The Influential Son-in-Law
The Influential Son-in-Law
Author: MariGold
Chapter 1

Texas City

At the Cadenn family home, a young man sat in a wheelchair, snoring with his eyes closed. His head tilted to the side, and drool ran down the corners of his mouth, giving him a foolish appearance. Suddenly, he jolted awake, clutching the arms of his wheelchair, his back damp with cold sweat.

"Ah!" he gasped, his mind blank as the last scene of his dream flashed before him.

"Gilbert, you're the biggest obstacle in my plan," a menacing voice echoed in his mind.

"I will make you suffer and persist like a dying dog."

The man in the dream, filled with malice, grated on Gilbert as if he wanted to devour him whole.

"Who am I? I'm...Gilbert Huxley."

His eyes lost their gloom, and a cold resolve took its place. Lemar Luke, the general of the Fourth Army in the North, adopted Gilbert, an orphan. Raised in Northland, Gilbert underwent rigorous training in the barracks from a young age and enlisted in the army at 15. Known for his bravery and skill in battle, he achieved numerous feats.


At the age of 20, he received the title of Major General with Nine Stars, enabling him to command millions of soldiers in the northwest. Tragically, Lemar, his adoptive father, lost his life in battle that same year. Gilbert led an army to avenge Lemar's death while acting out of rage, and in the process, he defeated ten enemy commanders.

The war made him famous, and he reclaimed 8,000 miles of land.


After the battle, he collapsed from exhaustion. His subordinate then betrayed him, seizing the opportunity to murder him. As a result, Gilbert suffered brain damage and fell into a state of semi-stupor. Even his legs were paralyzed. All of this came back to Gilbert as he regained consciousness.


Now that he was awake, it was time for revenge. Gilbert slowly lowered his head and attempted to walk on both of his legs, but they felt foreign to him. He had no strength; it was as if he were paralyzed. He extended his hands, one feeling the pulse in his leg and the other slowly rubbing the muscles.

"Fortunately, I've spent a significant amount of time confined to a wheelchair. I have clots here and there, along with some muscle degeneration," he whispered to himself.

With his medical skills and exercise, he would soon recover. Gilbert looked around the sterile room, gradually recalling the memories buried deep in his mind. He had been in a state of dementia for two years, but that didn't mean he had lost his ability to remember. 

"Is this the Cadenn family?"


Gilbert muttered to himself. For generations, the Cadenn family of Texas City served as generals. Dave, a legendary military leader in the Cadenn family, had distinguished achievements. Dave became enamored with Gilbert's potential and repeatedly pleaded with Gilbert's adoptive father to allow Gilbert and his granddaughter, Azalea, to make a commitment. Despite not knowing Gilbert's rank, the Cadenn family placed their trust in him.

Dave's perception, trusting in a man he admired, couldn't be flawed. So Dave was filled with joy. However, he did not anticipate that Gilbert would become a wastrel after his withdrawal. Gilbert's legs became paralyzed, and he struggled to care for himself. He had hoped to elevate the Cadenn family's status in Texas City with Gilbert, but now his plan has failed. His hope turned to despair, and his resentment and reluctance were understandable.

After Dave perished in battle, few descendants of the Cadenn family remained, leading to the family's decline to almost nothing. The Cadenn family blamed Gilbert for all of this and harbored ill feelings towards him. They had mistreated Gilbert for the past two years, subjecting him to constant humiliation.

Gilbert had endured a challenging existence over the past two years. He averted his gaze, picked up the cell phone from the desk, and dialed a number etched deeply in his memory.

"Yeah?" The voice on the other end of the line was heavy and firm, causing Gilbert to feel tense. 

"It's me," Gilbert said with a hint of nostalgia. 

The man who answered the phone was Theo Jackson, the leader of the guards and Gilbert's loyal companion. "Theo," Gilbert began, but before he could continue, there was a sudden knock on the phone. "Who did you say you were?"

Theo's voice wavered slightly.

"Gilbert," he repeated. There was a long pause before Theo responded, his voice filled with anger and tremors.

"What? Why are you calling me? You're a fool and a cripple. What rights do you have to call me? Screw you."

With that, Theo abruptly ended the call, leaving Gilbert stunned and pale. His once-trusted subordinate had turned against him, a betrayal that cut deep.

"No energy, no response," Gilbert muttered to himself as he set the phone down, a bitter smile on his face.

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