All Chapters of The Influential Son-in-Law: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
78 chapters
Chapter 51
“If you truly want to marry Azalea, win her heart,” the old lady Cadenn said as she took a meaningful sip of her tea.He looked up eagerly as he finally reached his goal.“It is indeed true,” the old lady Cadenn affirmed, setting down her teacup and nodding slightly.“Great! I will make sure Azalea knows that I, Dylan Killian, am the one who truly deserves her. I will rent the biggest, most luxurious hotel in Riverfall City and confess my feelings to her on a special day. Thank you for your support,” Dylan declared confidently.“Alright,” the old lady Cadenn agreed without hesitation.After finalizing his plan, Dylan felt an indescribable sense of happiness. “Well...”Now, a small investment will be worth it in the end!Once I’ve had my fun with Azalea, I will discard her.Then, I, Dylan Killian, will seize the Cadenn family’s vast wealth.A cunning light gleamed in Dylan’s eyes as he plotted his deceitful scheme.The person he desired was Azalea. He also coveted the Cadenn family’s a
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Chapter 52
The entire room fell into a stunned silence after Theo finished speaking. The way he said it was calm, but the overwhelming sense of murder was palpable. He exuded an air of dominance from within, honed by years of battlefield experience. It was terrifying. Both the man and the manager were afraid to speak. In the city, few people could speak to embarrass Dylan.Theo was the only one. He stated it bluntly at that precise moment. They didn’t dare to question him. Nobody but this mysterious figure could “deal with him.” You will be compensated. We will transfer the money to your account.After slamming the table, he stood up and intended to leave. “Sir, you’re welcome, sir. It’s a pleasure to serve you. There’s no need to charge.”Theo’s aura consumed the middle-aged man, causing him to sweat. This is for you. Just take it. Doing things right is better than anything else. Gerald scowled and spoke, then extended his hand to Theo.“Silence! Absolutely!” The middle-aged man immediately nod
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Chapter 53
Gilbert joined the Cadenn family two years ago. This led to a lengthy argument between Azalea and everyone else in the Cadenn family.Harold was also impressed with it. Since the day Gilbert arrived, he has been with Azalea for two years.“I, Dylan Killian, will take Azalea away from him.”Dylan’s expression was filled with joy as he spoke. Gilbert had also rejected Dylan once, so Dylan’s hatred for Gilbert was equal to Harold’s.“Mr. Killian, you have my support,” Harold said with a smile.I really need your help in this matter. Make it public. The more people know about it, the better.“I just want everyone to know that I took Gilbert Huxley’s beloved woman. It’s useless.”And I also want everyone to know that I cuckolded Gilbert.Dylan Killian couldn’t help but laugh before finishing his words.“Mr. Dylan, don’t worry. You can count on me,” Harold continued with laughter, eagerly expecting the day ahead.In the afternoon.It was at the market supervision office in the city’s Jayan
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Chapter 54
“Hello, Iris and Mae.”Jasper knew he couldn’t hide it. He turned around slowly and forced a smile.Jasper was so embarrassed that his face turned red.“Jasper, why are you doing this?” Iris paused, scanned Jasper, and was full of questions.“Aren’t you going to be promoted? Didn’t you say you would be in charge of the entire Jayan district? How...?” Mae asked surprisingly.Jasper intended to make an excuse. But out of fear that it might have something to do with Gilbert, he didn’t dare to tell a lie.“Oh... The leader thinks I lack experience and need improvement. So, I start from the basic job,” Jasper said with a sad face after a few seconds of silence.Iris and Mae were puzzled. They were uncertain about Jasper’s promotion, yet he assumed the role of a gatekeeper.Didn’t he say he specially selected this position for Gilbert? How come he was guarding the entrance instead?“Mae, what are you doing here?”Jasper scratched his head and couldn’t invite Mae and Iris in because he didn’
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Chapter 55
Yesterday, Gilbert said to Jasper before leaving the private room, “I just feel you’re perfect to be a doorman.”Later, Jasper, like a madman, gave Gilbert some gifts, apologizing to him.Gilbert added Jasper couldn’t be a doorman if he kept talking nonsense.At that moment, Azalea didn’t think too much, but she felt a little relieved.However, reminiscing about that time, Azalea felt a sense of suspicion when she saw Gilbert’s arrogance and Jasper’s servile demeanor.Azalea, feeling quite confused in her heart, turned to look at Mae.“Mae, what are you talking about? What’s going on?”Azalea frowned and inquired in a light voice.“Hahaha.”Mae laughed and placed the plate on the table.An issue has been bothering your father for the past few days. Because of anxiety, he has difficulty sleeping at night in a row. He was thinking of asking Jasper for help.But guess what? We observed Jasper acting as a doorman, dressed in his uniform, and observing the scene.“It’s really hilarious!”J
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Chapter 56
Gilbert didn’t want to explain, “Maybe that’s all.”The day before, he told Hamlin that Jasper preferred the porter’s job. And they made a deal for Mr. Lewis to consider Gilbert’s words once he felt better.If he couldn’t feel better, Mr. Lewis could forget about it.Apparently, Hamlin must be much better than before. Although it’s not beneficial for us to gloat over the misfortune of others, the Randle family needs a lesson.Iris put down her chopsticks and said, “Gilbert, you did nothing wrong.”Upon hearing Iris’s words, Azalea was delighted.Iris and Mae finally approved Gilbert. It made Azalea very excited. The excitement she felt was even greater than the day she received admission to the key university.She did not know why she felt this way.Mae glanced at Gilbert but said nothing, rebelling as usual.“Azalea, come and give me a hand.”“I’m in a fantastic mood today. So I’m going to make some of my special dishes.” Mae rolled her sleeves and smiled.“Okay, I’m coming.”Upon he
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Chapter 57
“I see.”Seeing that Gilbert showed no interest in continuing the conversation, Iris stopped asking him.“Dinner time, guys!”“Dad, come here to wash your hands. Gilbert, I’ll also bring you some water to wash your hands.”Azalea came out of the kitchen and asked them to wash their hands before eating.“I got it!” Gilbert nodded with a smile.They then had a tasty meal. The atmosphere in the house had just changed to a sweet one, unlike before. Sitting at the table, Gilbert mostly just listened to the others as they talked.Mae didn’t take it seriously because she knew Gilbert was a quiet person all the time. Gilbert looked at each of them, holding the fork in one of his hands. Suddenly, he felt a little touched in his heart.He believed he was strong enough despite all the difficulties of the past. But something had faded him. Once, Gilbert didn’t like Mae for what she had done.But when Gilbert put himself in Mae’s shoes, he fully understood her. Who would let their daughter marry a
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Chapter 58
Gilbert took a pen and wrote the prescription in his hand. Angelica exhibited anti-oxidation and coagulation properties. It has the potential to ease ischemia-induced nerve damage. The microelement in astragalus had the effect of protecting the nerve. It could eliminate free radicals. It was also beneficial for nervous cell growth.“The effect should be strong enough.”“So the age of the herbs is really important,” Gilbert thought, noting the age requirements for the herbs.Gilbert soon listed a variety of herbs on the page.On old lady Cadenn’s birthday, Gilbert gave her a pill. Dylan, however, crushed that pill into pieces. Only Gilbert knew how many rich and powerful people would fight for that pill if they discovered it.It was truly precious. However, the successful production of this pill paled in comparison. As long as Gilbert took this pill along with his acupuncture skill, the effect would definitely be much greater than the effort.Gilbert had the confidence that he could re
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Chapter 59
“Mom, why didn’t you want Gilbert to come here and help us?”“And the teacher said Gilbert should come here to apologize in person.”Tina glanced at Iris and inquired with curiosity.“Because...” Iris said.She paused for a moment. Last time, Gilbert used force to solve the problem and temporarily shocked Mr. Levy. But in this society, he couldn’t solve all problems with his fist.Mr. Levy had a large circle of friends. He could easily make new friends and exert control over Gilbert. Iris decided not to bother Gilbert about it. She wanted to solve this problem on her own.“Because Gilbert couldn’t beat the man this time.” Iris shook her head and reassured herself.Tina pursed her lips when she heard this. Then she said, “I think Gilbert is the best.”“That’s enough. Don’t bother Gilbert anymore.”“Gilbert can leave soon. He’s not obligated to help us.” Iris’s eyes darkened as she spoke.“Where is Gilbert going?”Tina nervously pulled the backpack straps onto her shoulders.Iris remain
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Chapter 60
Mr. Levy sorted things out in a few words.Carr nodded and said, “That makes sense. We’ll do it this way.”Iris looked embarrassed and gritted her teeth, “I don’t have that much money.”The Cadenn family did not show any favoritism. Even though they favored Harold, getting $400,000 from the Cadenn family was not a simple task.So, she didn’t have that much money.“You don’t have the money? Why are you so arrogant?”“How dare you hit others? You’re so arrogant!”“I’m telling you, there are many people you can’t hit in the city.”Mr. Levy shrugged his sleeves and mocked them.“I never care who I can hit at all.”“It’s about whether I want to hit him.”There was a mocking voice from outside after Mr. Levy finished speaking. Then the door opened. Gilbert moved his wheelchair and slowly entered the room.“Gilbert.”When Tina saw Gilbert, excitement showed on her face. Iris felt joyful in her mind at first. But soon she was disappointed.What could Gilbert do if he came here? He couldn’t do
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