All Chapters of FANTASY- I CAN CONTROL PLANTS: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
81 chapters
Nick ignored Nina and instead, he looked at Miss Violet and said in a solemn tone," Miss Violet, look there is the carriage of the second princess parked. What shall we do? Should we go and rescue her?".Violet's eyes rippled and then she looked at the place where Nick had pointed and found that there was indeed the carriage of the royal family.But at this time she saw a magical scene of the orcs chasing a person.Nick commented," It might be too late now."Nina at this side said," You muscle head, you are wrong."Before Nick could retort Nina and Violet could say anything. They saw the ten orcs when they reached a certain range they began to fall like dumplings.But this was just the start. In the next second the same person brought another group of orcs but this time it was twenty orcs.Just when they thought they would be able to kill them like this. They saw the leader giving command and marching towards the orcs.In the next second, all those orcs rushed towards them thinking th
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Bradford Town
John looked at Sophia who was glaring at him. Seeing her he asked with a look of confusion," Princess do you need something."Sophia was too lazy to expose him. But she looked at her chest and felt defeated. As it wasn't as big as Violet. Violet Caravan was still famous in Silvermoon City. But due to some internal problems, Violet the owner of the Caravan seems to have disappeared. Now seeing her again she was surprised a little.Violet came in front of the Princess got down from her horse performed a bow together with her guards and said," Greetings Second Princess. May I know what brought you to Bradford Town?"Sophia said in a soft tone," Get up Miss Violet. You don't have to bow to me anymore."Then she asked," Can you tell me what you are doing in Bradford Town?".Violet got up and looked at John and felt that he looked very good. Then she replied," Second Princess as you know Baron Kurt abandoned the Bradford Town and he left the people to fend off their own. And I also had just
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Sweet Potatoes
Baron Krut was wealthy and could be seen just by looking at how big the manor he had built. There was also a huge garden next to it. John looked at the garden and found there were some interesting plants. Maybe he could go and take a look later.Sophia and her maids were assigned the room. The same was true for John and his guards.But John didn't want to rest and he said," Miss Violet I would like you to tell me the details about the mines in Bradford Town."Violet immediately replied," Lord John, I don't have any information about it. Maybe you can ask the people they might give you the detailed information."John nodded his head and then he asked," Miss Violet is there any scholar in this Town?"Violet felt that this half-elf was very strange. As she was also a beautiful lady so why didn't this half-elf take the opportunity to talk about it? Not to mention she had yet to find someone and looking at this Half Elf her heart had also opened up. If possible she wanted to spend the fir
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Gong Of Despair
Sophia's expression became pale. The news was too shocking for her.Violet couldn't see the expression on the Princess's face as she was still wearing the veil so she continued," King Joff has also ordered the capture of Miss Irene and Miss Sophia. You both are rewarded with a Bounty of 10000 gold coins each."After saying so she stopped and said," Miss Sophia, if possible please tell your identity to Lord John as soon as possible. Only then would you be able to get his recognition."Sophia at this time said," Miss Violet I need some time alone."Violet left the room and felt that the Silvermoon Empire was going to change. She knew that an internal war was going to break out soon. At that time the whole Silvermoon Empire might be filled with chaos. So she must find a safe place for herself or else with her figure she might become the plaything for nobles.Just thinking about it made her feel chilled in her heart. She also felt that it was impossible to recover her caravan. All the pla
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Jack continued to ask one eye about such questions. He even took out silver coins to ask for details about them. While the people who were watching the show felt deep malice in them.As it was already noon and today it wasn't even cloudy they were all sweating non-stop.Just when they saw the conversation had ended. Their eyes began to show deep fear as they knew that among them someone would be killed.Just at this time, Jack said," Axel, what are the rules of Lord John."Axel immediately said in a loud tone," There are many rules set by Lord John. But in this situation, the most common rule is to break thier bones and let them fend for themselves."One-eyed the soldiers were confused. They felt that something was wrong and even the people were confused at this time.Next, they all heard a terrible scream. The drunk soldiers felt terrible pains when they saw their hands and feet twisted at different angles.One eye still had a look of confusion. Although he was in pain he looked at J
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Jack looked at Leo who was doing the work so effectively. He felt that this was a talent that Lord John needed so he had to keep an eye on him in the future.It took just over three hours to record the details. During that time, Jack asked about a location to build toilets from Leo. He immediately gave the information about the building and he even said that it wasn't used anymore. The place he said was located near the centre of the Town. It used to be a tavern where people used to drink. But after Baron Kurt fled this Town this place was left unattended and became the centre of chaos.Miss Violet asked the guards to kill the troublemakers and this place had been closed since then.So Jack supervised Axel with the help of ordinary people who had dismantled this place easily.Now just when they were going to dig, Axel saw Leander and later said," Lord found that you all were busy so he asked us to boil sweet potatoes for everyone. This is a food that will make you want to eat more."
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Next day.John woke up and he remembered that last night he had overused the mana for the first time and he fell asleep without eating. He seems to remember that he had been using mana consistently after building the bathroom to make a water tank that was a tall platform with Water Ball plants on it. He didn't know the number of water Ball plants as all he knew was that there were plenty of them and it was enough for them to support the people.Today he would talk with Jack about the talents he found. So he went to the bathroom took a bath and then he called Jack and later said," Master."John looked at Jack and asked in a curious tone," Jack how are thier any person in the Town with talent?"Jack immediately replied," Master there is one. His name is Leo, a scholar. I don't know much about him but I know that he knows how to do accounting, mathematics, and writing. He was also responsible for counting and recording the number of people in Bradford Town"John had a smile on his face
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Sophia looked at John's eyes and she blushed when she saw his intense gaze. Her heartbeat sped up a little. From the romance novel she read..." Sophia you are jobless right? How about I give you a job in my territory? Not only will you work but you will get a generous salary of 1 gold coin... Slap!."John felt the slap on his cheeks and was stunned. He immediately looked at Sophia and said," Are you an idiot?".Sophia slapped John because his words were too hurtful to her. When she felt that she would fall in love with him, he woke her up with his words. Those words made her deeply realize her current identity. She also realized that she was indeed a little wilful. So she said," John, I am sorry. I was impulsive and couldn't control my emotions."John also came to his senses and realized that he was indeed impulsive. As she had been removed as the princess he was in a hurry to recruit her. She might have not come out of her sadness at all.So thinking about it he said," It's okay Sop
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Solving Food Problems
John chatted with Leo for another five minutes and then he said," Okay Leo, you return to your post. I have heard that Kent was a corrupt official and he had been dismissed from the post so you can take over there."Leo immediately bowed and said in a solemn tone," Lord John, thank you for trusting me. I will try my best to live up to your expectations."John patted his shoulders and said," Okay then."Then he looked at Jack and said," Let's go. It's time for me to work a little harder."Time passed by and soon it was three hours.During this time, the people shed tears of joy when they saw the grains and vegetables that were grown and harvested rapidly. John the person was revered as the most important person as no noble would dare to do such a noble thing to them.John's face had become pale white and he needed some time to recover the mana. He looked at Leo next to him and he asked," Leo is the food enough?"Leo immediately said in a solemn tone," Lord John the food you provided is
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Mysterious Golden Plant
The previous day was busy. Jack completed the task beautifully and today most people were already ready to work.Leander was responsible for overlooking and selecting people. But he had to avoid the prying eyes and he was patrolling the city walls.While John had gotten up and after eating breakfast he said," Jack, you will stay here. I will take Zale and Axel with me to look for the traces of Stones mines and if possible I will hunt those Hound Riders."Jack immediately saluted and said," Master be careful."John nodded and then he left the place with Zale and Axel.He looked at Zale and asked," Did you find all the information that I asked you to gather?".Zale immediately said in a solemn tone," Of course Lord John. The collapsed mines are 5 kilometers north of Bradford Town. I asked about the reason why the mine collapsed and they also mentioned the same reason for the earthquake. As for other stone mines, they said that it was hard stones and it took much time to mine them. So Ba
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