All Chapters of The Coming Back Of The Hidden Trillionaire : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
21 chapters
Eleven“Consider it done!” Greg smiled wickedly.***Jenny paced around the office restlessly, constantly checking her bank account balance as the time was 5:00pm. She boiled in anger, she quickly dialed Xavier's phone number.“Hey Xavier, it's 5:pm.” Jenny said in anger.“So you can tell time?” Xavier responded to her…he smirked.“My bank account hasn't changed. Where's the money!?” Jenny asked, walking up and down the office.“Oh! I must have forgotten to send it to you. Oh well…go and hustle for some extra cash! Get busy in the office Miss Jenny!” Xavier responded and chuckled softly. He immediately dropped the call.“The audacity!” Jenny screamed angrily.***“Aunt Kisha, I think I found something really interesting here.” Greg exclaimed. He quickly rushed to Kisha and showed his phone.“Edward McKinney, one of the richest men in the country!” Greg announced.“Oh my goodness! And Xavier is his grandson!?” Kisha asked, taking a look.“Looks like it.” Greg confirmed.“How did we not
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TwelveThe officer matched majestically close to the cushion where the bloody tissue paper is laying. He pent over to take a closer look.Xavier on the other hand was busy shaking vigorously in fear. He couldn't stop him, he shut his eyes and prayed silently.Beep! Beep! His phone rang immediately…the officer picked it up.“Hello? Yes I'm still investigating him” he said. He immediately hung up the call and left the cushion to face Xavier.“Please forgive me Mr Xavier McKinney, there's been a misunderstanding. You have a good day!” He said and left. Xavier stood flabbergasted. Like what the heck just happened right after taking that call?Xavier brought out his phone and a notification binged on his home screen immediately.With the headline “Xavier McKinney, the Berol cooperation company's newest CEO!” He read. His heart sank! “I have been exposed!” He muttered rubbing his palms together. He dialed Linda's number.“Linda, what the hell is going on?” He asked.“Mr Xavier McKinney, yo
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13“Hello sweetie..” Xavier said with a giggle.“X…Xavier…I…I can't continue with the wedding.” Joyce muttered.“Huh?” Xavier’s widened.Joyce is tied around the chair, the solo tape on her mouth was loosen as she speaks on phone with Xavier. Kisha and Mira stood behind her holding the phone that was on a loudspeaker. Kisha pointed a gun at her head.“I can't,” Joyce added. She caught Kisha's deadly gaze and freezed in fear.“What? Why?” Xavier asked again. Greg smirked.“I..I changed my mind! Xavier, run!” Joyce shouted quickly on the phone. Kisha immediately ended the call. Xavier turned and faced Greg, he yanked his shirt vigorously.“What the hell did you do to Joyce!” He yelled with a red angered eye.“Hahaha…. nothing!” Greg said with a mockery tune.“Where is she!?” He barked.“You Want me to tell you? Give me $3 million….NO! $4 million!” Greg smiled wickedly.“Fine! There is $5 million in the briefcase there, take it!” Xavier said letting him go.“Yeah! I knew you were full o
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14“Well, it's all yours!” His grandfather said. Xavier was about to take it when Kisha walked in with a gun pointed at them.“Mr McKinney!” Kisha said, cooking the gun.“Oh, hello Kisha.” The old man said immediately. Xavier stared at them both confused.“Wait, you two know each other?” He asked in shock.“Yes. Intimately.” The old man said.“Ugh!” Xavier responded with a disgusting face.“Well, enough of the chitchat! Thank you for getting my money ready for me.” Kisha said wickedly.“Yeah, I expected this anyway…you're always a greedy whore!” McKinney groaned.“Hmmm…. never worse than you! You know I should have married you when I had the chance. Not my stupid husband! All he did was provide debt and disappointment” Kisha said firmly.“Huh? You two dated?” Xavier asked again. His face was disgusting as ever.“Well, yeah. Back in the day, Kisha was a very desirable woman! Had to believe now huh?” McKinney added.“You know, her husband and I were college roommates.” McKinney said.“Y
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15Xavier yelled angrily in the room. Joyce ran in.“What’s going on? Why are you shouting?” Joyce asked.“My mother lied to me. My grandfather never gave me up for adoption. She did!” Xavier shouted. “Why don't you go to your grandfather and ask him more about it tomorrow?” Joyce suggested.The next day, Xavier stormed into his grandfather's mansion. Philip stopped him by the way.“Mr Xavier, what are you doing here?” Philip asked.“I need to see my grandfather.” Xavier said hastily.“He’s not here.” Philip responded.“What do you mean he's not here?” Xavier asked.“Your grandfather died this morning. I'm sorry I was about to call you to inform you.” Philip said sadly.“He died?” Xavier asked.“He had cancer. It was only a matter of time.” Philip responded sadly.“Why didn't he say anything about it?” Xavier asked. “Because he didn't want you to pity him,” Philip said.“Huh? So we'd rather hate him?” Xavier asked. He felt a sharp pain on his heart.“He’d hope you'd come over.” Phil
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Apologize for the late update everyone...I was sick.BlurbRejected and neglected by his in-laws, Enzo works as an office cleaner…not for long. His father, the richest man in the city, got back from the states and raised his son to become the CEO of Leo's company. Enzo vows to take revenge on those that wronged him except his wife Lily and daughter Anita who stood by him.1Enzo flagged a taxi down heading to work, it's already 7:30 am in the morning and he was running late. His phone rang loudly in the car. Passengers stared weirdly at him and his tattered looking cleaner uniform. Un-ironed.“Hello.” He said not minding the passenger’s eyes on him.“Please come home early today. It's my father's birthday, remember.” Lily said excitedly.“Ok honey, I will.” Enzo replied and hung up.An unknown number called him again, he picked it up and heard his father's voice.“Enzo, I'm at the company…come over let's discuss.” Mr Leo said. Enzo's face frowned.“Why? I don't have anything to talk a
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2“Sir, Mr Enzo is back in a luxury car!” He said happily.“Daddy!” Kayima shouted happily and rushed out. Everyone stared at each other in shock. They all got up and left for outside.“Kayima! Come here!” Enzo smiled as his daughter rushed to hug him, Lily held his hands as they walked to the others. Mike already left with the car before they got there.“Father, I came back to celebrate your birthday. Wishing you all the best.” Enzo said. Mr Diego maintained a straight and disgusting face.“Enzo, that's so impressive of you. You're now driving a luxury and expensive car!” Rita said amidst laughter.“And I bet that car is rented! Stop acting like you're that rich!” Lisa said in a sarcastic way.“Well, after laboring for a whole year, you spent your money on renting that car? Ridiculous!” Desmond whined in laughter. Enzo faced downwards, smiling softly.“By the way Enzo, you came here empty handed? You don't even bother to prepare us a valuable gift! After making some money. Indeed you
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3Dr Kim checked Mr Diego's pulse, everyone gathered around them in the sitting room. Enzo's gaze frequently met with his mother-in-law’s hateful eyes.“Dr Kim, how is my father-in-law's health?” Desmond asked concerned. The doctor dropped Mr Diego's hand and sighs in tiredness.“Dr please don't sigh like that. Is he not going to be fine?” Williams asked.“I’m sorry y'all but there is nothing I can do for Mr Diego's health and illness. You'd better spend more time with him in the future.” Dr Kim responded with bitterness. Mr Diego held his chest coughing loudly, his wife and others held him sadly.“Dr Kim, can you please check this medicine if it can cure his sickness?” Enzo asked, handing him the packaged medicine. Desmond quickly snatched it from him angrily.“Dr Kim, this loser here got this fake herb from a quack Doctor and insisted that my father-in-law take them!” Desmond said with anger and a mixture of mockery. They all chuckled. The doctor took the medicine and started to unw
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4“Then, this medicine is really effective and not fake!” Dr Kim responded.Everyone's eyes widened in shock. They couldn't talk, they couldn't move. They were devastated to stupor. How is that possible!“Now let me Diego keep taking this medicine. Although it can't cure him, it'll at least greatly relieve his symptoms.” Dr Kim advised.“Okay thanks for letting us know.” They chorused in unison. Their response was scanty.“I will take my leave now.” Dr Kim said. He picked up his bag and left.“I will see you out.” Williams said calmly and left with him. Others bent their heads in shame.“Unexpectedly, Enzo's medicine is effective and not fake!” Rita jumped in excitement.“Effective my foot! It's just a dumb luck!” Desmond responded with jealousy.“How the hell can a common cleaner like him know a miracle doctor? Ridiculous!” Williams said entering from the door.“Hey Enzo! Why are you sitting there? There are lots of dishes to do in the kitchen! Do you want Lily to wash the dishes by
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5“Here I have solved it for you!” Kayima danced happily around the room. Everyone stared at her stunned.“Lisa, kayima solved it first. You promised $100…fulfill it.” Enzo said sarcastically. Lisa gulped hard. Williams's face tightened in anger. Lisa rolled her eyes in a pathetic manner.“Dear kayima, we didn't include you in the game. It's just a cheap Rubik's cube. It's not a Big deal!” Lisa responded. She turned to Desmond quickly.“Honey, let's go to the car and get the big toy we bought.” She added and left.“That's right! Boy, drop this trash called a toy! Only poor people play with such toys. They can never afford the toys we have” Desmond laughed sarcastically and his son threw the toy right in front of kayima. They left.“Daddy! What type of toys do rich people play with?” kayima asked.“Kayima, don't listen to their nonsense. Rich people also have Rubik's cube and play with it.” Enzo responded and kissed her forehead. She nodded and smiled.“Enzo! If you don't know anything
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