All Chapters of Legacy of the Dark: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
158 chapters
Chapter 71: Successes and Failures
At the headquarters provided by James in London, Nate, Rachel, Elias, and Emma sat together in a meeting room equipped with various advanced devices. The dim light from the monitor screens illuminated their faces, reflecting the mood of tension and caution. After the successful mission of escorting Elizabeth, Nate felt the need to express his gratitude to his team, especially to Rachel and Elias, who played a significant role in erasing their tracks.Nate began the conversation with a calm but deeply appreciative tone. “Rachel, Elias, you’ve done an outstanding job. Erasing our tracks from the CCTV and deceiving the enemy was key to our success thus far. I’m truly grateful for your skills and dedication.”Rachel, sitting relaxed yet vigilant, offered a slight smile. “We’re all working towards the same goal, Nate. This is a team effort. However, erasing the tracks from the CCTV around James’s house wasn’t easy. They had tight surveillance, but with a little engineering, we made it seem
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Chapter 72: A Failed Attempt
James Rolling sat in the back seat of the car, his face tense. Thoughts of his ruined reputation haunted him. Despite all his efforts to clear his name from the malicious rumors spread by Mr. Black, the results had yet to show. His good name remained tarnished in the eyes of the public, and it only added to his frustration. Beside him, his wife Elizabeth tried to soothe him, though she felt the same tension.Nate, sitting in the driver's seat, kept his focus on the road ahead. Emma sat next to him, her eyes keenly observing every passing vehicle. They both knew that this journey wouldn't be easy, especially after the series of threats that had been looming over the Rolling family.As they drove down a deserted road on the outskirts of London, Nate sensed something was wrong. In his rearview mirror, he saw a large truck approaching at high speed from behind. The truck was moving too fast, almost as if it were deliberately targeting their car."Hold on tight!" Nate suddenly shouted, sta
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Chapter 73: On the Offensive
In the quiet and cozy living room, the atmosphere was heavy as James and Elizabeth sat across from Nate and Emma. Elizabeth, with a worried expression, held her husband's hand tightly, while James tried to maintain his composure in front of their guests. Although he was an experienced politician, the threats against his family made him feel helpless."We can't keep going like this," James began, his voice filled with concern. "Every day, these threats become more real. The assassination attempt we experienced yesterday might just be the beginning of a series of bigger attacks."Elizabeth nodded slowly, adding, "I don't know how much longer we can survive in this situation. We have to do something to protect our family."Nate and Emma exchanged a glance, recognizing how serious this situation was for the couple. Nate sighed and then spoke calmly, "We understand your concerns, James. Yesterday's assassination attempt shows that our enemies are serious and won't stop until they achieve t
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Chapter 74: The Assassination Plot
In the meeting room located in one corner of James' house, the atmosphere was filled with tension. James, his face reflecting a mix of anxiety and determination, stood before a large map of the city displaying the location of the upcoming campaign event. Nate and Emma sat at the conference table, ready to offer advice and security strategies."Tomorrow, I'll be attending an open campaign at the city park," James began, his voice tinged with worry. "This is an important opportunity to show public support, but I'm also concerned about safety. I know it's an open area, and that makes security more challenging."Emma examined the map closely before looking at James. "Security in an open area is indeed more complex. We need to ensure that every corner of the area is secure and that no potential threats are overlooked. We'll have to coordinate with local security officers and ensure all evacuation routes are well-planned."Nate, seemingly deep in strategic thought, added, "We will also cond
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Chapter 75: A Chase Amidst the Crowd
The day of the campaign arrived, and the crowd eagerly gathered for the event. The city park was filled with enthusiastic visitors, and the atmosphere was lively. Amidst the excitement, Nate and Emma, who had disguised themselves as ordinary visitors and staff, began their task of monitoring the location and ensuring James Rolling's safety.Nate and Emma arrived at the scene, blending in with the crowd in casual attire. Nate wore a denim jacket and sunglasses, while Emma donned a casual dress and a hat, looking like any other visitor. They were careful not to draw attention and moved calmly through the crowd.Nate scanned the surroundings carefully. “Emma, we need to cover all strategic points. Watch for anything suspicious and make sure nothing slips past our surveillance.”Emma nodded and replied, “I'll monitor the area around the main stage. Make sure all access points to the stage are tightly secured. You check the surrounding areas, especially the entrances and exits, for potenti
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Chapter 76: The Plan to Take Down Black Hawk
Upon arriving back at their headquarters, Nate and Emma were immediately greeted by Rachel, who appeared anxious. In the operations room, Rachel quickly approached Nate and Emma with urgent news she had just received.“Nate, Emma, there’s something you need to know,” Rachel began seriously. “After tracking the vehicles that were chasing us, I discovered that those cars belong to an organization called Black Hawk.”Nate and Emma exchanged concerned glances. “Black Hawk?” Nate asked, trying to recall any information about the organization.“Yes,” Rachel confirmed. “Black Hawk is one of the more dangerous underground organizations. They are known for their skill in armed operations and their ability to work behind the scenes. But what’s more surprising is that Black Hawk has connections with Eagle Eye. They’ve collaborated on several major operations before.”Emma frowned. “So there’s a chance that Black Hawk and Eagle Eye are working together in this attempt to eliminate James?”Rachel
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Chapter 77: The End of Black Hawk
At the Black Hawk headquarters, the night seemed calm. The grand building, heavily guarded, appeared like an impenetrable fortress from the outside. The Black Hawk members on duty felt comfortable with their nightly routine, unaware that danger was closing in.In the central operations room of the Black Hawk headquarters, The Viper, the leader of the organization, was discussing their latest strategy to deal with James Rolling with several of his subordinates. The meeting was intense, with all eyes focused on the large screens displaying maps and the latest intelligence.“If only our attack during the campaign had succeeded,” The Viper said, his eyes sharp as he stared at the screen. “We might have already earned full trust from The Oracle by now.”One of his subordinates, Jackson, seemed uneasy. “I’ve heard from some sources that James has gained additional protection. We need to be careful.”The Viper nodded. “We’ve prepared everything thoroughly. Black Hawk has the power and resour
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Chapter 78: One Down, Two Arise
The destruction of the Black Hawk headquarters sent shockwaves through the underground world with far-reaching effects. News of the attack carried out by Nate and his team spread rapidly, sparking chaos and uncertainty among various criminal organizations and underground powers.The morning after the assault, the attack was the headline in various underground media outlets. In the newsroom of a secret television station, reports poured in quickly, showing dramatic images of the burning and destroyed Black Hawk headquarters. The news anchor, with a serious expression, read the report while displaying the images of the devastation."We have just received reports that the headquarters of Black Hawk, one of the most feared organizations in the underground world, has been attacked and destroyed. This attack was carried out by an unknown group and appears to have ended with the death of Black Hawk's leader, The Viper. This event has shaken the entire criminal network and raised many questio
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Chapter 79: Past and Victory
In Westham, a dark and shadow-filled room bore silent witness to the deep contemplation of a man known as The Oracle. The room, dimly lit by the soft glow of a desk lamp, was filled with the scent of old paper and dust, reflecting the somber mood of the man who was deep in thought. The Oracle sat in an old leather chair in the corner of the room, his gaze fixed on a wall covered with maps and images depicting the movements of underground organizations and his long-term plans.His thoughts drifted far into the past, to a time when he was still the leader of one of the most powerful organizations ever to exist. In its heyday, this organization wielded nearly unmatched power, with networks extending to various corners of the world. However, that glory did not last long. There was one individual—a rival known only by a codename—who managed to destroy everything he had built.The Oracle's mind returned to that event, the moment when all the power and resources he possessed could not preven
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Chapter 80: The Plan to Establish a Security Company
The next morning, Nate and Emma began their day with the same routine: heading to James' family home to ensure their safety. Even though no immediate threat was detected, they remained vigilant. As they drove, the atmosphere in the car felt different from before. There was a growing sense between them, something more than just being colleagues.Emma sat next to Nate, watching the busy streets of London come to life. The familiar silence in the car gave them the chance to talk more than usual. Nate, who usually appeared serious and focused, seemed a bit more relaxed this time, as if he also felt the change in their relationship."During yesterday's mission," Emma broke the silence, "I couldn't stop thinking about how all of this affects us personally. It feels like we've gone through so much together, and it's brought us closer."Nate stared at the road, but his mind was elsewhere. He smiled slightly, realizing that he felt the same way. "We have been through a lot. Too much to count.
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