All Chapters of OLIVER'S RISE TO INFLUENCE : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
95 chapters
But as Oliver finished, something unexpected happened.The mention of the name "Oliver Howard" seemed to pierce the director’s composure. His once stoic expression cracked, and for a brief moment, his eyes widened, a flicker of shock crossing his face. His lips parted slightly as if to speak, but no words came. His right hand, which had been resting casually on his cane, gripped it tighter, the knuckles whitening. He shifted on his feet, his posture stiffening unconsciously. His brow furrowed ever so slightly, and he blinked, as though trying to process what he had just heard.He cleared his throat, almost as if to regain control, but his surprise was evident to anyone paying attention. The air in the room felt even heavier, and the crowd could sense that something monumental had just been said, though they couldn’t fully grasp its significance. Oliver, seeing the man’s reaction, felt a wave of nervousness sweep over him, his heart pounding faster. For a few seconds, it seemed as
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Oliver stood firm, his voice steady but laced with growing curiosity as he sensed the shift in Mr. Nicholas's demeanor. “Yes, sir, she’s my mother.”For a moment, Mr. Nicholas remained silent, his piercing gaze studying Oliver with newfound respect. His brow furrowed slightly, as if connecting distant memories. Finally, he spoke again, more composed this time. “Your mother... I knew her many years ago. She was a remarkable woman, sharp, relentless in her pursuits, and always three steps ahead of everyone else. She commanded respect wherever she went. It was impossible not to admire her drive and intellect.”The crowd, which had been jeering and taunting only moments before, now stood in stunned silence. Whispers rippled through them, growing louder with each passing second as they began to understand the gravity of the situation."Wait, did he just say Madam President?""He's... her son? The Madam President?""No way, this can’t be real...""But if he’s telling the truth, we’ve been
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The sound echoed through the bank like a thunderclap. Wilson staggered backward, his hand flying to his stinging cheek. His eyes were wide with disbelief as he processed the instant and unbelievable twist in his fate. Even in his wildest dreams, he could never have imagined receiving a slap from the director of the bank, Nicholas Brian himself.The crowd gasped collectively, their astonishment rippling through the room like wildfire.“Did that just happen?!”“He slapped him!”“No way... Wilson got slapped by the director?”“I never thought I’d see something like this...”People whispered in shock, their eyes darting between Wilson and Mr. Brian, barely able to process the scene unfolding before them.Wilson stood there, speechless, his cheek still burning as he clutched it in disbelief. His confidence had evaporated, leaving him stunned and humiliated. His lips trembled as he tried to form words, but nothing came out.Mr. Brian, his face flushed with anger, pointed a finger at him an
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Swallowing hard, Wilson forced the words out, each syllable feeling like shards of glass in his throat. “I... apologize, Oliver,” he said, his voice strained and devoid of sincerity. The apology felt hollow, and anyone paying attention could sense it. The bitterness of the moment was etched on Wilson’s face, his lips pressed into a tight line as though the very act of speaking left a foul taste in his mouth.But the fear, the deep, gnawing fear of what Mr. Brian could do, of the secrets he could expose—was enough to compel him to comply. The thought of his escapades being laid bare, of his reputation being shredded in front of these very people, terrified him more than the humiliation of apologizing. His pride was wounded, but his survival instincts had kicked in.Mr. Brian watched Wilson closely, his expression unreadable. Though he could tell that the apology wasn’t heartfelt, there was a certain satisfaction in having forced the man to swallow his pride. At least Wilson had don
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As Oliver followed Mr. Brian, the imposing façade of the bank loomed over them, its towering structure a reflection of the power and wealth it housed. They walked through a large corridor adorned with marble floors, glass walls, and towering pillars. The grandeur of the place was undeniable. Finally, they arrived at Mr. Brian’s sprawling office, a mammoth room that exuded wealth and power. The office was adorned with floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a breathtaking view of the city skyline. Rich mahogany bookshelves lined one wall, filled with leather-bound books, trophies, and awards, while an intricately carved wooden desk sat at the center of the room. The furniture was plush, with deep leather chairs and a long polished table that reflected the soft glow of the chandelier hanging above. The space was elegant yet commanding, with modern art hanging on the walls and subtle touches of gold accents in the décor. Mr. Brian gestured to one of the luxurious chairs opposite his de
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A satisfied smile spread across Mr. Brian’s face. “Excellent. I knew you had the foresight and the strength to see the potential here.” He extended his hand across the table, and Oliver shook it firmly.The partnership was sealed, and both men understood that this deal had the potential to shape the future of their respective organizations in ways neither had fully anticipated.As soon as the words left Oliver’s mouth, Mr. Brian’s face lit up with a broad smile of satisfaction. “Excellent!” he exclaimed, nearly leaping from his seat. “I’ll have my team prepare the contracts immediately. This is the beginning of something monumental, Oliver. I can already see us doing great things together.”He shook Oliver’s hand firmly once more, his excitement palpable. “You’ve made a wise decision. Our partnership will not only elevate both our firms but set new standards in the industry. I have no doubt this will be a defining moment for both of us.” Mr. Brian’s confidence and enthusiasm filled
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He was only one small push away from making a scene that would destroy the restaurant’s calm atmosphere.Then, just as he was sinking deeper into his seething thoughts, his phone buzzed on the table. The screen lit up with a number he knew well. He glared at the phone, fighting the urge to answer it. Whatever the caller had to say, he didn’t care to hear it. Not when his day had already been ruined beyond repair.Still, the phone kept buzzing, but Victor ignored it, letting it ring out as he fumed in his seat. He didn’t need more bad news. He couldn’t handle more devastation. Not when his mind was already filled with thoughts of revenge, imagining every way to bring Oliver Howard to his knees.And so he sat there, in the quiet corner of La Finesse, consumed by his dark thoughts, barely able to keep his anger from boiling over.Victor, still feeling a storm of emotions swirling within him, tried to settle into his seat, though comfort eluded him. He shifted uneasily, adjusting himself
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Victor’s curiosity was piqued, and he continued to probe. “Isn’t the merger a good deal?” he asked, his tone deliberately nonchalant. “It could help them foster development and progress.”Wilson’s response was laced with sarcasm. “Development? Progress?” he scoffed. “It’s just a way for them to consolidate their power and throw their weight around, all while sticking it to people like me. It’s a slap in the face.”Victor’s satisfaction grew with Wilson’s reaction. It seemed the man’s anger was more than just personal—it was visceral. Seeing the potential, Victor decided to dig deeper. “Why are you so angry? Do you know them personally?”Wilson’s eyes burned with fury. “I’m willing to do anything to bring Oliver down,” he declared. “He needs to learn the hard way. He can’t just come in and think he can outmaneuver everyone.”Victor’s heart raced with exhilaration at Wilson’s words. This was an opportunity too good to miss. Oliver Howard was not just his enemy; he was also the common
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One week had passed since he visited the orphanage, and tonight was the fundraiser he had eagerly anticipated and looked forward to.Oliver stood in front of the mirror, his fingers brushing over the simple yet elegant outfit he had chosen for the evening. He opted for a crisp white button-down shirt, paired with a tailored navy blazer and dark grey trousers.His shoes were polished but understated, matching the effortless sophistication he preferred. He wasn’t trying to make a bold statement—tonight wasn’t about him—but he wanted to feel comfortable and confident for the event.As he stepped into his car and began driving through the calm, quiet evening, the soft hum of the music on the radio mingled with his thoughts.The memories came flooding back—the times he spent at the orphanage, kicking a ball around with the other kids, racing across the fields, laughing as they chased one another in the warm sun.He could almost hear their laughter now, as clear as day, and the corners of h
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The car came to a smooth stop not far from where the group stood. The door swung open, and out stepped the driver—a strikingly handsome man, dressed in a tailored suit of charcoal gray, sharp and clean. His black leather shoes caught the light as he moved, and his deep blue tie stood out against the crisp white shirt he wore beneath his suit jacket. His presence was immaculate, a symbol of wealth and status.The driver glanced briefly at the gathering, his expression composed and unreadable, before stepping aside, as if waiting for someone even more important to emerge from the car. The man’s presence was unmistakable, commanding every eye in the vicinity as he confidently exited his car—a sleek, deep blue Aston Revano. The luxurious, high-performance vehicle gleamed under the fading sunlight, its opulent design drawing murmurs from the onlookers."Is that the new Aston Revano?" one guest whispered, eyes wide with admiration. "That’s a car you don’t see every day. Whoever owns tha
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