All Chapters of TRILLIONAIRE SON-IN-LAW IN DISGUISE : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
64 chapters
Fred is asked to prepare something for Rose as her new husband
Chapter 41The doctor checked his phone for the alert and was astonished as he found it hard to close his mouth. “That's the money and the $100,000 is for you to remain shut. Don't tell anyone that I was the one who paid, just discharge her when it's time.”He was on the verge of walking out when he turned to the Doctor one more time before leaving. “Make sure you keep me anonymous.”The Doctor headed continuously as he watched him walk out and he couldn't stop staring at his phone screen.*****Michael was already on his way back home when his phone began to ring inside his pocket. He brought it out and pressed the green button that served as an answer button.“Hey, Michael! Where did you go without the bodyguards?” Uncle John's concerned voice was heard over the call. He only wanted to know his way about since one of the bodyguards had called him earlier, telling him about the situation that took place after he left.“Actually I went to see Grandma Isabella. I was told that she wa
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Michael vow to Uncle John to take revenge
Chapter 42She furrowed her brows at him. She was just about to say something when Joseph interrupted. “I'm sorry, Brother Fred but she doesn't eat anything that's been prepared outside. You can go to the kitchen and prepare something for her since you'll become her husband soon. Michael had been doing that.”Fred's facial expression turned into a heavy sour.Joseph has been someone who always runs his mouth at guys who he sees around his sister.“I'm sorry but…” Fred was stammering in words when Rose joined in the conversation.“He's rich so he won't be able to do that.”“Yes, Joseph. Your sister is right.” ‘Oh, I see…” Joseph popped his eyes out. “But I have seen in Movies where rich husbands cook for their wives.”“That's in Movies and not in reality.” Suddenly, the doorbell rang and all their gazes were fixed to the door's direction. Fully convinced that it was the snacks he ordered online that had just arrived, Fred bolted himself to the door and twisted it open.“Good after
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Cordelia and Rose had a fight again at Golden Group of Companies
Chapter 43“Thank you.” Michael appreciated, feeling a sense of ease wash over him.“Now that you're richer. Do you still plan on taking revenge on those who humiliated and mistreated you in the past?”Michael stood up with the glass of juice in his hand and took a sip while Uncle John stared at him. “Yes! They all will pay for hurting me.” There was contempt in his eyes as he said. “She used me like a piece of rag and dumped me because I had nothing but now that I have something and everything, I'll show her how painful it's to get betrayed by someone you love and trust.”His craving for revenge was heavily written on his face. He wants them to feel how he had once felt.“You have everything it takes to do that if that's what you wish.”Uncle John wasn't going to stop him from doing what seemed good to him.“I won't forgive them for all they did to me.” At this moment, Uncle John was silent. He knew how hurt it was. And if he happens to be in his shoes he would probably do the same
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Cordelia and her husband gets to meet with the CEO
Chapter 44There was a brief silence as Rose stepped closer to Fred. Cordelia then moved closer to Paul.“Haha, look at who is talking.” She laughed heavily at Rose. “You think I don't know your evil plans? Why have you come here with Fred instead of your stinky and poverty-birthed husband?”She couldn't hold herself from making Rose's life a laughingstock. Because the bodyguards were there.“You're so ashamed of bringing him with you to see the CEO because you know he is going to kick the both of you out….”“That's enough, Cordelia!” Fred shouted at her, using his five right-hand fingers to stop her from furthering her words.“That's enough. I won't have you insult her any longer. Have some manners and know your place and limit.” He defended Rose and warned Cordelia. He'll soon become her husband so he won't stand to have anyone insult her in his presence. Cordelia wasn’t stunned at all because she knew how crazy Fred was madly in love with Rose back then in school.But why is he d
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Michael's Ascension Announcement
Chapter 45 “You may proceed to see him, sir and ma.” She smiled at them as she informed them that the CEO had agreed to meet with them. There was a form of smile that played beside their mouths as they trailed to the elevator, which would take them to where the CEO's office was located. Immediately, they stepped down from the elevator and moved to reach out the door but were baffled as the bouncer that was standing at the door's position blocked them, shaking his head. Paul was afraid but Cordelia wasn't the type that gets intimidated easily. “Where are you going?” The bouncer asked, looking at them with a little disgust in his eyes as if they weren't properly dressed. “We're here to see the CEO,” Paul replied, trying to keep his voice polite and steady. He didn't like the look of this man that was right in front of him. “Do you have any appointment with him?” The bouncer's facial expression grew callous. Paul was still about to reply this time but Cordelia had alr
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Rose Faints
Chapter 46 It was like a burden was lifted off her shoulder. “Attention everyone! Please, let's be silent as we watch and listen as they announce the generous CEO's name.” Joseph funnily said. For almost 30 minutes, there was silence in the room as they all stared at the small-sized TV screen, watching John Wilfred speak. They couldn't get their eyes off the screen as they eagerly waited for John to introduce on stage the new CEO. After an hour of watching, the session was over, but the new CEO wasn't seen, nor did John Wilfred make mention of his name. This was very strange as they all frowned their faces. This has never been the usual way that such a thing has been done. So why has it been changed now? “There's nothing strange and suspicious about this new CEO.” Stephen groaned bitterly, twisting his face in a heavy frown. He instantly gripped the TV remote control from Joseph and turned off the television. “What do you mean by that, Dad?” Joseph was also weari
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Rose in the hospital
Chapter 47 “Doctor, nurse! Emergency, please, help us.” Maria screamed as she rushed out of the car immediately after they got to the hospital. “Please, help us. Nothing bad must happen to our daughter.” She panicked, running helter-skelter and screaming in the hospital. Immediately some group of female nurses quickly came out with a stretcher upon hearing the commotion. Fred, who was already carrying Rose's unconscious body, quickly placed her on the stretcher and they rushed behind the nurses as they took Rose to an emergency ward. “I'm sorry but you can't go in with us.” One of the nurses turned and informed them as they tried to go in with them. They halted but their hasty breaths didn't cease to stop. Then, the ward's metallic door was bolted, locking them outside. Maria and Stephen, her husband, both bit their lips, panging their heads heavily as they walked to and fro, while Fred leaned himself to the white-painted wall, his arms crossed over each other and his
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Rose is pregnant with Michael's unborn child
Chapter 48She took a deep breath and was about to say something when she heard what automatically shut her mouth up.“Congratulations to you, Mrs. Rose." Doctor Charles said, his face popped out with a smile. “Congrats? What for?” A surprise look was formed on Rose's face as she asked. She had managed to regain some strength, so she stood up and sat on the hospital bed, looking at the Doctor, who was busy smiling endlessly. “What do you mean by that?” Her face was turning pale.Doctor Charles had to clear his throat very well. He took a very deep breath; he wanted to talk, but he paused.He smiled again, looking at Rose while her face was expressing her impatience. “You're pregnant, and I'm happy for you.” He finally revealed it and Rose was shocked.“I'm… what? Pre…Pregnant? How is that possible?” She stuttered out and the Doctor was puzzled as she asked him that.Which woman won't be happy hearing that she's carrying a baby in her stomach? He recalled the cases or incidences whe
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Rose plans to terminate her pregnancy
Chapter 49 And my parents…. No, I can't keep this loser's child in me. I'm going to terminate it once and for all.” She cursed within herself. She was far in deep thought before a male voice snapped her out. “Ma, are you sure you're ok? You have been speaking to yourself in rage for hours now. Is anything the matter?" The taxi driver, who noticed Rose muttering to herself, asked her with concern. He had been observing her for so long now and talking to herself was the only thing she was doing. However, Rose eyed him annoyedly and sighed exasperatedly. “I'm sorry. I would have minded my business instead.” The driver, who noticed how she was looking at him through the help of the front driver's hanged mirror, apologized before concentrating on driving. “You better be,” Rose warned him and immediately ordered him to stop and the car swiftly stopped as she instructed. It stopped in front of a hospital that wasn't well furnished. Although it was not, they have trained Docto
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Michael plans to remarry
Chapter 50 “My decision is finally and there's no going back nor backing down. I can't keep a man's child that can't even take good care of himself inside of me.” She spat and walked away immediately. “Oh, no. I mustn't allow her to do this to Michael. What should I do? What should I do? Ella, think fast.” She moved here and there, panicking. “Oh yes, Michael! I need to call him right away and inform him before it's too late.” This thought entered into her and she quickly brought out her phone to call Michael. She dialed his number and tried it several times but it didn't go through. She kept on calling but wasn't still getting through. It was switched off. Damn it! She tried her best but yet nothing. If Rose happens to abort the baby then she won't be blamed for it. “No. Michael, where are you?” She wished Michael would just appear immediately to get this whole mess cleared up. She pocketed back her phone and walked back inside the hospital with a worried and bit
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