All Chapters of Arcadian Guardian: Evan's Rebirth: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
180 chapters
Chapter 31: A Blow Beyond Defeat and New Power
Victor stood at the edge of his castle’s balcony, gazing at the somber horizon with mixed feelings. The cold night wind blew, rustling his long black cloak. Before him, the once-grand city now looked grim after the loss of Seraphine, one of the primary executives who had fought on the front lines. Yet, it wasn’t sadness that dominated Victor’s thoughts. Instead, anger and frustration boiled within him. Seraphine, although the weakest of the seven primary executives, was still a part of his power. Her death was a severe blow to his reputation and authority. What troubled him most wasn’t the loss of Seraphine’s life, but how the remaining six executives had reacted to her death. In a dark, aura-filled meeting room, the six remaining executives were gathered. Their faces, usually cold and cruel, now carried something else—a subtle derision. They showed no signs of mourning or loss. Instead, some of them even chuckled quietly, discussing Seraphine’s defeat as if it were a mere bad joke.
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Chapter 32: Strategic Clash
Victor arrived at the grand charity gala, his presence capturing attention in the opulent ballroom filled with prominent figures of society. Crystal chandeliers bathed the room in a warm golden light, and elegantly dressed guests mingled amid the luxurious decor. Despite the festive atmosphere, Victor's mind was far from the evening's celebrations.As he observed the crowd, exchanging polite nods and brief conversations with influential guests, his thoughts remained fixated on the battle against Evan and Aria. What had begun as a quest for an ancient artifact had evolved into a personal challenge. The victory and newfound power gained by his enemies had shifted his focus from merely acquiring relics to a deeper desire to crush Evan and his allies, as this was the only way to restore his shattered pride.The gala was intended as a prestigious charity event, designed to enhance Victor's public image and reinforce his standing among the elite. Yet, he found little solace in the glitter a
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Chapter 33: Reunion with an Old Friend
Evan stood before his father, his expression calm but his heart full of resolve. After the division of the Ironfist family, he felt the need to return to where everything began.“Father? I want to go back to our old house,” Evan said as his father, Daniel, was instructing his younger sister, Lily.Daniel asked Lily to leave, giving him and Evan a moment alone. “What do you mean? You want to go back to that slum district?”Evan nodded. “Yes, Father.”Daniel was silent for a moment. He no longer saw Evan as a mere teenager. Evan was now capable of protecting himself. Although it was dangerous, Daniel eventually gave his permission. “I will allow you to go, but Aria must accompany you.”Evan did not object to his father’s condition. He nodded and went to meet Aria.***In the small training field where they used to practice, Aria was pushing herself hard, determined not to let more lives be lost. The many lives lost during Seraphine’s attack made Aria feel the need to improve her skills.
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Chapter 34: The Feared and Respected Figure
In a vast room, the gleaming marble floor reflected the light from the crystal chandelier above. Victor stood in the center, surrounded by six executives. They were the high-ranking members of the organization Victor led, individuals who were considered the most powerful and skilled. Yet, despite their status, they all knew how dangerous Victor was.Victor wore an elegant black suit, but his aura displayed no softness. His eyes were sharp, filled with determination, and the slight smile on his face showed how much he relished this moment.“Are you ready?” Victor asked, his voice calm but laden with an unspoken threat.The executives didn’t answer, but they knew what to do. Without warning, they moved in unison, attacking Victor from all directions with their extraordinary powers. One of them controlled ice, sending massive chunks of it directly at Victor. At the same time, another executive launched an attack, forming sharp spears from shadows, ready to impale Victor from behind. Mean
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Chapter 35: The Hacker
In his grand private room, surrounded by dark wood-paneled walls and shelves filled with old books that created a serene atmosphere, Victor sat behind a large mahogany desk. Scattered before him were various papers, world maps, and strategic notes he had meticulously prepared over the years. However, his mind couldn't focus. The defeat he suffered when trying to confront Evan and Aria was still fresh in his memory, burning the ego that had always been shielded by his extraordinary power.Victor sighed softly, his eyes drawn to an object on his desk—a relic, ancient and emanating a mystical aura. It was one of the five he had successfully collected, artifacts with unimaginable power from another world. With these five relics, Victor knew he could summon an inconceivable power, a force capable of altering the fate of this world. Yet, there was one nagging thought—this power was not enough to summon the shadow army, the final strength that would make him the king of the shadows, an unriv
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Chapter 36: Cyberwar
Riley stared at his computer screen with intense concentration. In the small room illuminated by the dim light of the monitors, he looked like a soldier preparing to enter the battlefield. His fingers hovered over the keyboard as complex codes filled the screen, indicating intense activity in the cyber realm."How's your search going, Riley?" Evan asked, standing not far from Riley. Next to him, Aria sat anxiously, waiting for news from Riley.Riley slowly shook his head. "I've found some information on the internet, but nothing crucial. Everything public has been meticulously polished by Victor's team. They know how to keep secrets."Evan sighed in frustration. "So, we're back to square one?""Not entirely," Riley replied, his voice calm but firm. "There's still one place we can try. But it's a high-risk move."Aria looked at Riley with concern. "What are you planning, Riley?"Riley took a deep breath before answering. "I'm going to try to hack into Victor Draken's company's system.
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Chapter 37: Racing Against Time
Evan, Aria, and Riley were still basking in the euphoria of successfully breaching Victor Draken's company system. This success felt like a major victory in an otherwise seemingly impossible battle. However, their joy was abruptly overshadowed when a message appeared on Riley’s screen:“You are being watched.”The words felt like a harsh slap in the face. Riley froze momentarily, his mind racing to grasp the implications. “It’s a trap,” he murmured, his voice trembling as the horrifying realization sank in.Aria looked at the screen with growing anxiety. “What does it mean, Riley? Do they know where we are?”“More than that,” Riley replied, his face pale. “They not only know we’re here, but they’re also tracking our location. They might have known we were coming from the start.”Evan sensed the sudden escalation in tension within the room. “What should we do?”Without wasting a moment, Riley began typing a new series of commands, trying to break free from the clutches of a system that
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Chapter 38: A Desperate Escape
Evan, Riley, and Aria ran through the dimly lit streets, their breaths ragged with tension as they frantically searched for a way out. They needed to find a vehicle quickly. However, none of them knew how to drive, leaving their options severely limited. Aria scanned the streets, desperation clear in her voice. "We have to get to the train station. It's our only chance!" Evan nodded in agreement. "But how? None of us can drive, and we can't risk stealing a car. That would attract too much attention." Riley, gripping her small digital device tightly, looked up and saw a taxi approaching. "There! We can take that taxi!" They waved at the taxi, their hands trembling slightly. As the taxi came to a stop, they quickly got inside. "To the train station, please, and hurry!" Riley urged, trying to mask the panic in her voice. The taxi driver nodded, sensing the urgency in their tone, and began driving. The three of them felt a slight relief as the car sped through the city, as if their
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Chapter 39: Decision at the River's Edge
Darius arrived at the location, standing on the edge of the bridge, looking down with a look of fury. All the metal he had dropped earlier had piled up around the riverbank, creating a visual barrier that made it difficult for him to track where his prey had escaped. A flash of impatience appeared on his face as he realized his targets had eluded him, at least for the moment.In an authoritative tone, Darius called his subordinates, who immediately assembled around him. "Keep searching!" he ordered coldly. "They can't be far. The entire area around the river needs to be thoroughly checked."His subordinates nodded, quickly spreading out in every direction to comply with the order. Darius remained standing there, his eyes scanning every corner that might be a hiding spot. His anger burned even fiercer. Although he was confident in his abilities, he knew that his prey this time was not an easy opponent to deal with.***Meanwhile, in the dark and dense forest surrounding the river, Aria
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Chapter 40: Prey and Hunter
Evan, Aria, and Riley found a hiding spot along the riverbank, concealed by the shadows of the dense forest. Flashlight beams approached from a distance, cutting through the darkness. Evan's mind raced as he prepared to face their pursuers.“We have to make a decision here,” Evan said with determination. “We'll use a hit-and-run strategy. We need to strike quickly and then retreat. We'll whittle down their numbers and sow confusion.”Aria nodded, her eyes scanning the surroundings for strategic advantages. “Let’s set up some traps. If we can lure them in, we might be able to take out a few before they realize what's happening.”Riley, still feeling uneasy but trusting Evan’s leadership, prepared his equipment. “I may not be much help, but I’ll do my best.”Evan nodded. “Riley? You'll move with me and keep monitoring the comms. Aria will move on her own. Is that okay?”Aria looked at Evan and Riley. “No problem. Take care of yourselves.”They spread out, setting up traps with the limit
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