All Chapters of Legacy of the Dark: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
158 chapters
Chapter 61: Back to Square One
A few days after arriving in Ronda, Nate and his team began to feel uneasy about having to remain in hiding. Although the small town in Spain provided them with temporary peace, Nate knew they couldn’t stay idle for too long. Eagle Eye, the shadowy organization relentlessly hunting them, would surely catch up with them if they didn’t keep moving.That morning, Nate sat in the inn's lounge with Emma, Elias, and Rachel. They were gathered around a small table, each with a cup of coffee in front of them. Nate stared at a map spread out on the table, displaying various locations that could be their next destination.“Staying hidden like this isn’t our style,” Nate began, his voice calm but firm. “We need to do something unexpected.”Emma, sitting next to Nate, raised an eyebrow. “You mean move to a safer place? Maybe to another, more secluded town?”Nate shook his head. “No, quite the opposite. We’re going back to London.”The room fell silent instantly. Elias and Rachel exchanged surpris
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Chapter 62: The Oracle
James sat in his quiet office, staring at the computer screen in front of him without really seeing what was displayed. His mind was adrift in confusion and despair. The past few weeks had been an endless nightmare. The rumors spread by Mr. Black and his ally, Alex Hughes, had ruined his reputation in the eyes of the public. Worse still, the increasing threats against his family made him feel cornered.With trembling hands, James rubbed his weary face. The sun was beginning to set outside the window, signaling the end of yet another stressful day. But the deepening despair gnawed at him. He had tried various ways to fight back, but every move he made seemed to be anticipated by his enemies.The flash drive he once used to threaten Alex now felt useless, as it had been taken by unknown individuals. The power outage a few days ago was no coincidence; it was a warning that his enemies were always one step ahead. They had stolen the evidence from his office, leaving James in the dark, bot
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Chapter 63: Time of Crisis
When Nate and his team returned to London, the city they had once left in haste while being pursued, the atmosphere in the English capital felt different. Though London remained as busy as ever, there was an undeniable aura of tension. The streets were crowded, but the conversations overheard in the corners of streets, in coffee shops, and in offices were filled with rumors and speculation about the scandal engulfing the political world. Nate, Emma, Elias, and Rachel gathered in a small apartment in the city center that they rented temporarily. The place was modest but secure enough to shelter them while they planned their next move. That afternoon, they sat together in the living room, discussing the developing situation. "It seems like London isn't so calm lately," Rachel said, glancing at her phone, which was filled with the latest news. "Nasty rumors about James Rolling have already spread far and wide. These reports aren't just affecting his reputation; they're shaking the ent
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Chapter 64: Negotiating the Mission
After days of fruitless efforts in Spain, Sylvia and her team began to feel a deep sense of frustration. They had combed through various small towns, investigating every possible lead, but Nate and his team seemed like shadows they couldn’t catch. This feeling only worsened when new orders arrived from headquarters in London. In a private jet flying toward London, Sylvia sat quietly in her seat, staring out the window. Beside her, Grace was busy with her laptop, while the muscular man with them, Jackson, meticulously cleaned his weapon. Silence filled the cabin, the mood somber. Upon arriving in London, they were immediately taken to a luxurious office building in the city center, where Rodrigo, their leader, awaited. Rodrigo was known for his cold demeanor and never hesitated to make tough decisions. He eyed Sylvia and her team sharply as they entered his office. "Sylvia, Grace, Miller, good to have you back," Rodrigo began without preamble. "What’s the progress?" Sylvia restr
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Chapter 65: The Agreement
James Rolling sat in his chair, his eyes staring blankly out the large office window. Outside, the London sky was beginning to darken, as if reflecting the turmoil raging inside him. It had been several days since he had sent out requests for protection for his family to various security firms, but none had responded positively. James's hand trembled as he gripped the now-cold coffee cup, his heart filled with anxiety. Slowly, James placed the cup back on the table, then leaned back in his chair. A sense of despair began to creep in, enveloping his thoughts. "What should I do?" he murmured softly, almost inaudible. One of his assistants knocked on the door and entered, his face full of concern. "Mr. Rolling, I’ve tried contacting several more security companies, but... they all refused. They don't want to get involved in such a major political conflict." James sighed deeply. "I expected as much," he replied heavily. "Who would want to risk their lives to protect a politician like
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Chapter 66: The Deal in Distress
In his large yet cold and lonely house, James Rolling sat in the living room with his wife, Elizabeth, and their two children, Sarah and Michael. The room was elegantly decorated, but the tension in the air made it far from comfortable. Elizabeth looked at James with deep concern. "James, we need to rethink all of this. You have to consider stepping back from the political fight. This is too dangerous for all of us." James sighed heavily, gazing at his wife’s worried face. "Elizabeth, I understand your concerns. But I can’t just step back. If I withdraw, it means handing everything over to Alex Hughes. He’ll continue his wrongdoings unchecked, without anyone standing up to him." Sarah, sitting next to her mother, looked at her father with hopeful eyes. "But Dad, that means we’ll always be in danger. I don’t want anything bad to happen to us." Michael, the younger of the two, could only look on in confusion, not fully understanding the gravity of the situation. However, the fear
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Chapter 67: The Professional Security Team
After arriving at the building provided by James, Nate and his team immediately began setting up their headquarters. The building, located on Pembroke Street, had the ideal structure for a secret base: large, secluded from the city's hustle and bustle, yet close enough for easy access to key locations. That morning, Elias and Rachel led the installation of security equipment in the building. Elias, an expert in technology and security systems, started by installing CCTV cameras at every strategic corner of the building. "We need to ensure that every inch of this place is protected," he said, adjusting the camera positions on the monitor screen. Rachel, who specialized in mechanical and physical security, oversaw the installation of alarm systems and security doors. "We’re installing biometric locks on every important door and making sure there are no weak points in the system," she said while securing the main entrance. They worked efficiently, with Elias monitoring all installat
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Chapter 68: A Difficult Interrogation
That night, the atmosphere around James’s residence seemed calm. However, Nate and Emma, who were stationed at their base, monitored the situation closely through the security system they had installed at James’s house. Suddenly, the monitor screen displayed suspicious activity around the perimeter of the house. Nate, who was watching the screen, saw several figures moving in an area not covered by the cameras. "Emma, we've got suspicious activity around James's house. It looks like a few people are trying to approach without permission," he said seriously. Emma, who was preparing at the base, immediately grabbed her weapon and gear. "I'll head to the location. You keep monitoring from here and let me know if there’s any change." Nate nodded and continued to monitor the screen. He saw that the group of people seemed to be circling the house with careful movements, trying to avoid detection. "They’re moving to the west side of the house. Make sure you get there quickly, Emma." E
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Chapter 69: Fragile Security
At their hideout, tension filled the room as Sylvia, Miller, and Grace gathered to discuss the latest developments. They had just received a shocking report from their network.Sylvia, sitting at the central table with a serious expression, reviewed the report on the screen in front of her. "We've lost contact with the agent investigating James' house. This is a new agent from Eagle Eye. Has there been any recent update?"Miller, standing beside Sylvia, checked the notes and communication logs related to the agent. "We lost the signal a few days ago. We've tried reaching out through all communication channels, but there's been no response."Grace, seated at another table, added with a worried tone, "This isn't just a minor issue. The agent recently joined the team and might not be fully aware of all security protocols. If they're in trouble, we need to find out immediately."Sylvia nodded, remaining calm despite the clear concern on her face. "We can't ignore this. If the agent is com
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Chapter 70: A Formidable Opponent
Upon arriving at the shopping mall, Nate parked the car in a crowded area. The three of them got out of the car calmly, though their alertness heightened. Elizabeth tried to act normally, even though her mind was filled with worry.“Are they still following us?” Elizabeth asked.Emma nodded. “Just keep walking and never look back.”Elizabeth nodded, following Emma’s instructions.They entered the bustling shopping mall, full of people busy with their shopping. Nate and Emma walked close to Elizabeth, ensuring that she was always between them. While walking, Nate and Emma used their phones to monitor what was behind them.Emma spotted two men in ordinary clothes who looked suspicious, standing not far from the entrance, as if they were observing Elizabeth’s movements. “I see two men behind us, possibly part of the team following us.”Nate nodded. “We’ll try to separate them. I’ll distract them while you and Mrs. Elizabeth stay in a crowded area. If they try to approach, they won’t be a
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