All Chapters of Trillionaire Ex husband's Revenge : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
372 chapters
Chapter 0091
"Is that so?" Mr Brown jeered at Elijah. He couldn't see the invisible screen. "Lets hear about my dark secrets then."Elijah smirked. "You run an underground drug ring in southern district of York city. You're also engaged in electoral fraud, manipulating votes in your favour."Mr Brown's pompous s
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Chapter 0092
Elijah drove Sheila straight to the hospital after he picked her up from the road. There was not a single scratch nor injury on her but Elijah wasn't taking chances. While Sheila had her check-up with the doctor, Elijah waited, his mind busy. "How is she doctor?" He asked as soon as the doctor ca
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Chapter 0093
"So this is the idiot that tried to harm my woman," Elijah's eyes burned with fire. "I'll make him suffer greatly for it.""Zenith," Elijah called. "Send this picture to Scarface. Tell I want this man delivered to me tonight, unfailingly." * * * * Scarface didn't fail to deliver. Before sunset, t
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Chapter 0094
Sir Vintage was panicking— like a cornered rat. The man he had hired to kill Sheila had reportedly failed. "What was I thinking when I hired that fool?" Sir vintage pulled his hair in frustration. "I shouldn't have been so careless."He was alone in his office, when the door suddenly opened and hi
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Chapter 0095
Sir Vintage stared at Elijah for a long time then he burst into laughter. He didn't know how long he laughed but he laughed so hard he fell back on his chair. Elijah remained calm and unfazed, watching him like how a bored man watches a clown. "Oh this is just too good," Sir Vintage said, wiping
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Chapter 0096
Sir Vintage's legs felt like jelly. They gave way, forcing him to drop on his hands and knees. He shouted with tears in his eyes. "Arthur Smith, mercy... Please have mercy. Don't do this to me, please."Elijah stood up. His eyes were without empathy. "I warned you, but you laughed in my face and c
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Chapter 0097
Sheila checked her wrist watch. Then she nodded. "I can spare an hour for dinner. I'm meeting with Mr Flintstone tomorrow so I must get to bed early."Just then Margaret Wade walked in on them. "What are you two up to?""We're going out on a date," Sheila said, dragging Elijah along. "We'll be back
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Chapter 0098
Kate Wade was the last person Sheila expected to see. "What are you doing in Bistros?" Kate Wade asked. "You seriously can't afford to dine in a place like this. Who let you in?"Sheila sighed. "Kate, it's a peaceful night. We don't want any trouble.""Trouble?" Kate laughed. "Don't tell me you're
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Chapter 0099
"I'm so sorry, Miss Kate," he apologized. "Who might have offended you this evening?"Kate pointed at Sheila. "This bitch slapped me. I want her kicked out of this restaurant immediately.""That's absurd," Sheila defended herself. "She hit my boyfriend first. She should learn to keep her hands to he
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Chapter 0100
"James," Kate called. "What are you doing?"James still had his head bowed to the ground. He was shivering like a rabbit. Even Sheila was surprised. She couldn't process what was happening at the moment. "Elijah," James pleaded. "I don't know how you did it but please, would you call Mr Gregory an
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