All Chapters of Son Of The Universe: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
45 chapters
Xiao Tian did not dwell too much on the changes within him. To him, threats should be eliminated, not preserved. Rather than waiting for his enemies to repent without certainty, it was better to eradicate them now.Xiao Tian approached Liu Qingyun and Shu Hen, then walked over to the leader of the Skull Organization, who was impaled by a sword. The man glared at him with fury, but he no longer had the strength to do anything. "Little boy, are you aware of what you've done? Your actions have brought disaster upon your sect!"Boom—Xiao Tian leaped up, stomping on the man’s chest until all his ribs shattered. "You don't need to threaten me. If your Skull Organization had the capability, they could come after me anytime! I detest threats the most." Without much thought, Xiao Tian struck the man's face, causing his head to explode.All six members of the Skull Organization were ultimately killed by Xiao Tian.Xiao Tian looked at Elder Liu Qingyun and Shu Hen. "Elder should know that the e
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Daniel practiced diligently. At night, he cultivated, deepening his internal strength and understanding. During the day, he honed his physical skills and sword techniques, following Xiao Tian's instructions with high discipline. In just three days, Daniel's progress was striking. His movements became more agile and his strikes more powerful.Liu Qingyun and Shu Hen, observing Daniel's training, were astonished by his drastic improvement. Liu Qingyun couldn't help but comment, “Elder Shu Hen, do you realize now that we are getting old and useless?” he said, half-jokingly but with admiration. They exchanged glances, recognizing that Daniel's youthful spirit and perseverance had provided them with a valuable lesson.“Hahaha.” Shu Hen laughed heartily. “Elder Qingyun, indeed we feel humbled now. But that doesn’t mean we are useless. Young Master Tian's talent is just too high. He provides techniques that are easy to understand yet extremely powerful. With Daniel's increased strength and Y
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Chapter 23: Breaking Through to Rank 5
"Who are you referring to?" Xiao Tian asked, narrowing his eyes. Past experiences have taught him not to trust anyone easily. His uncle, who once appeared kind and friendly, turned out to be a ruthless beast who had killed his parents."Young Master, we were sent by the Store Manager. We were not only instructed to protect Young Master but also to deliver something to you. Earlier, you were in a hurry, so the Store Manager forgot to give you this card," one of the men said, handing over a black card with a Dragon and Phoenix intertwined in the center.Xiao Tian squinted and examined the card closely, recognizing the symbol as the same one his father had once possessed. "Isn't this a VIP card from the Dragon Phoenix Association?" he asked with curiosity, recalling the reputation of the Dragon Phoenix Association that was famous in the Dynasty where he was born."Young Master is indeed well-informed. In such a remote place, it's rare for anyone to know the name of our Association. If yo
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Chapter 24: Confrontation at the Port
When Xiao Tian emerged from his quarters, Liu Qingyun and Shu Hen were astonished. They were not surprised by Xiao Tian’s cultivation realm, as they could not see it—Xiao Tian was concealing his realm from others. Liu Qingyun was shocked by Xiao Tian’s appearance; he no longer looked like a ten-year-old child but more like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old teenager. Perhaps this was a result of his rapid inner strength improvement affecting his appearance."Youth Master, you’re finally out. It’s time for us to continue our journey," Liu Qingyun was the first to greet Xiao Tian.Xiao Tian was somewhat surprised by the change in Liu Qingyun and Shu Hen’s attitude. Initially, they had always addressed him by his name directly, but now they consistently called him Youth Master.Xiao Tian nodded. "Sorry for making you wait.""It’s no problem." Liu Qingyun gave a slight smile. He wanted to ask about Xiao Tian’s current realm, but he held back.****After a long journey, the four of them arrived
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"Shirong, stop!" The voice echoed among the members of the Yuntai Kingdom's entourage. Although the others were too intimidated to confront Shirong directly, this young man dared to address him by name. Shirong's face twisted in anger, his eyes blazing as he turned to face the speaker."Brother Shunyuan, are you going to let them go just like that? After the injured Renyi so badly?" he asked, his voice almost a growl."Shirong, aren’t you ashamed of what happened? Look how easily Renyi was defeated—doesn't that sight open your eyes?" Shunyuan said calmly. Then he stepped forward and clasped his hands respectfully toward Xiao Tian and the others. "Friends from the Supreme Sword Sect, please forgive my younger brother and the other members of my kingdom for their rudeness."Shirong’s anger flared even more at Shunyuan’s actions, but he didn’t dare challenge the prince’s authority, who was also the strongest member of the young generation within their group. Realizing his powerlessness,
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Xiao Tian closed his eyes. “Damn, I need to control my eyes. If this keeps up, I won’t be able to focus on training.”Their journey on the ship proceeded without significant obstacles, although they had to stop a few times when the ship was intercepted by pirates. However, this ship was filled with martial arts experts, including one of the Elders from the Misty Cloud Sect, who wasn’t just an Earth Realm warrior but a Sky Realm warrior at the fourth rank. The Elder easily dispatched the pirates who tried to block their way.After months of travel, they finally arrived at the Empire’s center. Daniel, Liu Qingyun, and Shu Hen couldn’t hide their amazement at the grand sight of the Imperial capital. However, to Xiao Tian, the sight was nothing special. He had often been brought to the Empire by his father, so this view was familiar to him.The Ming Dynasty was much stronger than the She Dynasty, and its Imperial center was more grand and awe-inspiring.As they disembarked from the ship,
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CHAPTER 27: Want to Kill Me?
Seeing Daniel manage to hold his own against his three opponents, the young dark-skinned man felt he couldn't just stand by and watch. "Attack together! He's only a first rank. No matter how strong his fighting skills are, he will tire out over time."The dark-skinned youth pulled out a pair of iron gloves, his weapon of choice, different from other warriors who typically used swords.*Tssut—*The three other warriors quickly joined their comrades who were already attacking. Daniel now faced attacks from two swords coming from the front, while two more came at him from the right and left.With incredible speed, Daniel wielded his sword, his movements graceful as he parried the barrage of incoming sword strikes. However, the sheer number of opponents eventually gave him trouble. From behind, the dark-skinned youth attacked with lightning speed.*BANG!*A hard punch landed on Daniel's back, causing him to wince slightly in pain."You cowardly scoundrel! Since you all intend to kill me,
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CHAPTER 28: Competition Begins
After ensuring Daniel’s safe return, Xiao Tian immediately set off again. In his hand was a large amount of gold coins he had obtained from the young black-skinned man earlier. "With this much money," he thought, "it shouldn't be difficult for me to get a quality sword."This time, his destination was the Phoenix Dragon Association, located in the heart of the Empire. Known as the place that provided all the needs of warriors, Xiao Tian was confident he could find a sword that suited his needs there. With a determined stride, he began searching for the way to the association.Meanwhile, Ling Faizhe had arrived at his residence. As soon as he passed through the entrance, an overwhelming sense of nausea struck him. This was the first time he had witnessed such a brutal and merciless murder scene. In front of Xiao Tian and Daniel, Ling Faizhe tried hard to maintain his composure, attempting not to show that he was someone who had just entered the world of martial arts. "Damn," he muttere
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The elders immediately handed over the data of the students participating in the competition after She Xongjan received the complete list of all participants. In a loud voice, She Xongjan invited the participants to enter the Martial Arts Arena."Everyone, gather first," She Xongjan ordered his voice echoing powerfully and reaching everyone in the spectator stands.Xiao Tian and Daniel immediately entered the Martial Arts Arena to gather, with Daniel continuously observing his potential opponents. Only Xiao Tian remained calm and unaffected by the surrounding crowd.When all the participants were in the arena, the elders from Yunlang Valley, Qiantu Sect, and Black Lotus Sect started to appear restless. "Where is Hujian? The event has started, but he hasn't shown up yet," they murmured anxiously. They seemed panicked because the most talented student from their sect hadn't arrived.Meanwhile, Shunyuan kept a sharp eye on Xiao Tian and Daniel. Internally, he cursed, “Damn, those two bra
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She Xongjan announced the next match. “Next up, number 14,” he said with a thunderous voice. Xiao Tian sat calmly, his eyes observing the ongoing battles in front of him. However, his expression reflected boredom. Match after match passed without anything catching his interest.Finally, She Xongjan's voice resounded in the air again. “Number 13, please enter the Martial Arts Arena!”Whoosh—Whoosh—Two figures immediately darted into the centre of the arena. She Xongjan continued, “Ling Faizhe from the Ling Kingdom versus Shaiming from the Endless Valley.”Without hesitation, Shaiming drew his weapon—a silver spear that gleamed sharply under the sun.Buzz—Instantly, Shaiming’s domain became apparent. He, like Ling Faizhe, was a third-ranked Earth King warrior. Ling Faizhe merely snorted coldly as he sensed his opponent's aura. “If you think you’re capable, come forward! There’s no need to show off your strength in front of me,” he said in a mocking tone.Shaming smirked disdainfully,
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