and were looking for something. It had already been two hours since Mia had gone to deliver the news.They also didn't know how far the Mist Haven was so they began to wait there.It was already 10 AM and the temperature began to rise. The cool air that was blown by the river gave them a very comfortable feeling.Suddenly a maid said and she pointed at the boat in the distance and said," Look is it the boat we are waiting for?"" I don't know about it. I will report it to Lady Zara".Saying so one of the maids rode back to report.The other maid who was waiting watched the speed of the boat and felt that it was too fast. She had ridden the boat once and had also known that if you wanted to move the boat forward then the slaves had to use the oars to push the water.But the boat in front of them was strange. It was moving on its own. She also found that it was not big but of medium size enough to carry ten people.She also spotted Mia sitting on
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John looked at the big boat in front of him with a satisfied look on his face. The boat was shaped the same as in the previous life he had seen. He did it after thinking about the current. While traveling the raft could travel in a low current area. But when returning it won't be the same. At that time the current it had to face would damage the raft and would require more power to ride it.So he made this boat. Its size was 15 meters in length, 10 meters tall, and 7 meters wide. It was enough to accommodate everyone without any problems. It was also powered by the Fan plants. He had put the Fan plants on both sides. On the left and right. He had also added some on the front and towards the back. It could act as a braking device and could also change the direction of the boat. The boat was divided into three parts. The lower part was the hull and the storage area. The deck area had two rooms and next to it also had two bathrooms. Finally, the area above the boat was the place where
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John looked into the princess's eyes and replied in a serious tone," I don't know about it."Shopia patted her head helplessly. While John looked at Jack and said," Jack you take the princess maid and teach her about how to use the bathroom. It's on the deck area. There are two rooms. Each has a bathroom attached to it."Sophia was stunned and then asked in a disbelieving tone," No way, can you make a bathroom on the ship."John gave her a weird look. Not only him but even the soldiers following gave her a weird look.She also saw their eyes but she didn't want to argue about it. The other boat she traveled on also had a bathroom. But she was surprised that the Half-Elf could make it. In her opinion, the half-elf lived in the forest except for looking good and having a life span higher than that of humans they were all wild savages.So she followed together and went to see the bathroom and found that it was indeed the place. Jack had to go personally to explain as the in front of the
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Zale's Question
John looked at Jack and later gave a military salute and said," Captain Jack Reporting. Master John, I found there is a stone road that might lead to Bradford Town. I still need to check the details. So I would like to request you to take the flying vehicle with us."John looked at Jack and asked," What about the docks? How was it destroyed?"." Master the dock was destroyed by blunt weapons and there were also some rotting corpses. I would like to bring Leander and Axel together with me."John said," Permission granted".He then waved his hand and conjured the hoverboard on the boat. Three people picked up the hoverboard and jumped from the boat.They had already got training on how to pick up and run with the hoverboard. This was a type of weight training that he wanted to apply for them so that in case of an emergency like a steep slope in the hilly regions they could carry the hoverboard behind their backs. Although the training had just started, it was enough for them.Jack lead
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Eating Crocodile
Bradford Town was located just next to the Mistborn River. Before the invasion of those orcs, this place could be said to be one of the prosperous territories in the Eastern part of the Silvermoon Empire. Unfortunately, the orcs came from the Western part which was the Savana plains. It was an unexplored region as no one had ever returned to tell the tale of it.Bradford Town was prosperous as the people could fish in large quantities from the sea that was not far away and it was then sold to the other nobles at a high price. The previous Baron Kurt used the funds to build the huge wall around Bradford Town.But his luck was bad as the orcs invasion took them by surprise. Like each time he had already decided to run away as if he returned later than he could recover his territory after paying some amount of gold coins. This time also he escaped to Black Fortress where he also saw the second princess who gave orders that the half-elf would occupy the territory as long as he could captu
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" One of the entrances is on the eastern side where the farm is. But it's heavily guarded by the orcs. All I could see was the entrance far away. The other side is on the northern side but we haven't seen that gate."John asked," How many orcs are guarding the gate?"Jack thought for a while and he said, " Master I think there are almost 600-650 tents. I counted them at a fast speed and each tent was enough to accommodate three orcs easily so I made a rough estimate of 2000-2500 orcs."John was relieved in his heart. He could still remember the scene when he was chased by the army of 100,000 orcs. Their momentum was enough to terrify them.But now he could feel that he would be able to deal with them easily.So he said," Find a place that is suitable for us to take action."Then he turned to look at the princess and said," Princess next process might be a little dangerous so it would be better if you could remain here with your maids."Sohipa was stunned and she was frightened by John
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