All Chapters of Trillionaire Ex husband's Revenge : Chapter 311 - Chapter 320
372 chapters
Chapter 0311
Elizabeth's eyes widened. "Really? You met him personally?" Elijah nodded, his brains working fast with the lies playing in his head. "That's right. Your ambitions and dreams caught his interest. When I told him about my plans to return home, he insisted I used his private jet. He thought it would
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Chapter 0312
"Your mother has been abducted," Benjamin said. "But how?" Elijah demanded, pacing around his room. "I thought mother has protection." "Her private jet was hijacked," Benjamin Smith explained. "Arthur, do you know king Henry?" Elijah frowned. "Who's king Henry?" "Zenith, display king Henry's pi
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Chapter 0313
"King Henry abducted your mother to send a message across to you. He's clearly telling you through his actions that he knows where to find you if he wanted to," Sheila reasoned. "He must be stopped, Elijah. Stop him for us." Elijah thought about leaving his family the next day to go rescue his mom
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Chapter 0314
Elijah's heart pounded in his chest, but he kept his composure. He was usually confident when facing his enemies but there was something about king Henry's confidence that made him uneasy. Elijah could sense an overwhelming power somewhere in this courtroom even though he couldn't see it. "Som
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Chapter 0315
From the shadows, a third figure emerged—a man with an aura of commanding power. He had a calm, almost serene expression, but his eyes burned with malicious intent. "This is Marcus," King Henry introduced. "He's the leader of this group." Marcus raised his hand, and Elijah felt an invisible forc
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Chapter 0316
The next day, the three psychic tortured Elijah. They showed him no mercy. King Henry would watched in satisfaction as they broke his bones and wound him. If it weren't for the heavenly sword in Elijah, he would've died. He had lost a lot of blood. King Henry moved around in an automated w
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Chapter 0317
The only thing hindering him from escaping was the energy draining charms. The heavenly sword could be evolved. Elijah had done many experiments on the island with Smith Industries technologies. . On that island Elijah discovered the possibility of merging Zenith's system with the lord supreme's
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Chapter 0318
Benjamin Smith was getting worried. "It's been three days since Elijah left to Axis Kingdom and he's yet to return." Elijah had communicated telepathically to Benjamin Smith not to make any move unless he was told to. It baffled Benjamin Smith at how stronger his son had gotten as Lord supreme.
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Chapter 0319
"Maybe we should've killed him when we had the chance," Prince William said curtly. "I told you to kill him father but you refused to heed to my warning." "Killing him won't give me the satisfaction I needed without watching him suffer," king Henry snapped. Prince Henry scowled. "This is why your
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Chapter 0320
King Henry's face twisted with fear as Elijah approached him, the crowbar swinging lightly in his hand. "Stay back, Arthur Smith!" King Henry shouted, his voice trembling. "You don’t have to do this." Elijah's eyes burned with cold fury. "You should have thought about that before you tortured me
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