Arcadian Guardian: Evan's Rebirth
Arcadian Guardian: Evan's Rebirth
Author: Corazon
Chapter 1: A Death That Changes Everything

“See you later, Evan!” Riley shouted, waving his hand. “Oh, and happy birthday to you!”

Evan grinned widely. “Thanks, Riley!”

After a brief farewell, Evan walked into his yard as it was getting dark.

Today began like any other day for Evan Theodore Walker. After entering the house, Evan greeted his family and then went to his room.

Evan was satisfied playing with his friend, Riley Chang, a teenager whose parents managed an antique shop.

Upon reaching his room, Evan turned on his slightly worn-out desk lamp and looked out the window. Arcadia City was where Evan lived. The city shone with dancing neon lights and magnificent skyscrapers.

However, behind the grandeur of Arcadia City, there were many slums inhabited by people like Evan and his family. They lived day-to-day as laborers in factories on the city's outskirts. But poverty did not make Evan feel disheartened.

“I will live there someday,” Evan muttered, full of determination.

After immersing himself in the glittering lights of Arcadia's downtown, Evan checked the clock on the desk. “Dinner time, it seems,” he murmured as he prepared to leave. His excitement was high because today was special for him.


In the dining room, a warm and festive atmosphere greeted Evan. His mother, Maria Walker, served his favorite dishes, while his father, Daniel Walker, and his sister, Lily Isabella Walker, sat with hopeful smiles on their faces. This family had been through a lot together, and they seemed happy, full of love, and ready to celebrate this joyful moment.

“Happy birthday, dear,” said Maria with a gentle smile.

Evan looked at his family with gratitude. “Thank you, Mom.”

Although there was no birthday cake or fancy gifts, Evan was still happy for his 17th birthday celebration.

I will change our family's life, Mom, Evan promised in his heart.

As they began to eat, suddenly, their door was knocked on hard.

Evan turned, feeling a bit anxious. “Is someone coming?” he asked.

“Impossible, we didn’t invite any guests tonight,” Daniel replied, trying to stay calm. “Maybe it’s just the wind.”

However, when the door was knocked on again, harder, the calmness of the evening was shattered.

“I’ll get it.” Evan stood to open the door, but before he could touch the handle, an ear-splitting explosion shook their house.




The sound of screams and breaking glass filled the room. Evan turned towards his family, who looked confused and terrified.

“What’s happening?!” Evan asked, panicking.

Without a second thought, Daniel moved quickly to protect his family. “Evan, go to the basement now!” he commanded with a voice both firm and full of fear.

Evan moved quickly, though he still didn’t understand what was happening. He ran towards the basement, but before he could lock the door, mysterious figures dressed in black with masks broke through the door, entering the basement with weapons ready.

Evan could hear his mother, Maria, screaming, and Lily crying outside. Fear enveloped him, and he knew there was no way to escape.

The gratitude and joy Evan had just felt with his family now vanished, replaced by fear and frustration. At the moment he saw the people with guns in front of him, he felt his life slipping away.

“Who are you?!” Evan shouted, though he was scared and panicking.

“Kill him.”

In a panic, Evan tried to fight back, but his strength was no match for those attacking him. In the futile struggle, Evan heard gunshots and screams from outside. He knew clearly those were the cries of his family being slaughtered.

“I will kill you!!” Evan shouted, furious. He had forgotten his fear and tried to fight with all his might.

It would have been easy for the armed men to kill Evan, but they seemed to be toying with him, treating him like worthless trash. Not stopping there, they also dragged his lifeless family and threw them in front of Evan.

“Bastards!!” Evan shouted. “All of you-!!”


Evan felt immense pain as a bullet pierced his stomach. With unbearable pain, Evan realized this night was the end of everything. But before everything went dark, he felt a strange power entering his body—a strong urge that made him feel as if he would fight back, even if he had to fight against death itself.

“I will kill you,” Evan murmured with the remnants of his life hanging in the air. “I promise, I will kill yo-”



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