Chapter 2

“No," Gilbert replied firmly.

After a brief pause, Gilbert slowly shook his head, sensing Theo's insincerity. This was not the Theo he once knew.

"Let's see who just arrived," Gilbert remarked as a young man entered the room.

The newcomer was a handsome man with a mischievous smile on his face, dressed in a dark robe and carrying a sword that seemed overly extravagant. Elegant golden lines decorated the robe, resembling a rising dragon.

The massive sword he carried appeared heavy, sharp, and intimidating, adding to his heroic appearance.

Observing the young man, Gilbert squinted slightly. The man was Dylan Killian, the eldest son of the Killian family in Texas City. Dylan had long harbored feelings for Azalea despite her engagement to Gilbert, and he had made numerous attempts to win her over, even conspiring with Mae Cadenn, Azalea's mother, to remove Gilbert from the Cadenn family.

If it weren't for Azalea's loyalty, their schemes might have succeeded. Gilbert looked at what Dylan was wearing, and a cold shiver flashed in his eyes once again.

"A suit for a major general, a guardian sword... I wonder if you truly deserve them. Are you not afraid of death?"

Gilbert shouted, causing Dylan to momentarily go blank. Wasn't he foolish anymore?

However, after the astonishment, Dylan felt contempt once again. Dave would not have respected Gilbert if he had not previously possessed significant power in the military.

But all of that is now history. Gilbert was disabled, devoid of power or glory. On the other hand, Dylan was the eldest son of the Killian family in Texas City. Why should he fear the cripple in front of him?

"Gilbert, even if you come to your senses, what can you do? You're still bound to your wheelchair. Cadenn, what was your previous status before becoming the family's disabled dependent? Can I hurt you if I wear your clothes and steal your stuff? And in the future, I will embrace your fiancée, Azalea. What can you do to stop me? You can only watch it happen from your pitiful wheelchair. What a disgrace!"

Dylan laughed as he toyed with the Guardian Sword and suddenly placed it against Gilbert's neck.

Now that I have you under my control, I can do whatever I want." 

Dylan sneered, his eyes brimming with sarcasm and disdain.

The Guardian Sword, which had accompanied Gilbert in countless battles, now rested at his neck, a symbol of his defeat. 

What was once a source of glory has now turned into a harsh joke.

Gilbert's mind seethed with anger, but his legs were weak, barely able to support him. Seeing Gilbert's struggle, Dylan couldn't help but laugh. However, Gilbert's hand, gripping the sword between his fingers, cut short Dylan's laughter.

"Do you think you can do as you please? I am invincible in battle. Who are you?" Gilbert's voice was cold and unwavering. With a sudden movement, he flicked his fingers, sending the Guardian Sword flying out of Dylan's grasp.

Dylan was shocked to find his hands numb from the impact. 

"What did you say?" he demanded, stepping forward and grabbing Gilbert's collar. "How dare you threaten me? Despite the disability in your legs, you still have these hands.

"What can your hands do but beg for mercy, Cadenn?" Dylan spat, his eyes brimming with disgust.

Before he could finish his sentence, Gilbert's hand shot out, delivering a resounding slap across Dylan's face.

After Dylan made his statement, there was a loud slap that threw him back, causing him to fall directly onto the table.

A visible palm print slowly appeared on his face as Gilbert slapped him and slowly raised his slender right palm.

"I could still slap you, you know," Gilbert said calmly, his eyes indifferent.

"How dare you hit me? Do you know who I am? I am the eldest son of the Killian family in Texas City. The Killian family has a lot of money and power. You are screwed," Dylan exclaimed.

When Dylan came to his senses, he extended his hand to point at Gilbert and swore, "And when my guards arrive, the Killian family will make you disappear from Texas City."

Gilbert's face was grim, and his tone was indifferent as he replied, "Tulle." Dylan was furious and on the verge of making a scene.

Just at that moment, a middle-aged woman walked in. The woman had slanted eyes, thin lips, and an air of pride about her. This was Mae Cadenn, Azalea's mother, and Gilbert's future mother-in-law.

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