All Chapters of Trillionaire Ex husband's Revenge : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
372 chapters
Chapter 0041
Elijah couldn't tell what Zenith was capable of. Sebastian once mentioned Zenith could do almost anything. She could hack a bank, a highly secured military base, phones and even cars and planes. Zenith Opened a large holographic screen before Elijah in two seconds. Elijah was dumbfounded by the e
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Chapter 0042
Judge Hughes birthday was a blast. Everyone had turned up to celebrate with him. His children and grandchildren were also present to join in the celebration. The moment Elijah walked in, the atmosphere changed. Judge Hughes whom was laughing with well wishers and friends suddenly stopped laughin
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Chapter 0043
The vice President stopped in his tracks. He glanced at Elijah whom was staring intently at him. Sweats immediately broke out on the vice president's face. He couldn't believe he was in the presence of Arthur Smith. "I see," The vice President adjusted his tie and returned back to his chair. "Ca
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Chapter 0044
Judge Hughes arrest was all over the news in the country. Even the Northern country caught wind of the it. "So far so good, I've destroyed two men who wronged me," Elijah said as Sebastian served him dinner. "Indeed you have," Sebastian, dished him a plate. "The Lee-Wood family are now your top p
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Chapter 0045
Smith coins was a big hit. Everyone kept talking about it. The operation would be under the control of the Lee-Wood family. This was a huge milestone for the Lee-Wood family. They have never had such outstanding luck. Six weeks after the press Conference, Smith coins was launched. It was a succe
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Chapter 0046
"Look at what you've done," she stood to her feet, looking helpless. "You ruined it.""Ruined what?" Elijah stared at the box which had a broken glass of perfume. Chloe picked up the box, then with anger boiling inside her, she hurled it at Elijah. Elijah was quick enough to dodge. Chloe grabbed
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Chapter 0047
Elijah maintained his composure as the police retrained him. Chloe watched as he was being taken away. She took out her phone and called her mother. Abigail was at home when she received Chloe's call. The moment Chloe narrated what transpired between she and Elijah, all hell broke lose. Abigail
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Chapter 0048
Suddenly, Olivia arrived with her family. Without warning, she charged into the interrogation room and headed Straight for Elijah. Before anyone could stop her, she delivered five blows to his face. By the time the other police officers restrained her, she was breathing heavily. "You pig," she y
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Chapter 0049
"I can't believe they'd go to such extreme length," Ross said, his knees on the floor. "I wished I was notified on time, we would have averted this."Elijah and Sebastian were in Ross office. "This is the last straw," Sebastian said, his face fuming with anger. "If I hadn't acted fast, they would h
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Chapter 0050
Riggs eyes threatened to fall out of his sockets. He couldn't believe it. "You're joking," his voice croaked. "Tell me you're joking."Elijah turned around. "Enjoy your time in prison, cow."The cell doors slammed behind him. * * * * Twenty four hours later, the Lee-Wood family were released und
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