All Chapters of Legacy of the Dark: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
158 chapters
Chapter 81: The Elite Clash
That night, a gentle breeze blew around the Rolling family's home, creating a deceptively peaceful and serene atmosphere. The large house, with its classic architecture located in one of London's elite neighborhoods, usually served as a refuge for James Rolling and his family. However, tonight, that tranquility would be shattered.Sylvia, Miller, and Grace, three seasoned assassins who had long worked together, moved silently, their shadows blending with the darkness of the night. They were professionals—every step they took was calculated with precision, and every movement was nearly soundless. Their target was clear: James Rolling, the powerful politician increasingly disrupting their clients' agendas. After their previous failure at the campaign event, tonight they were determined to complete their job in the most direct way possible.Sylvia led the way, her gaze focused as they reached the high fence surrounding the Rolling property. Miller, a technology expert, quickly disabled t
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Chapter 82: Crushing Defeat
That night, Sylvia, Miller, and Grace returned to their headquarters with mixed emotions. The black car they were riding in sped through the quiet streets of London, slicing through the darkness of the night. Sylvia sat in the front seat, her eyes staring straight ahead with her jaw clenched tight. Her face betrayed an anger ready to explode at any moment.In the back seat, Miller and Grace sat in silence. They felt the pressure in the car as if it were suffocating them. The failure they had just experienced weighed heavily on them, and they knew Sylvia would not let this slide. Success had always been part of their identity, and tonight's failure was a stain hard to erase.When they finally arrived at their headquarters, an old building on the outskirts of town hidden from public view, Sylvia exited the car with quick, determined movements. Miller and Grace followed her, remaining silent, although they knew what was coming.The headquarters door slammed loudly as Sylvia entered. She
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Chapter 83: The Choice to Fight
In the living room of James's house, the atmosphere was so tense it felt suffocating. Nate stood in the dimly lit room, while Rachel, Emma, and Elias stood around him. Outside, a heavy rain began to fall, tapping on the windows in an irregular rhythm, as if reflecting the anxiety they felt. Sylvia and her team, notorious for their brutality and effectiveness, had made their presence known. There was no doubt that the contract killers' organization had come into play, and they would not stop until their targets—James Rolling and his family—were dead. However, Sylvia's presence also carried another, far more threatening message: Nate and his team were now exposed after so long hiding from Eagle Eye. Rachel, with a serious expression, looked at Nate and asked, "Nate, how did this happen? Haven't we been careful all this time?" Nate took a deep breath before answering, his voice calm but firm. "They finally found us. It was unexpected, but clearly, Sylvia and her team won't stop until
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Chapter 84: The Formation of the Security Company
Nate and his team arrived at James’s office on a gloomy morning, with the outside still dark despite it being late morning. The drizzle falling from the sky added to the somber atmosphere around them. However, inside the office, the atmosphere was entirely different. The office was large and luxurious, with mahogany-paneled walls and cold marble floors. Although the place gave a sense of calm, there was an underlying anxiety behind all the opulence.James Rolling, a middle-aged man with graying hair, greeted them with a serious expression. He knew that Nate and his team would not come without a strong reason, and anxiety was evident in his eyes.“Nate,” James said, his voice full of concern. “Your arrival means something serious. What’s going on?”Nate stepped forward, his gaze resolute and determined. “James, it’s more serious than we anticipated. Sylvia and her team are not an easy opponent, and they are definitely coming back. They know we exist now and might launch an open attack
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Chapter 85: Eagle Eye Readies to Hunt
At Eagle Eye’s headquarters, the night felt more ominous than usual. The building, usually bustling with operational activity, was dimly lit, casting dark shadows in every corner. In a large room, fifteen people known as the executives and elite team of Eagle Eye gathered. They were the best of the best, chosen for their skills, strategic acumen, and bravery. Yet tonight, there was an unusual tension among them.Rodrigo, the man who had led Eagle Eye for over two decades, stood at the end of the room. Approaching sixty, his posture remained firm, and his eyes radiated unmatched power. Everyone in the room knew that if Rodrigo had summoned them all, something major was happening.“Good evening,” Rodrigo began, his voice low but authoritative. All eyes were on him. “This is the most significant meeting we’ve had in the last ten years. And I don’t need to explain why we’re here.”He walked slowly in front of them, each step heightening the tension in the room. “Nate Archer, the ‘Shadow,’
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Chapter 86: Old Enemies Return to London
In an old building standing majestically in the heart of Westham, the atmosphere that night felt more ominous than usual. The pale moonlight filtered through the large windows overlooking the garden, casting a mystical aura on the spacious room inside. Behind a large mahogany desk sat a middle-aged man calmly. His face appeared serene, but his eyes radiated sharp, calculating intensity. He was The Oracle, a shadowy leader known only to a select few. A figure who had become a legend in London's underground world.That night, The Oracle had received news that required him to take serious action. An open conflict between Eagle Eye and Nate Archer, the infamous Shadow, was about to erupt. This was not an ordinary conflict. It was a battle that could alter the balance of power in London, and perhaps even beyond.The Oracle took a deep breath before pressing a button beneath the desk. Within seconds, a heavy wooden door at the end of the room opened, and a man entered with a steady stride.
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Chapter 87: The Arrival of Aiden
In the conference room at the heart of their secret headquarters, a tense and serious atmosphere enveloped the space. Nate, Emma, Rachel, and Elias gathered around a large table surrounded by holographic screens displaying various intelligence data and location maps. Numerous files and maps scattered across the table reflected the complexity of the situation they were facing. Nate stood at the head of the table, his face showing determination and resolve. “This situation is bigger than we anticipated,” he said with a firm tone. “Eagle Eye has already started moving, and they won’t stop until they achieve their objectives. We need to make significant strategic moves to counter them.” Emma, with a serious look, responded. “We know they have immense power and resources. However, with the coming fight, we need more than just strategy and bravery. We need additional strength, someone who can operate at their level.” Rachel nodded in agreement. “Calling in additional teams will help us
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Chapter 88: Lena The Viper
After Aiden’s arrival in London and his confirmation that he was ready to integrate his expertise in infiltration and intelligence gathering, Nate felt somewhat relieved. He knew Aiden’s skills would be crucial in facing the threat from Eagle Eye. However, Nate knew he couldn't stop there. There were still many things to prepare and people to call to complete their team.The next target was Lena, one of the Seven Sins known as "The Viper." Lena was a weapons expert with extraordinary skills in handling various types of firearms and knives. Her expertise in both long-range and close-quarters combat was essential to perfecting Nate's team strategy against the formidable Eagle Eye.“I’m heading to Germany,” Nate told his team.Aiden nodded. “Lena is there. She’ll be pleased if you ask her to join us.”Nate smiled, recalling Lena’s cheerful demeanor, though behind that cheerfulness was a deadly proficiency with weapons and a swift elimination of her enemies.“I hope you come back with goo
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Chapter 89: The Joining of Damian the Fighter
After leaving Berlin, Nate and Lena traveled swiftly to Paris. Upon arriving in the romantic and historic city, they headed straight to the Montmartre district, where Damian, the last member of the Seven Sins, was known to frequently train and fight.However, upon arriving in Montmartre, they did not immediately head to Damian’s dojo. Recent information from one of Nate's contacts indicated that Damian was now frequently seen at a notorious underground fighting arena popular within the martial arts community. This arena was located in a darker, more hidden part of the city where illegal fights were held for entertainment and betting.Arriving at the arena, the atmosphere shifted from the beauty of Paris to a dark, tense environment. The old warehouse had been converted into a venue for illegal fights attracting martial arts enthusiasts and gamblers from around the world. Nate and Lena's footsteps echoed through the building, reverberating through the narrow hallways leading to the mai
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Chapter 90: The Old and New Teams Unite
In the basement of Nate's headquarters in London, the atmosphere felt warmer than the cold that enveloped the city outside. This room, once known for its tense and strategy-filled environment, was now filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and nostalgic conversations. Nate, Damian, Lena, and Aiden sat around a large table cluttered with maps, documents, and technological equipment that reminded them of their past."Wow, it feels strange to be gathered here again," Nate said, picking up a cup of coffee from the table.Damian, with hair that was beginning to gray at the sides, smiled nostalgically. "Remember how we used to plan all our missions together? Everything felt so easy."Lena, sitting relaxed yet attentive, nodded in agreement. "True. It seems like we always had a backup plan for every possibility. Especially when we had to infiltrate luxury buildings and manipulate powerful people. Sometimes, I wonder how we became so skilled."Aiden, usually quiet, shrugged. "Our abil
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