All Chapters of Trillionaire Ex husband's Revenge : Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
372 chapters
Chapter 0171
The secret police couldn't find proof that Lisa was hiding a Southerner so they let her go. Lisa was a smart woman. She knew the secret police would place her on twenty-four hours surveillance watch. She sent a text message to her brother, asking him to meet her at a cafe. The next day, the two s
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Chapter 0172
Elijah felt relieved. "Thank goodness. I was worried sick about her. Well, have you two thought of something yet?"Jimmy shook his head. "This is tough for us as it's tough for you. We don't have any idea on how to get you passed the border.""Is there any way you can connect me to Smith Industries?
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Chapter 0173
Lord Azar, also known as the Supreme leader was president of the North for fourteen years. He hated the southerners with a grave passion, but there was none other he hated more than Smith Industries. During his earlier reign as president, he had approached Smith Industries to buy weapons for his m
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Chapter 0174
He lowered his gun down. "Alright, Arthur Smith," Lord Azar said, putting up a tough front. "You've made your point. Why are you here in my nation?"Elijah sighed. "It's a very long story. Honestly, I don't want to be here. This place sucks. I never imagined the North would be so terrifying. There's
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Chapter 0175
Lord Azar wasted no time. A permit was immediately signed and handed over to Elijah. "Take it and get out of my sight," Lord Azar scowled. "I don't ever want to see your face around here again."Elijah confirmed the authenticity of the permit and nodded his approval. "This would do," he put the p
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Chapter 0176
A chill ran down Sheila's spine. The thought of sleeping with Isaac turned her cold. "I'm at the time of my month," she lied. "Can we skip tonight?"Isaac's smile widened. "No we're not. We're going to sleep together as husband and wife. Whether you like it or not. I'll be waiting at the event. You
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Chapter 0177
Sheila looked as if she was seeing a ghost. Standing right infront of her was her real husband. "Arthur, I don't believe it," she said, rising to her feet. "Is this really you?"Elijah smiled at her. "Yes, it's me. I'm sorry I left."The room fell into a stunned silence as everyone glanced at Elij
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Chapter 0178
"This can't be! How did you manage to hack V.42?" Isaac demanded. Elijah strolled over to and pointed directly at him. "You underestimated me, Isaac. You thought I'd just show up here without a plan? Think again."Isaac gritted his teeth. "That still doesn't answer my question.""I have three bodyg
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Chapter 0179
Elijah took his attacking stance. "I warned you, Isaac. You'll regret this."Isaac gripped the handle of the knife tightly and charged at Elijah. "Come at me, coward!" * * * * Elijah dodged all the strikes Isaac stabbed at him but a few landed and gave him a few cuts here and there. No one interv
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Chapter 0180
"Elizabeth, wake up. You're going to be late for your first day in school," Elijah said, stirring his child up. Elizabeth's eyes fluttered opened. She stretched and yawned. "Is it morning already?""That's right," Elijah checked his wrist watch. "You've been so excited for today. I'm going to drive
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