All Chapters of The Useless Son-In-law is a God of War: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
51 chapters
Chapter 11
“Who are you!?” Silas screamed.“Why don’t you look closer,” Zen said with a smirk.Silas squinted for a bit and slowly, his eyes widened. “No way,” he uttered.“Yes, way,” Zen smiled.“Tom? Is that you?” Silas asked.“I don’t believe it! Tom is a loser! You can’t be Tom!” Silas roared.“Thought you could avoid facing consequences?” Zen said.Silas looked up, fear evident in his eyes. “Please, Tom, we were classmates in college, we were all so young. Everything that happened was because of how young we were.”Zen’s expression remained impassive as he seized Silas by the collar and pulled him to his feet. “You think apologies can undo the damage you’ve done?” His voice was controlled but seething with anger.“I’ll be the one asking the questions here, and if you tell a single lie, you're not going to make it out of here,” Zen said as he threw Silas back to the chair.“What happened with you and Malia?” Zen asked.“I-I thought you knew everything? Why are you—“Before he could continue,
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Chapter 12
Zen, Cyrus and Guber had dined and laughed and as the final course was cleared away, Zen’s phone buzzed with an incoming call. He glanced at the screen and saw Willow’s name.“Chief, I hope I’m not interrupting,” Willow’s voice was warm and slightly teasing. “We need you to check out our yacht. Can you make it?”“What’s the name of the Yacht?” Zen asked.“It’s the biggest one there, it’s hard to miss,” she replied. He could hear her giggle over the phone.Zen immediacy turned to his right, and before him was the biggest yacht there. “Sure, I’ll be there shortly,” Zen said, as he hanged up.He excused himself from Cyrus and Sinclair, giving them a polite nod. “I have to go. Something came up.”“It was nice to see the real you, Mr. Tom,” Cyrus said with a bright smile.Walking briskly, Zen exited the super yacht and made his way to the neighboring vessel. As he boarded the yacht, Willow appeared on the deck, her eyes widening in surprise.“Did you fly all the way here? Don’t tell me you
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Chapter 13
Somewhere in the city,The TV blared with shouts and cheers. "Wow, isn’t that Silas Wales?”“Damn, they're rubbing the floor with his guards. Damn, that ought to hurt," a voice exclaimed.Click. The screen went dark as someone tapped the remote. The room fell silent, save for the heavy breathing of Silas Wales, kneeling on the floor. Before him stood an imposing figure, his face was a mask of stern disappointment."Explain yourself, Silas," the man demanded. "Who is this man who beat you up?"Silas, head bowed, barely whispered, "Patriarch, Tom was a boy I used to bully in college."The patriarch's eyes narrowed. "Is that all? Just some boy? He managed to defeat the top guards I assigned to your security."Silas swallowed hard, unable to meet the patriarch's gaze. "I... I don't know how he did it," he stammered.“Which family?” The patriarch asked.“The Diel family. From what I know, his grandfather is the patriarch. Tom’s father happened to be one of his many children and after his
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Chapter 14
Zen gazed out of the car window, the cityscape blurring past as he spoke to himself. “Played doctor, somehow it feels nice to get people out of situations that seem impossible but it’s not fair that only the rich get access to it,” he muttered, shaking his head with a faint smirk. He turned to the lady who sat beside him, her face bright with an unprofessional smile.“You’re Anna, right? Willow’s assistant?”Anna’s smile widened. “Yes, sir. All thanks to you.”Zen gave a curt nod and returned his gaze to the window. Anna, determined to break the ice, cleared her throat and tried again. “So, what are some of your hobbies, Mr. Tom? Any favorite pastimes?”Zen’s expression remained unreadable. “I don’t have many hobbies.”Anna chuckled nervously. “Well, how about your favorite type of music? Do you have a genre you prefer?”Zen’s eyes flicked toward her briefly before returning to the view outside. “The sounds of my enemies collapsing,” he said softly.“What was that?” Anna asked.He sh
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Chapter 15
“Sorry!” she cried, barely pausing as she continued running. Zen watched her retreating figure and decided to follow. He tracked her through the busy streets, her pace frantic, until she reached a narrow, dimly lit alley several blocks away. Natasha collapsed against the wall, her sobs cutting through the silence of the alley. Zen approached, holding out her ID card. “You forgot this,” he said gently.Startled, Natasha looked up, tears streaking her makeup. “Oh… thank you.” She took the card and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “You can go now.”Zen sat beside her, his demeanor calm and authoritative. “You don’t seem fine. What happened back there?”Natasha shook her head, struggling to maintain her composure. “It’s nothing. Just a rough day.”Zen’s gaze remained steady. “I overheard part of that conversation. It sounded serious. You were being threatened.”Her resolve cracked, and she sighed deeply. “It’s not just threats. The manager here is corrupt. He’s been pressuring
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Chapter 16
The rain began to drizzle, so Zen got in his car and started following behind her, keeping a respectful distance. The rain grew heavier, with Natasha walking briskly along the sidewalk, trying to shield herself from the downpour with her arms.Pulling up beside her, Zen rolled down the window. "Natasha, get in. You’ll catch a cold out here."She glanced at him, her hair plastered to her face. She shook her head. "We don’t even know each other, stop calling my name so informally and No, thank you. I can manage."The rain intensified, and Zen persisted. "Just get in the car you stubborn woman."She hesitated, the rain now a relentless torrent, she opened the door and slipped into the passenger seat. She shivered as she settled in, the warmth of the car felt like heaven compared to the cold rain outside.Zen handed her a towel from the back seat. "Here, dry off a bit."Natasha accepted the towel, drying her face and hair. "Thanks. I didn’t think it would rain this hard."Zen turned on th
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Chapter 17
As Robert's footsteps receded up the staircase, a heavy silence enveloped the room. Zen and Nia were left in an awkward stillness, both aware of each other but unsure how to break the quiet. Nia fidgeted with the hem of her dress, glancing at Zen from the corner of her eye. “So… Tom?” Nia started, her voice soft.Zen turned his gaze to her, his expression calm and composed as always. “Yes.”Nia bit her lip, feeling a blush creep up her cheeks. “I, um, I was just wondering… about you.”Zen raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her nervousness. “What about me?”“Well, I mean… you’re a bit of a mystery,” she admitted, her eyes darting around the room as if searching for a safe spot to land. “Why did you… I mean, why did you marry Malia?”Zen’s expression didn’t change, but there was a subtle shift in his demeanor. “It was an arranged marriage.”“Oh,” Nia responded, nodding slowly. She didn’t push further.Zen shrugged slightly. “It’s not something I dwell on.”Nia’s curiosity got the better o
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Chapter 18
Zen awoke to the soft light of dawn filtering through the curtains. The room was silent except for the faint sound of birds chirping outside. He sat up slowly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Just as he was about to get out of bed, there was a soft knock on the door.“Come in,” he called out, his voice still groggy from sleep.The door opened quietly, and Keisha stepped inside. She was calm and composed as always, her expression neutral. Zen watched her carefully as she entered the room. “Good morning, Chief,” Keisha greeted him, her voice soft but professional.“Morning,” Zen replied, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He stretched his arms and then fixed his gaze on her. “Where have you been, Keisha?”She hesitated for the briefest of moments before responding, “I apologize for my absence. I had to monitor your overseas business dealings. There were some urgent matters that required my attention.”Zen studied her, noting the calmness in her demeanor. Inwardly, he thought,
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Chapter 19
Zen's phone buzzed, pulling him away from his thoughts. He glanced at the screen to see Nia’s name pop up. With a slight smile, he answered the call, his voice calm and composed.“Hey, Nia,” Zen greeted her, leaning back in his chair.“Hi, Tom,” Nia’s voice sounded a bit unsure, but there was a hint of excitement. “I was thinking… would you be free to hang out today?”Zen paused for a moment, his gaze drifting towards Keisha, who had just walked into the room. He caught her eye, and she raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for his question.“Keisha,” Zen called out, covering the phone with his hand, “Do I have anything on my schedule today?”Keisha, ever the picture of calm efficiency, gave him a quick glance and shook her head. “Your schedule is empty as always,” she said, her voice carrying a subtle hint of amusement. Zen chuckled softly at her departure and returned to the phone. “Looks like I’m free,” he said to Nia, his tone light. “I’ll pick you up in a bit.”“Oh, great! Thanks, Z
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Chapter 20
The drive was smooth and uneventful, the car gliding down the streets with ease. As they got closer to the destination, the cityscape began to give way to more greenery, the buildings thinning out until they were surrounded by a lush, verdant landscape. When they finally pulled into the parking lot of the Fountain of Love, Zen took a moment to appreciate the serene beauty of the place.True to its name, the area was filled with elegantly designed fountains, each surrounded by carefully tended gardens. The sound of running water mingled with the soft rustle of leaves, creating an atmosphere of tranquility that was immediately soothing.“This is… nice,” Zen said, a note of surprise in his voice as he stepped out of the car.“I thought you might like it,” Nia said, her nervousness fading as she saw his reaction.They began to walk along one of the paths, the gravel crunching softly underfoot. Nia pointed out different plants and fountains, her enthusiasm infectious. As they walked, Nia’
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