All Chapters of Rise From Prison: Married To A Beautiful CEO: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
73 chapters
Chapter 021 – Like Older, Like Young
***** Like every other place, Riverton City also has its own share of dons—rulers of the underworld domains, and Frosh happens to be among the well-known ones, particularly in the slum area. He is recognized not only for his overprotectiveness toward his younger brother but also for his courage, ruthlessness, and, most notably, his status as a ranked fighter—one of the attributes that make one a fearsome figure in Riverton City. Frosh initially started as a low-level street thug, climbing to power after his brother was brutally assaulted for harassing the younger sister of a crime lord several times more powerful than him at that time. That night, Frosh secretly infiltrated the don’s home, eliminated him, and took over his territory, turning him into who he is today. The crowd, recalling this history, couldn't help but suddenly shudder, wondering what the madman—who had risked his life to kill someone far more powerful than himself simply because they had punished his broth
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Chapter 022 – An Astonishing Incident
***** "This…" Xavier, his mother, and the neighborhood residents were suddenly left in shock after hearing Frosh’s frosty words. Their jaws dropped afterward and they struggled to react for what felt like an eternity before eventually, their eyes widened significantly. ‘He—he would commit a mass murder because…’ Xavier thought with disbelief while the neighbors, who had tried looking for Frosh’s good grace earlier, became horrified. “M—master Frosh! Plea—please don’t kill me! I only came here to sightsee!” “Master Frosh, please mercy!” They began to wail desperately, knocking their heads against the floor while sobbing pitifully, but Frosh‘s murderous expression did not waiver a bit, instead, he stepped heartlessly and vicious forward while his men followed with menacing expressions on their faces. “I’ve always known my gossipy nature will be my end!!” “I shouldn't have left my grandchild’s breakfast to gossip!” The entire residents broke down, greatly regretting the
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Chapter 023 – Frosh’s Astonishment
***** “This—what’s going on?” The residents, momentarily stunned, exchanged bewildered glances before mumbling in unison, “How could those slum rats possibly be connected to someone whom even the legendary Master Frosh treats with respect, despite not being recognized?” ——- As earlier mentioned, Laura and her husband had spent most of their lives on this street, only relocating and returning within a matter of three years, so they knew nearly everyone in the neighborhood. Initially, the couple had been on friendly terms with almost everyone, but after their return, they were suddenly ostracized, loathed, and treated with contempt by everyone who constantly mocked them for falling from grace and raising a murderer. Even those who had tried to maintain a relationship with them at the start, believing they still had some of their child’s wealth, dropped all pretense upon seeing how miserable they had become, and as a result, the whole neighborhood—regardless of age or financial
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Chapter 024 - The Neighbors’ Plan
*****For a moment after the black Audio was gone, nobody could react and the entire area fell into an eerie silence, staring in disbelief and trying to wrap their brain around what had just happened while Frosh felt a sudden chill creeping through his veins. No matter what he did, he wasn't able to return to his senses, leaving his men helpless and confused after they returned to their senses until they exchanged glances, and then one of them carefully approached him. “B—boss, are we still following the original plan?” the person asked, breaking the deafening silence that had filled the area. The next second, the neighbors remembered their situation and broke out in a sweat, terrified to the core.They fearfully looked at Frosh and at the same time, Frosh’s eyes regained a bit of focus, but in the next second, his face turned charcoal black with rage, and his eyes became aggressive. “Silence!” He barked and sent out his palm, striking the terrified gang member on the chest
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Chapter 025 - The Ice Queen With The Heart of Gold
***** ‘Why does it feel like she’s always glaring at me?’ Xavier suddenly wondered as he glanced at the lady addressed as Dorothy behind the steering wheel, only to see her entirely focused. ‘Could I have been wrong?’ He wondered after noticing that the lady wasn’t even looking at him at all. Just as he was about to ignore the thought and mind his business, however, thinking he was only being paranoid, he caught sight of a pair of eyes sending a cold and scornful glare in his direction from the rear mirror. ‘I wasn’t imagining things,’ he thought helplessly, his frown deepening as he wondered if he had ever met or known the lady before. After pondering for a moment but failing to recall any memory of her, Xavier decided to dismiss the thought and turned his attention back to his mother lying on his lap, whose neck he was holding to prevent further blood loss. His heart sank again upon seeing her like this. Xavier clenched his teeth and his eyes flashed murderously. ‘I
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Chapter 026 - Relief in One Place and Anguish in Another
*****“Grace Sky… Sky Group,” Xavier mumbled as he stared at the black and golden card in his hand, then turned it over and stared at the mobile number written there after which he stowed the card away, intending to call Grace after his mother recovered. This was what Xavier was thinking after Grace and her secretary, who seemed to hate him for no reason har disappeared when the door to his mother’s ward opened.Xavier hurriedly raised his head and upon seeing that it was the doctor who had entered not long ago exiting while removing the gloves from his hands, he forgot the thought in his mind and instantly stepped forward with concern. “How is my mother now?” he asked hurriedly, jolting the doctor, who was looking around as though searching for something, back to his senses. “Oh, I’ve stitched the cut on her neck, and she’s already receiving blood to replace what she lost.” “That—that’s great,” Xavier muttered and his rigid muscles unconsciously relaxed, feeling the immense
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Chapter 027 - An Excited Frosh
****** Inside the VIP hospital room that was equipped with all the basic amenities of a bedroom, Frosh, unaware of what his men were currently thinking or discussing, stood awkwardly still, appearing scared to advance. He no longer had the menacing aura of a don who had terrorized many; instead, he looked so frail, pale, and helpless at this moment, staring at the dull eyes of his blood-drained, pale brother lying pitifully and lifelessly on the bed. His legs felt too heavy at this moment to move, seeing the heavily bandaged stump where Frosh Junior’s arm used to be. This continued for what felt like an eternity before Frosh eventually clenched his fists and pushed himself to take a step forward. Upon doing so, he forced open his dry and heavy, calling out hoarsely, "Br—brother." Although his voice wasn’t loud, instead just barely above audible, Frosh Junior, whose spirit seemed to have long departed his body and who hadn’t heard even when Frosh entered, was jolted aw
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Chapter 028 - The Reason Behind Frosh’s Excitment
***** ‘He still dared to be excited?’ Frosh Junior, on the bed, stared at his elder brother in disbelief and felt he was dreaming. He wanted to wipe his eyes and make sure he was seeing right, but then nothing would move, only making him realize that he had tried moving an empty air, as he was nothing more than a one-armed person now. In the next second, Frosh Junior’s eyes became filled with hatred as he growled. “Why are you laughing?!” Frosh was badly startled by this and he slowly stopped, focusing his gaze on his brother, confused about his sudden source of rage. “I—” “Are you that happy that I’m now in this condition and will no longer create trouble for you?” Frosh Junior inquired aggressively, making his elder brother freeze completely. Frosh couldn’t act nor react for a moment, instead, he stared blankly at his younger brother, refusing to believe he would think the way he just did. “You—you thought I was happy with your condition?“ He asked blankly, but then
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Chapter 029 Excitement in Both Places
***** “This—this…” Frosh’s junior eyes slowly brightened with a strong fervor after hearing his brother’s plan and his breathing quickened. The reason for his previous bitchy attitude toward his brother was that he thought he would never get his revenge when even his elder brother whom he always rely on couldn’t revenge on him, but hearing the flawless plan, his rage disappeared completely and he became excited. "But—but please promise me that you'll step in if the b!tch doesn’t get involved and help me capture the family of three. I want to take revenge with my own hands… hand!" He looked with desperation in his eyes and pleaded with hope, staring at Frosh, who hesitated for a moment before finally nodding. “What are we waiting for then? Let’s execute the mission already!” He urged and his brother hurriedly nodded his head before making a call.“I refuse to believe that you, a common prisoner would have any sort of relationship with such an important person, it must have be
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Chapter 030 – Becoming The Number One Public Enemy
*****“Would Father still recognize me after all these years of being away?” Xavier couldn’t help but suddenly murmur to himself as he waited for a cab to pass by.“Would he be filled with resentment for me for making his and my mother’s life miserable all these years?”“How will our first meeting go after I’ve left him childless for so long?”He continued muttering, his mood completely somber, an emotion entirely different from the one he had before he left his mother’s ward.Xavier only sighed deeply after a long time had passed before deciding to push all the questions in his mind aside since he was certain there would be no answers for them until he faced his father. This was what Xavier was doing, when from nowhere, a sudden cry for help rang out, snapping him back to reality.He frowned slightly upon hearing this plea, but since it had nothing to do with him and he wasn’t one to interfere in other people's affairs, he chose to ignore it.However, without any warning, hi
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