Michael pay for Grandma Isabella's Hospital Bills
Chapter 40

Everywhere was silent as no one could speak. Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice. “Yes, Doctor. I'm the one.”

Everyone turned, looking shocked. “What are you doing here, you fool?” Rose screamed at him as she saw him silently walk in.

He ignored her and walked closer to where the Doctor was standing but the Doctor took a step backward, feeling irritated by his look.

He shook his head before looking at everyone and he could still feel their hatred towards him.

“Doctor, I'm the one. The Michael she is craving to see.” He directed the words to the Doctor after ignoring everyone's looks.

He hadn't come for any of them but it was just for the sake of Grandma Isabella that he had come.

However, Doctor Charles stared at him, looking him from his head down to his toe with a disgusting look.

It took everything in him not to order the bodyguards to throw him out of the ward.

“Are you sure you are Michael?” Charles asked him in disbelief. He took a proper look at
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