All Chapters of TRILLIONAIRE SON-IN-LAW IN DISGUISE : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
64 chapters
Rose defend Michael
Chapter 31Instantly, her phone lit up for a message and she brought out her phone and checked. Her mouth opened wide so it became difficult for her to close it back.“$300,000?” Fear instantly gripped her and tears of joy and appreciation began to drop down from her eyes. Remembering how her family had been suffering for years made her son. Before Michael could open his mouth to talk she fell on her knees. Her eyes formed with tears. “Thank you so much, sir. May God bless you abundantly. Thank you, thank you…” Her head was bowed to the ground at his glittered shoes, thanking him endlessly.“That's enough, stop bowing to me as if I'm a God.” Michael glanced down at her and smiled.“No, no, no. Allow me to keep kneeling.” She shook her head. “You don't know how you have changed my life and that of my family's life for good…”“That's enough for now. Please get out.” He extended his hand to her; she hesitated but later gave him her hand, and he helped her to get on her feet.Michael s
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Michael overslept and paid dearly
Chapter 32Her eyes darted into his’ and she could swear that it was the same eyes of the CEO she had met with a few hours ago, but she quickly waved it off as the thought came.“Where did you get the money that you used in purchasing this dress from?” Her voice sounded serious as she asked.She had expected to be looked down on when she went to the party, but rather, she was highly regarded by prominent women. Adding to it all, the CEO even complimented the dress which then convinced her that it wasn't a replica as she had thought. Michael looked at her and saw the seriousness in her eyes. He knew there would be no kinds of lies that he would give her now that would convince her. He scratched the back of his head nervously as he tried to think of a possible lie to give to her for him to get out of this mess. “Michael, I asked you a question. Where did you get the money from and is this dress truly a replica like you have said?” Rose asked him in a calm and lofty tone. She wanted
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Michael questioned Rose
Chapter 33“Where did you go last night and why are these things still here?” He yelled at him and walked to where he was, giving him a sound slap.Michael screamed hard and held onto where he was slapped. This was the hardest slap he had ever received in his entire life.His face was faced to the ground after the slap landed on his face. His face reddened in rage as he painfully lifted it and looked at Stephen. He wanted to hit this man back if not because he was his father-in-law and also because he was advanced in age.Slowly, his eyes landed on Rose who shook her head in pity. Then to Joseph, Fred, and his mother-in-law, who were all nodding their heads in satisfaction as they let out a light giggle.The last person his eyes met with was Grandma Isabella and he saw the angry look on her face at what her son did to him.“Don't you know that it's your duty to pack the dirty plates to wash them once we're done eating?” Stephen continued in a seethed voice.However, Michael became fu
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Rose Wants to Divorce Michael
Chapter 34But now he refused and this action of his shocked her as she continued to look at him.“Rose, tell me. Look into my eyes and tell me. Who am I to you?” He questioned angrily and Rose gave him a disdainful look.“You're nothing but a nobody to me.” She spoke directly to his face and yanked her hand from his hand.“Next time, don't ever touch me with your hands.” She walked away and Fred sarcastically laughed at him. “I believe you're not deaf to not hear what she said. She's tired of living with a low-life man like you; leave her alone and stop stinking her with your poverty.” He uncontrollably laughed at him. However, Michael didn't answer him a word and he became angry and walked away. Michael slowly took a few steps to the dining table, he took a seat and stared at the dirty plates that were there waiting for him.He sighed annoyedly before and got up, gathered them, and left to get them washed.*****In the afternoon, there was no one in the house. Everyone had all go
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Rose Filed A Divorce And Michael Signed
Chapter 35 Not long after, Rose walked down the stairs and she was holding a paper. She walked straight to where Michael was standing and shoved the paper that was in her hand to his face. “Sign this paper now!” She commanded. Michael was surprised at her action as he looked around, trying to get an explanation. “Sign? What's the paper for? And why do you want me to sign them?” He asked and stopped cleaning. Everyone stood on their feet, looking puzzled as they went closer to watch the scene unfold. “I'm tired of living and spending my life with a low-life man like you, Michael. Can't you see that my mates are making a mockery of me just because I got married to someone like you? I'm tired for Christ's sake.” “I understand. But how is that related to me signing a paper?” He asked, his eyes lingered on the papers that were on the ground. But he couldn't read what was written on them. “Because I don't want you in my life any longer. In case you don't know, it's a divor
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Rose plans on getting married to Fred
Chapter 36 Michael was about to speak but a hand pushed him from behind, and he couldn't tell who it was. And the door was slammed to his face but he echoed out in anger. "You all will pay dearly for this day." Michael voiced out in anger from outside and everyone heard it since it was in anger that he said it. Outside the house, in front of the booted door, Michael could feel a stiff movement in his steps. He tried forcing himself to shake off the whole scene and move on with his life but it was like something was dragging him backward. The love he had for Rose was something no one could fathom, not even himself. It was this same love that made him leave his parents just to live with the love of his life, Rose. But now, he was feeling as if someone was stabbing him with several knives. After all the humiliations he had faced from both her and her family yet she still chose to betray him despite years of being in the marriage. That was the worst of it all. But one thing w
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Uncle John reveals a shocking secret to Michael
Chapter 37 “Please do, big sis. I can't wait to have Fred as my new brother-in-law.” Joseph chirped in. “I will, Joseph.” ****** The next morning, Uncle John took Michael to a sophisticated building that was made of Gold. After half an hour of driving inside the estate, they finally stopped, and two able-bodied men in black suits came out and opened the door for them with a slight bow. They both came down almost at the same time since Uncle John made use of the left-hand door and Michael the right-hand door. The moment that they stepped down, Michael's eyes darted around everywhere. The whole compound was well-cleaned. He wasn't perplexed since he was already swimming in wealth but he didn't understand why Uncle John had brought him to such a place that was in the form of a paradise on earth. Immediately, a group of maidservants came running out of the house to welcome them. Michael, at this moment, was dressed in his wealthy suit, and no one needed to be told tha
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Michael's plan for revenge
Chapter 38 A hint of shock ran through Michael's eyes and he could feel more pain than before. “What do you mean by that?” His eyes bore into Uncle John's. Uncle John took a deep breath and let out a facade smile. “It's nothing too serious. Just go and take your bath first, then come over for breakfast and I will explain everything better to you.” Uncle John said, trying to cool Michael's mind, which was already beating faster. Michael looked at him and wasn't convinced because he knew what he heard and it was mind-blowing. “Are you sure you're ok?” Michael's eyes filled with sadness and concern. “Yes. Just go and take your bath and come back.” Michael hesitated a bit but Uncle John gestured at him to go. He stared at him before taking a move but on his way, he turned and looked at Uncle John again with a worried look before going. Michael's mind was filled with billions of questions as he headed to one of the rooms that the maid took him to. Being desperate to k
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Michael visits Grandma Isabella in the hospital
Chapter 39“Who are you, please?" Michael asked politely, trying to keep his voice steady. "I mean, am I not speaking with my Grandma? Grandma Isabella?" "I'm sorry but she's currently on treatment, sir." "What? On treatment? What happened to her?" Michael panicked.“I'm sorry I have to attend to her now. Please, come over to the hospital and see her for yourself.” “The name of the hospital, please?” Michael quickly asked before the Doctor could hang up. He began to bite his lips as he got up from his seat, walking here and there. Suddenly, his phone lit up for a message and quickly he opened it.It was a message that bore the name of the hospital in it.Quickly, he ran up the stairs heading to his room. “Grandma, I won't let anything happen to you.” He was talking under a fast breath until he got to his room.He swiftly removed his expensive clothes, slipped back into his worn clothes, and headed outside with a run as if he had been chased after. The maids were all astonished as
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Michael pay for Grandma Isabella's Hospital Bills
Chapter 40 Everywhere was silent as no one could speak. Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice. “Yes, Doctor. I'm the one.” Everyone turned, looking shocked. “What are you doing here, you fool?” Rose screamed at him as she saw him silently walk in. He ignored her and walked closer to where the Doctor was standing but the Doctor took a step backward, feeling irritated by his look. He shook his head before looking at everyone and he could still feel their hatred towards him. “Doctor, I'm the one. The Michael she is craving to see.” He directed the words to the Doctor after ignoring everyone's looks. He hadn't come for any of them but it was just for the sake of Grandma Isabella that he had come. However, Doctor Charles stared at him, looking him from his head down to his toe with a disgusting look. It took everything in him not to order the bodyguards to throw him out of the ward. “Are you sure you are Michael?” Charles asked him in disbelief. He took a proper look at
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