All Chapters of Legacy of the Dark: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
158 chapters
Chapter 121: Evacuation and Execution
That morning, the London sky was clear, and the cool weather provided a sharp contrast to the tension hanging in the air. At Nate's headquarters, the team was carefully preparing for the evacuation of James's family. Elizabeth, James's wife, stood in the middle of the room with their two children, looking worried but resolute. James, with a face full of sorrow, spoke with his family one last time before they departed.James raised his hand to give a warm hug to Elizabeth and their children. “You must be careful,” he said in a serious tone. “Protect yourselves and don’t hesitate to use any means necessary to stay safe.”Elizabeth, her eyes filled with tears, nodded and tried to smile. “We’ll be okay, James. You need to be careful too. Don’t do anything reckless.”The children, still very young, hugged their father with a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty. James tried to reassure them, though every word felt like a deep farewell.Nate, Damian, and Aiden stood near the door, ready to
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Chapter 122: Morning Surprises and Eagle Eye's Reaction
The next morning, the sun shone brightly over London, casting a peaceful light on a city bustling with activity. However, the atmosphere at Eagle Eye's headquarters was far from calm. The shocking news of Robert and Stevano's deaths had spread like wildfire, shaking the entire organization to its core.At Eagle Eye's headquarters, the morning began with an unusual tension. Several executives and senior members gathered in the main conference room, discussing the shocking news that had sent ripples through their ranks: two of their key people—Robert and Stevano—had been found dead. Initial information suggested that they had been killed in a highly professional manner, leaving no doubt that Nate and his group were involved.Rodrigo, a senior leader in Eagle Eye, stood at the front of the room with a furious expression. "We can't let this go unpunished," he said in a firm tone. "They've trespassed on our territory and shown that they're ready for war. This is a serious warning that we m
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Chapter 123: Unveiling the Shadows
The morning at Nate's headquarters felt different from usual. The morning sun illuminated the room, but behind that brightness, a tense atmosphere enveloped Nate's team. Their success in eliminating Robert and Stevano from Eagle Eye brought a small victory but also left them aware of the greater challenges they still faced.In the meeting room, Nate, Rachel, Damian, Aiden, and Emma gathered. Lena was absent, as she was guarding James' family. Nate stood at the head of the large table, which was covered with maps and documents, and looked at his team with a serious expression."Team, we need to take things further. After eliminating Robert and Stevano, it's time to focus on the people involved in the Alex Hughes case," Nate said, his voice full of determination.Rachel, still grieving deeply over Elias' death, rested her head in her hands. "Who do we need to track down? We need to know who's behind all this."Nate nodded. "We've identified several names involved in the Alex Hughes case
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Chapter 124: The Dark Night and Secret Conversations
Night enveloped London in darkness and silence, illuminated only by dim streetlights. Nate and his team were relaxing at headquarters after a day full of activities and tension. The atmosphere inside the headquarters felt calmer after the stressful hours, but this tranquility did not last long, as James summoned them for an urgent meeting.Nate checked his watch and nodded. "It seems like James really wants to discuss something serious. Aiden, are you ready with the car?" Aiden nodded, prepared to act if needed. Nate checked their equipment, ensuring everything was in order before leaving headquarters.James Rolling's office remained brightly lit despite the darkness outside. The large lights inside the office shone brightly, contrasting sharply with the dark night outside. James stood near his desk, looking anxious but determined. The room was full of scattered documents, showing how busy he had been lately.When Nate and his team arrived, they were greeted by James, who immediately
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Chapter 125: Dampening the Movement
That morning, the skies over London were filled with low-hanging gray clouds, as if reflecting the heavy mood of a city steeped in intrigue. Rodrigo had just arrived at his office when his phone rang. The screen displayed an unknown number, but Rodrigo knew exactly who was behind the call. Only one person could contact him in such a mysterious and authoritative manner.Rodrigo answered the call calmly, though his heart was racing. "Yes?"A cold, authoritative voice came from the other end, a voice that always sent a shiver down Rodrigo's spine. "Rodrigo, The Oracle wants to meet with you immediately. There is something important that needs to be discussed."Rodrigo nodded, even though he knew The Oracle couldn't see him. "Of course, when and where?"Benjamin responded without hesitation, "Meet The Oracle at the usual place. In half an hour."Without waiting for a reply, the call ended. Rodrigo placed his phone on the desk and took a deep breath. He knew that if The Oracle was calling
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Chapter 126: Taking Down a Political Opponent
A bright morning embraced London, with a clear blue sky and soft sunlight bathing the city. However, behind the beauty of the morning, something invisible lingered—a tension that flowed between the shadows. Damian, one of Nate’s team members, stood at a distance, carefully observing the movements of the police chief he had been following for the past few days. Damian was a calm and calculated figure, someone who could disappear into a crowd and become an unseen shadow. His ability to observe without being noticed was a valuable asset to Nate’s team, especially in situations requiring close surveillance like this. He was in a parked car on the side of the road, watching the police headquarters from afar. Since the police chief had caught their attention, Damian had been tasked with following his every move. This police chief, who was supposed to be the guardian of law and order, had now become someone who needed to be closely watched. Nate and his team suspected that the chief had bee
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Chapter 127: Threatening the Chief of Police
The next day, at Nate and his team's secret hideout, the atmosphere was tense. They had been waiting for this moment for a long time—the moment when they could finally pressure Chief of Police Hayes, the man they had long suspected of playing dirty behind the scenes. Photos of secret meetings between Alex and Hayes were now in their hands, evidence that would be a powerful weapon in the confrontation soon to come. Nate stood in front of the planning board filled with notes and photos, his eyes fixed on an image of Chief of Police Hayes and Alex speaking at an old building. In the room, Rachel, Damian, Aiden, Lena, and Emma sat around the table, waiting for instructions from their leader. "We have enough evidence," Nate began in a calm but determined voice. "Chief Hayes has been playing on the wrong side, and now it's time we make him face the consequences. We're going to confront him and give him two options: hand Alex over to us, or we ruin his life." They all nodded, fully awar
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Chapter 128: Citizen Demonstration
That morning, the London sky was clear, but the atmosphere around James Rolling's office was far from calm. Outside the building, a massive crowd had suddenly gathered, holding banners, placards, and flags. They were chanting various slogans demanding justice, expressing their anger and disappointment toward James. At a glance, it looked like a spontaneous protest, but something felt off.James, who was sitting in his office, was startled by the increasingly loud roar outside. When he peeked out from his office window, his eyes widened at the sight of the many people now filling the street in front of his building. This wasn’t an ordinary crowd. Too organized, too large, and there was something unsettling about the way they moved."How could this happen?" James muttered, his eyes still fixed on the crowd outside.His secretary, who had just entered the room with a panicked expression, immediately informed him, "Mr. Rolling, they’re demanding that you come out and explain the allegatio
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Chapter 129: The Man Who Controls Everything
In his luxurious home, Alex Hughes stood before a large window offering a stunning view of the entire city of London. The morning sunlight streamed through the glass, bathing the room in a warm glow that reflected off the elegant furniture and expensive paintings hanging on the walls. Yet, despite all the luxury surrounding him, Alex still couldn’t fully believe that he was back on top after everything that had happened.In the past few weeks, his life had changed in ways he could never have imagined. From a man imprisoned and showered with accusations, he was now free and hailed by the media as a victim of a vile smear campaign. For Alex, all of this felt like a strange dream—a dream that could turn into a nightmare at any moment.“Who would have thought?” he muttered softly, more to himself than to anyone else.Alex vividly remembered the days in prison, where cold walls and the stench of dampness were his only companions. Every night, he lay awake, thinking of a bleak future that s
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Chapter 130: The Big Fish
The recent days had been unbearably heavy for James. From the early morning, he could feel the pressure that had been worsening day by day. There was no more peace at home or in his office. Every second, it felt as if a shadow of threat was constantly lurking. And today, that pressure reached its peak.When James arrived at his office, the atmosphere was already different. The employees appeared more tense than usual. That tension spread throughout the room, making the atmosphere increasingly uncomfortable. Not long after, the main office door swung open abruptly, marking the arrival of a group of men dressed in dark suits with serious expressions. They were prosecutors, and James immediately knew they were not here for trivial matters.One of them, a man with black hair and thick glasses, stepped forward. "Mr. James Rolling, we are here to conduct an investigation regarding allegations of illegal campaign funds and tax evasion involving you," he said in a formal but cold tone. The ma
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