All Chapters of Son Of The Universe: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
45 chapters
CHAPTER 11 Surprise
Nu Muyun felt horrified seeing Xiao Tian easily defeat his opponents. He glanced at his friends, who also looked worried, and said fearfully, "I never thought he was that strong. I'm afraid Tian will come after me for revenge for always insulting him."His friends exchanged worried looks, recalling the times they also bullied Xiao Tian. They tried to hide their fear, but it was evident from the cold sweat on their faces. They realized that if Xiao Tian wanted revenge, they wouldn't be able to face him.However, Xiao Tian seemed indifferent to their feelings. He walked steadily, his face calm and cold, not glancing at Nu Muyun and his friends. He went straight to sit behind Fa Wa and began regulating his breath as if nothing had happened.Ziyan Rouxi immediately grabbed Xiao Tian's hand, smiling alluringly at him. "Brother Tian, you've been hiding your strength from your sister. This is unpleasant."Xiao Tian only responded with a smile. Fa Wa didn't say anything. He stood up to announ
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Xiao Tian did not want to tell Fa Wa that he had very special eyes. Whatever he saw, Xiao Tian would immediately memorize, and not only that, he could also see flaws in every writing."Grandfather, I don’t understand why you asked that. Because I think, if other people also read as often as I do, they would be able to memorize too."Fa Wa smiled. "Tian, not everyone can memorize what they read. Your ability to memorize shows how smart you are. Now, I want to see if you can practice the basic sword technique of our Supreme Sword Sect."Xiao Tian nodded. "Alright, Grandfather. I will practice it. If I make any mistakes, don’t hesitate to correct me."Xiao Tian took a wooden sword, the kind usually used by children for practice. Seeing Xiao Tian take the wooden sword, Fa Wa didn’t stop him. He wanted to see if Xiao Tian's sword skills were good or not. If they were good, he would give a real sword to his adopted grandson.With the wooden sword in hand, Xiao Tian began to display the basi
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CHAPTER 13 The Process of Cleansing and Reshaping Bones
Xiao Tian began to swallow a dark green pill. “I’ll start with the bone-cleansing pill. I must eliminate all impurities in my bones. Once the impurities are gone, I can reshape my bones with the second pill.”Xiao Tian stared at the dark green pill with strong determination. With a steady hand, he put the pill into his mouth and swallowed it. At first, nothing happened, but soon, a sharp pain began to spread from his bones.His face grimaced, biting his lip to endure the intensifying pain. Cold sweat started to drench his forehead as Xiao Tian struggled to remain calm.Slowly, the pain became more intense, as if thousands of needles were scraping away the impurities clinging to his bones. His breath grew ragged as he tried to withstand the nearly unbearable pain.For four days, Xiao Tian fought against the unbearable pain. Cold sweat poured from his face, dripping like corn kernels, while thick black liquid oozed from his pores, staining his pale skin. That liquid was the impurities f
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CHAPTER 14 Like a Demon Taking Life
The other nine looked at each other in disbelief. "Impossible, how could a small boy like him kill our friend?" one of them said, his trembling voice breaking the silence. His face showed deep disbelief as if the reality was too absurd to accept. However, before he could continue speaking, one of the group quickly cut him off, “Be careful, don’t underestimate our opponent even if he’s just a small boy. Five of you follow me to kill the boy who killed our friend, while the rest of you three, finish off the boy hiding behind him!” Seeing that Xiao Tian and Daniel were about to be attacked, Liu Qingyun tried to break free. "Liu Qingyun, don't expect to save that child! I've anticipated your full strength, you won't be able to escape me to help him," shouted one of the strongest men towards Liu Qingyun. However, what he didn’t know was that as the six men were about to attack Xiao Tian, Xiao Tian stood motionless, recalling the whole incident when his parents were surrounded by many
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Chapter 15: The Blood Raven Organization
When the man disappeared, he didn't know that even though his face was covered by a mask, his features were visible to Xiao Tian's sharp eyes. However, Xiao Tian chose not to inform Liu Qingyun about it, as what he saw was something others couldn't perceive.Liu Qingyun, Shu Hen, and Daniel all stared at Xiao Tian simultaneously, their expressions filled with confusion and astonishment. Liu Qingyun, in particular, looked more serious than usual. “Tian, I don’t know what the patriarch has taught you. However, I must warn you. It’s not good for someone as young as you to have such a strong killing aura. If you continue to thirst for blood, won’t you be no different from the warriors of the black sects?”Receiving such a reprimand, Xiao Tian neither got angry nor offended. Instead, he gave a small smile, showing a rare calmness for someone his age. “Elder, I understand your concerns. However, I also have my reasons for why I cannot show mercy to them.”Xiao Tian's words were spoken with
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Chapter 16: Determination and Confidence
Liu Qingyun led the way again. "We still have one more mountain to cross before we reach the city." Daniel, feeling curious as the imperial capital seemed very far to him, asked, "Elder, after we reach the city, is the journey to the She Imperial Capital still far?" Liu Qingyun shook his head. "It's still quite a distance. We have a long journey ahead. However, the patriarch does not want us to spend too much time on the road. Therefore, the patriarch gave me a lot of money so we could use transportation services. We will use a ship to expedite our journey to the imperial capital." “Rooaarr!” While they were engaged in conversation, they were suddenly confronted by a pack of wild beasts. Five large tigers stood in their way. Three of them were at the Earth King Fighter realm level 1, while the other two were at the Earth King Fighter realm level 3. The tigers had muscular and robust bodies, with glossy black and orange stripes under the sunlight. Their eyes gleamed with fierc
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Chapter 17: Daniel’s Breakthrough
Liu Qingyun looked at Xiao Tian in amazement, as the young boy was carrying the body of a tiger larger than himself. "This journey is full of surprises. Tian here spends his days sweeping and cleaning bookshelves. Who would have thought he had such hidden abilities? The patriarch is indeed fortunate to have found such an adopted grandson." Hearing Liu Qingyun's words, Shu Hen nodded in agreement.Xiao Tian began to clean the tiger meat, then gathered a large amount of firewood. Xiao Tian didn’t use tools to create fire. Instead, he converted his internal energy into the fire element. After several attempts, he finally succeeded in producing a flame from his palm. "It seems I need to practice more in the future. Now that I know how to convert internal energy into natural elements, it's still too weak; the element I changed isn't usable for fighting yet!"Xiao Tian took out many spices from his bag. It turned out he had prepared to cook during the journey.Not long after, Daniel woke up
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Chapter 18: The Skull Organization
Seeing the heavy weights attached to Xiao Tian’s body, Liu Qingyun and Shu Hen exchanged bitter smiles. They both observed Xiao Tian and Daniel exchanging insights.“Elder Shu Hen, have you noticed something?” Liu Qingyun asked with a flat expression.“Elder Qingyun, can you explain clearly?” Shu Hen asked back, very curious.“Do you remember the body technique Tian used?” Hearing Liu Qingyun’s words, Shu Hen frowned slightly.“We just realized it now. Tian can move very quickly and display a perfectly light body technique, even though he uses such heavy weights. If he didn’t have weights on his body, wouldn’t he move even faster?” Shu Hen realized.“Not if, but definitely. If he displayed his light body technique without the weights, we might struggle if we fought him. I didn’t expect this boy to train so hard. Now it’s clear why he has such great strength at such a young age. His training is tougher than anyone else's.” Hearing Liu Qingyun’s words, Shu Hen nodded in agreement.After
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Chapter 19: Xiao Tian’s Anger
The Skull Organization was the most feared name in the She Dynasty. They were a faction of black-clad warriors known for their brutality and wickedness.Liu Qingyun snorted coldly. “A thousand gold coins, are you robbing me in broad daylight?”“If I am robbing you, what can you do to me? You are just from a third-rate sect. Don't tell me you have the guts to make trouble with me!”Bang—Liu Qingyun stood up and unleashed a powerful fighting aura. “Do you think white-clad warriors are afraid of you black-clad ones? Even though the Supreme Sword Sect is a third-rate sect, we have never feared black-clad warriors like you! If you want to fight, let's go outside! This place is too cramped for a battle.”“Hahaha, I didn't expect an elder like you to challenge me. But that's fine, I need to teach you a lesson! So you realize that a third-rate sect has no room in this martial world!” The man immediately walked out of the Star Pavilion. The people inside were already terrified; after all, the
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However, Xiao Tian was unaware of the horror of the artifact spirit. The power of an artifact spirit wasn’t measured by the artifact’s level but by the spirit sealed within it.Once the sword spirit awakened, Xiao Tian suddenly felt an intense cold, as if a chilling breeze was flowing from his hair down to his toes. His vision darkened slightly, and a terrifying aura began to envelop his surroundings. Xiao Tian did not realize that he had become colder than before; his once furious gaze now turned into a chillingly empty stare, causing anyone who looked at him to shudder in fear.Unaware of the change within himself, Xiao Tian was controlled by the ancient sword in his hand. His hand was lifted automatically, drawing the sword with a smooth yet deadly motion toward the two remaining enemies. His voice came out cold and eerie, “Become my food!” The voice was not like Xiao Tian’s usual tone; it carried a dark power with every word.Splash—Splash—“I sense a threat of death. Let’s get o
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