All Chapters of Arcadian Guardian: Evan's Rebirth: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
180 chapters
Chapter 11: Aria's Destiny
The darkness of the night enveloped the Sterling household, obscuring the light from the now-dead lamps. Clara Sterling, with a pale face and labored breath, carried her terrified daughter, Aria, in her arms. Amidst the chaos, Clara ran through the corridors of the house, the bodies of her family lying scattered around. Despite the overwhelming pain and sorrow, Clara pushed forward.From a distance, Clara could hear the screams and footsteps of the approaching enemies. The toxic gas deployed by Victor’s forces had spread, eliminating any hope of resistance. Clara knew their time was running out.“Aria, dear, we have to hurry!” Clara whispered with a trembling voice, trying to muster strength in front of her nine-year-old daughter.Aria, with wide, fearful eyes, clung tightly to her mother. Clara moved quickly, her heart shattered but her determination unshaken. They reached the back door of the house, where Clara had promised to escape with her daughter.As Clara opened the back door,
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Chapter 12: The Mysterious Visitor
In the Walker household, Elma was diligently caring for Lily, who had just turned one year old. Gently, she checked Lily's temperature and offered her warm milk, ensuring that the baby was comfortable and sleeping soundly.After Lily had fallen asleep, Elma continued with the chores, washing dishes before sitting down in front of the television. Exhausted, she eventually drifted off to sleep.In her dreams, Elma saw a young girl with blonde hair, looking radiant yet distressed. The child appeared to be crying in the middle of a dark forest. Elma tried to reach the girl, but she moved further away with every step. As the girl vanished, Elma was abruptly awakened by Lily's cries.Rushing to Lily’s room, Elma asked softly, “What’s wrong, sweetie?” She picked Lily up and held her close, guessing that the baby might be missing her parents who were still in the hospital.It was late into the night by the time Elma had managed to soothe Lily back to sleep. As Elma prepared to return to bed h
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Chapter 13: A New Encounter
Evan woke up that morning with mixed feelings. Though his wounds were healing, his mind was continuously occupied with the appearance of Aria Sterling in their home. Now back at home, far from her destroyed house, Evan felt a heavy responsibility weighing on him. He sat on his bed, staring at the wardrobe where Aria had slept the night before.When Evan came down to the dining room, he found Elma busy preparing breakfast. Her face still showed signs of fatigue, but there was a gentle smile on her lips as she saw Evan.“Good morning, Evan,” Elma greeted warmly. “How did you sleep?”“Good morning, Aunt Elma,” Evan replied as he sat at the dining table. “I slept well. But… I’m still curious about the girl you brought home yesterday. What exactly happened?”Elma sighed and stirred the soup in the pot. “Her name is Aria Sterling. I found her outside the house last night, and she looked exhausted and deeply distressed.”Evan listened intently. “Did she say anything? Does she know who was af
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Chapter 14: Revelation and Decision
As the sun began to set, the Walker family gathered in the living room. Aria, feeling more at ease in this new environment, sat on one of the sofas while Evan, Maria, Daniel, and Elma surrounded her. They planned to discuss their next steps.“So, Aria,” Maria began gently, “we’ve heard about the situation you’re facing. But we’d like to understand more about what happened and how we can help.”Aria nodded, looking at Maria with eyes still showing anxiety. “I know it might be hard to believe, but the people who were chasing me have very dark and powerful abilities. They’re after me because of this arrow,” she said, pointing to the relic she carried. “I’ve seen their own power, and they seem to have magical abilities.”Daniel, who had always been skeptical of things that couldn’t be explained scientifically, looked at Aria with doubt. “Magic? That sounds like fiction. We live in the real world, not in a novel.”Elma bit her lip, trying to recall if there was any logical explanation for
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Chapter 15: Rising Threat
The next morning, the atmosphere in the Walker household was tense. After the conversation the previous night, Maria and Daniel decided to report the situation they were facing to the police. They felt it was the right step to ensure Aria’s safety and their own. Evan, who was anxious but could not say much, could only wait and hope everything would go smoothly.That morning, Maria and Daniel prepared the documents and information they had gathered about the incident. Maria double-checked her notes while preparing a light breakfast for the family. Daniel made sure nothing was left behind. They wanted to make sure their report was clear and complete.“Daniel, is everything ready?” Maria asked while serving tea for her husband.“Yes, everything’s ready,” Daniel replied, looking at the documents in his hand. “I’ll head to the police station after breakfast. I hope this report will get serious attention.”After breakfast, Daniel left for the police station with the full report about the si
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Chapter 16: Secrets and Training
The morning light filtered softly through the curtains of the Walker household. Evan had been up early, his mind racing with thoughts about the previous night's events. Aria’s presence and the revelation of her magical abilities had stirred a new determination within him. He had made up his mind to learn more about magic, and the only person who could help him was Aria. Evan had decided that he needed to keep his newfound interest in magic and his own abilities a secret. He didn’t want to alarm his parents or create more concern than necessary. Thus, he approached Aria with a carefully crafted plan. After breakfast, Evan found Aria alone in the living room, quietly drawing with crayons. Evan hesitated for a moment, then walked over and sat beside her.“Hey, Aria,” Evan began, trying to sound casual. “I’ve been thinking... I know you can do magic, and I was wondering if you could teach me a bit.”Aria looked up, her blue eyes wide with surprise. “You want to learn magic?”Evan nodded
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Chapter 17: The Discovery of the Magic Staff
The weather was clear that day, as if the world was trying to add a positive touch to Evan and Aria's mood. After weeks of secretly training together, Evan felt it was time to introduce Aria to Riley, his close friend. Riley was a smart and enthusiastic girl, and Evan was confident that Riley would welcome Aria warmly.When Evan and Aria arrived at Riley's house, they were greeted by Riley with overflowing enthusiasm. Riley was a girl with dark brown hair and bright green eyes. She beamed at Aria and Evan.“Hi, Aria! I’m so glad to finally meet you!” Riley exclaimed excitedly. “Evan has talked about you a lot. I can’t wait to get to know you better.”Aria smiled shyly, feeling a bit awkward. “Thank you, Riley. It’s nice to meet you too.”Evan felt it was time to make the official introduction. “Riley, I want you to meet Aria. She’s a witch.”Riley was stunned by this revelation. Her eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open. “Seriously? You mean, she’s actually a witch?”Aria, feeling
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Chapter 18: The Twilight Duel
As time passed, Aria and Evan's abilities continued to develop. They felt increasingly comfortable and secure during their training, but the threat from outside drew closer without their awareness. Victor, who was secretly monitoring Aria and Evan, began planning his next steps to obtain the two relics that he had previously been unable to acquire.Meanwhile, Evan was pleased with his progress. He checked his status window, which showed significant improvements in his abilities and power. Evan's status window at that time was as follows:Name: Evan Theodore Walker (9 years old) Class: - Titles: 3/3 - Steel Heart (Permanently increases all status points by 5) - Helper of District 37 (Increases affinity with District 37 residents) - Animal Lover (Increases the chance of taming animals by 2 points) - Light of Arcadia (All status increases by 10 points when fighting enemies with dark attributes) Level: 12 Experience: 80 (120 experience points needed to reach Level 13) He
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Chapter 19: Farewell and a New Beginning
After the intense battle with Victor's followers, the atmosphere at Evan's home grew tense. Evan's parents, Daniel and Maria, felt increasingly threatened. They no longer felt safe staying in the same place and quickly decided to seek refuge elsewhere.After some discussion, they chose to move to a remote island where Liam, an old friend of Evan's father and a former sailor, lived. The island was known for its seclusion and was an ideal place to avoid enemy surveillance. They prepared to leave in haste, packing essential items and getting ready for the journey to the island.Evan and Aria, feeling uneasy about leaving their home and parting with Riley, decided to join Evan’s parents. They felt it was better to be together and protect each other during the journey to the island.Meanwhile, Riley visited Evan before their departure. Riley looked serious yet hopeful as he handed Evan a small box.“Evan, I want to give you something,” Riley said, his eyes full of meaning.Evan looked at t
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Chapter 20: Training and Hope on Vesperia Isle
On a secluded island named Vesperia Isle, Evan and his family finally docked after a tense journey. The island was peaceful and sheltered, far from the threats they had left behind on the mainland. The serene atmosphere of the island welcomed them warmly, and they were greeted by Daniel, an old friend of Evan’s father, who had been waiting for their arrival.Daniel, a middle-aged man with a friendly smile and caring demeanor, welcomed the Walker family with open arms. “Welcome to Vesperia Isle,” Daniel said. “I’m so glad you’ve arrived safely. This island will be a safe place for you for now.”Evan looked around and felt a sense of relief at the island's beauty. The lush green surroundings and fresh air made him feel a little more at ease after the recent trials. Aria also seemed more relaxed, enjoying the tranquil environment far from the dangers that had threatened them before.That evening, after a hearty dinner and some casual conversation, Evan’s father, Daniel, and Liam sat toge
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