All Chapters of Legacy of the Dark: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
158 chapters
Chapter 91: The Strategy War
James Rolling entered Nate's headquarters with confident steps and a sharp gaze, assessing every detail around him. Dressed in a crisp black suit and exuding a calm demeanor, James radiated the aura of a man not only intelligent but also highly experienced in the ruthless world of politics and business.Nate greeted James at the entrance of the meeting room. "James, thank you for coming."James nodded, his blue eyes scanning the entire room. "Nate, thank you. I wanted to see for myself the team that will be working with us."Nate showed James the seat prepared for him at the side of the table, where he could view all the team members who had been introduced earlier. "Please, have a seat. We've already discussed the mission plan and how we'll integrate the expertise of this new team."James sat down, relaxed yet attentive. As his eyes moved from one team member to another, James seemed to notice every detail. Damian, with his serious and professional demeanor, sat at one end of the tab
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Chapter 92: Those in Control
In a dimly lit room, Mr. Black sat alone behind an old wooden desk. In front of him, a cup of black coffee slowly steamed, and between his slender fingers, he held a flash drive. To the untrained eye, the small device appeared ordinary, but to Mr. Black, it was more than just a data storage device. It was the key to controlling someone, perhaps even the entire city of London.Mr. Black caressed the surface of the flash drive with his thumb, feeling its cold, smooth texture. "Ironic," he muttered to himself, "how something so small can wield such immense power." He knew exactly what was on that flash drive—recordings, documents, and undeniable evidence of Alex Hughes' crimes. To many, Alex was a respected leader-to-be, a smart and charismatic man. But to Mr. Black, Alex was just another puppet he could manipulate at will.London was currently on the brink of chaos. Eagle Eye, led by Rodrigo, was preparing his forces to face off against Nate and his team. This conflict could turn into a
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Chapter 93: Infiltrating Mr. Black's Office
That night, the rain poured heavily, drenching the streets of London. Streetlights cast dim reflections on the puddles, creating a gloomy and mysterious atmosphere. Amidst the roar of the rain, a white van with a "AC Service" logo on its side slowly made its way down the deserted streets. Inside, Nate sat at the wheel, occasionally glancing at the rearview mirror to ensure they weren’t being followed. Beside him, Aiden checked the tools they brought—wrenches, pliers, and screwdrivers that looked ordinary but had all been modified to become lethal weapons if necessary. In the back seat, Demian monitored a small screen displaying the floor plan of Mr. Black's office building. All three were focused, not a word spoken between them. They knew how crucial tonight’s mission was. Mr. Black’s office was located in a bustling business district, inside a ten-story building that appeared unremarkable from the outside. Behind those concrete walls, Mr. Black ran his cunning and intricate operat
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Chapter 94: The Loss of Power
That morning, the atmosphere in Mr. Black's office was tense. Usually, the luxurious room, filled with expensive furniture, exuded a calming silence, reflecting the composure and complete control of its owner. But today, everything had changed. News of the previous night's events had spread quickly, and the entire security staff and employees of the company were anxious.Mr. Black, a man who always appeared calm and calculated, now stood in the middle of the room, unable to hide the anger on his face. His gaze was cold, but a flicker of fury, barely contained, was evident. Several members of his security team stood before him, heads bowed, feeling the intense pressure emanating from the man.“How could this happen?” Mr. Black’s voice was low but filled with a terrifying authority. “In my office, the place that should be the safest, someone managed to enter, take the flash drive and important documents, and leave without you noticing? Are you all fools?!”No one dared to respond. Harri
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Chapter 95: A Weapon to Strike
After successfully infiltrating Mr. Black’s office and retrieving the flash drive along with several important documents, Nate and his team immediately headed to the predetermined meeting place with James Rolling. Their victory in this operation was crucial to bringing down Alex Hughes, a corrupt and cunning politician. With the evidence contained in the flash drive, Nate knew they now possessed a powerful weapon to expose Alex's corruption and the criminal network involved with him.James Rolling was already waiting in a hidden café on the outskirts of the city. The café was chosen for its security and obscurity, a place few knew about. Even so, James remained anxious. He realized that after this meeting, there would be no turning back. Alex Hughes was a dangerous opponent, and whatever happened next would shake the political world of London.When Nate, Aiden, and Demian entered the café, James immediately waved them over. Relief washed over his face as he saw them arrive without any
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Chapter 96: The Lost Weapon
That night, the atmosphere in the meeting room of a luxurious hotel in London was tense. The room's walls were lined with dark wood, giving it an elegant yet cold vibe. At the center of the room, a large round table was cluttered with maps, documents, and advanced technological equipment displaying various data and information. Seated at the corner of the table was a middle-aged man with neatly groomed gray hair and a face etched with stern depth—Mr. Black.Mr. Black was a man accustomed to controlling situations. With significant influence in London’s underground world, he was known as the mastermind behind many complex illegal operations. However, tonight, there was something different in his eyes, something rarely seen by his associates or subordinates—worry.Shortly after, the door to the room opened, and Alex Hughes walked in. Alex was a handsome and charismatic politician, but tonight, his face looked tense. He always maintained a calm and confident appearance, yet now, a slight
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Chapter 97: Releasing Passion and Anger
Mr. Black stepped out of his limousine with a steady stride. That night, London was shrouded in darkness, with the city lights casting a dim glow, forming long shadows on the rain-dampened streets. He wore an expensive black suit, impeccably tailored, with the collar slightly raised, as if to conceal the worry and burning pressure within him. His steps halted in front of the door of an exclusive bar, one of those places accessible only to the few who possessed power and immense wealth.This bar, situated in a high-rise building in the city center, was known as a secret meeting place for the elite. With dim lighting, dark mahogany-paneled walls, and gleaming marble floors, the place exuded luxury and elegance. There was no sign outside indicating its presence; only a specific invitation and password could unlock the door for those who wished to enter.Inside, the atmosphere was filled with a false warmth that could only be found in places like this. Soft jazz music floated through the
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Chapter 98: The Mask Unveiled
The following day, what was usually a quiet and unremarkable morning in London suddenly turned into a rumbling wave that shook the entire city. Across various media outlets—newspapers, television, the internet, and radio—the news about Sullivan Moor, the director of a prominent construction and real estate company, dominated the headlines. No one had ever suspected that the man known for his business acumen and as one of the pillars of the British property world had been hiding such a dark secret.“Scandal of a Prominent Director: Sullivan Moor Involved in Drugs and Prostitution,” read one of the major headlines in a famous daily newspaper. Below the headline were several candid photos—pictures that showed Sullivan in a drunken state, surrounded by several young women in a luxurious hotel room. Sullivan's face, disheveled with red eyes and an empty smile, became the center of public attention.The news spread rapidly, going viral on social media and triggering various reactions from t
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Chapter 99: The Taste of Victory
James Rolling sat in the plush leather chair in his spacious office, gazing at his computer screen with a satisfied smile on his face. In front of him, a row of financial reports and company data appeared flawless, but that wasn’t what caught his attention this morning. He looked with deep satisfaction at the series of news stories going viral across various media platforms: the scandal of Sullivan Moor, also known as Mr. Black, had become public fodder. Rumors and facts were spreading rapidly, revealing the bad habits and dark secrets of the man who had hidden behind his power all these years.James couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle. For years, Sullivan Moor had been a thorn in his side, a threat lurking in the shadows, always waiting to destroy James. But now, the once-feared man was entangled in a scandal that threatened to ruin his entire life.“After all the dirty games and threats you’ve thrown at me, Sullivan, you’ve finally fallen into your own trap,” James muttered so
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Chapter 100: The Oracle’s Moves
In a grand mansion standing majestically in one of London's elite districts, The Oracle sat in his sophisticated office, surrounded by luxury and cutting-edge technology. The room was a blend of classic and modern design—its walls covered in dark wooden panels with silver accents, while the ceiling was adorned with crystal chandeliers that cast a soft glow throughout the space. On one side, there was a large bookshelf filled with rare literature and confidential documents, while on the other side, a large marble desk exuded an aura of power and authority.The Oracle, a figure shrouded in mystery and secrecy, sat behind his imposing desk. He wore a flowing black robe that reached the floor, covering most of his body. The robe was adorned with intricate patterns resembling ancient symbols, adding a touch of elegance and strength to his appearance. Hidden in the shadows of the robe, his sharp, wise eyes were clearly visible as he stared at the large monitor in front of him. The screen di
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