All Chapters of Legacy of the Dark: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
158 chapters
Chapter 131: Political Image
In a luxurious mansion with grand pillars and classical architecture that emphasized power and prestige, The Oracle sat in his study. The room was adorned with expensive artwork, marble floors, and hand-carved teak furniture. The morning sunlight streamed through large windows overlooking a perfectly manicured garden, creating an atmosphere of tranquility but also of authority.The Oracle, an elderly man, sat behind a large, meticulously organized desk. His face was inscrutable—calm, cold, and calculating. In front of him, Benjamin stood respectfully, ready to report on the progress of the strategy they had implemented."How is the situation?" The Oracle asked in a low but firm voice, not looking up from the document he was reading.Benjamin, a man in his mid-forties with a neat appearance and sharp gaze, stepped forward slightly before answering. "James is still holding on, but as you predicted, he's starting to lose the public's sympathy. The demonstrations we organized in front of
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Chapter 132: Chasing the Wind
In the underground headquarters of Eagle Eye, hidden beneath an old building on the outskirts of the city, a tense atmosphere filled the room. The dim lighting added to the gloomy and oppressive mood. Rodrigo, the stern and determined leader, sat in his chair facing a small window in the corner of the room. His gaze was distant, as if he was contemplating the next move after losing two key executives, Robert and Stevano.Across from him, Sylvia and Miller sat restlessly. Both were senior members of the organization, and they clearly weren't pleased with the current situation. Sylvia, a woman with long hair and a commanding presence, was the first to speak, her voice sharp."We can't keep going like this, Rodrigo," she said bluntly, staring directly at him. "How long has it been since Robert and Stevano died? We've lost two of our most important people, and we're just sitting here doing nothing."Miller, a man with a solid build, chimed in with agreement. "Sylvia's right. Robert and St
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Chapter 133: Daniel’s Sacrifice
Miller and Daniel stood in the dimly lit basement of an old building on the outskirts of the city. The room was filled with equipment and weapons, forming a grim backdrop for their dark planning. Miller, with a cold and determined expression, was inspecting the weapons laid out on the table, while Daniel, who appeared more anxious, was packing additional supplies into a backpack.Miller broke the silence. “We’ve waited too long. Rodrigo has ordered restraint, but this situation has gone beyond limits. Nate and his team have killed Robert and Stevano. This isn’t just about revenge; it’s about ensuring our power remains intact.”Daniel nodded, looking worried. “I know, but our actions could have serious consequences. Rodrigo will be furious if he finds out we’re disobeying his orders. However, if we don’t do something, our position in Eagle Eye will be increasingly threatened.”Miller fixed Daniel with a sharp gaze. “We don’t have much time. We must act quickly. Nate and his team need t
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Chapter 134: A Planned Revenge
Daniel's funeral was held with deep respect and sorrow among the members of Eagle Eye and a few of their closest associates. The gray sky and cold air added to the somber atmosphere, reflecting the deep sadness that enveloped everyone present. The ceremony took place in a simple yet elegant cemetery, surrounded by trees that seemed to share in the grief.Rodrigo stood in front of the casket with a firm posture, but his face showed signs of exhaustion and grief. He wore a sharp black suit, contrasting with the gloomy surroundings. Beside him, Sylvia, Miller, and several other key members of Eagle Eye were also present, all with serious expressions that signified the weight of the loss.Rodrigo stepped forward, standing near a small podium set up specifically for the ceremony. In front of him, Daniel’s casket was surrounded by white flowers and lit candles, creating an atmosphere of respect and mourning. Rodrigo began the ceremony with a brief speech, his voice heavy and full of emotion
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Chapter 135: The Disguise Plan
In his spacious office, James Rolling sat behind a large wooden desk, which looked more grand than usual. The soft light from the desk lamp shone on a pile of documents and newspapers scattered across the desk. The walls around him were adorned with family photos and certificates of achievement, which now seemed like relics of a distant past.On the television screen mounted in the corner of the room, the latest news about Alex Hughes was scrolling rapidly. Every news channel seemed to be competing to provide the most prominent coverage of Alex’s resurgence. James stared blankly, feeling each word spoken by the newsreader as a sharp knife piercing his heart. Alex, once considered a political adversary and thought to be defeated in the power struggle, now seemed to be rising with even greater strength."Alex Hughes," the television announced with enthusiasm, "has recently received a warm welcome from the public following a series of captivating social visits. The public support he has
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Chapter 136: The Waiting
As the election drew nearer, and time continued to crawl, The Oracle felt the need to gather all of their allies to plan the final steps. That night, the luxurious Japanese restaurant, which had become their secret meeting place, was aglow with soft lighting and an elegant atmosphere. The restaurant was known for its distinctive interior, with elegant wooden panels, red lanterns, and smooth cypress wood tabletops. The aroma of sushi and other Japanese dishes filled the air, creating a tranquil yet attentive ambiance behind the actual bustle.Outside the restaurant, chauffeurs and aides waited patiently in their luxury cars. Meanwhile, inside, The Oracle sat at the main table, surrounded by seats for their allies. The table was covered with a variety of delicious Japanese dishes, ranging from fresh sashimi to crispy tempura. The Oracle, with unshakable calm, surveyed the room before welcoming the guests.Rodrigo, representing Eagle Eye, arrived early. He appeared serious and tense, ful
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Chapter 137: Ghosts from the Past, Marcus Hale
A few hours before the meeting began, Aiden, in disguise, had already taken action.Aiden stood outside the elegant Japanese restaurant with a calm confidence. The night was quite cold, with a gentle breeze blowing through the streets illuminated by dim streetlights. The restaurant, with its elegant facade and gleaming signage, appeared to be an ideal location for such a secretive gathering.As a valet, Aiden wore a simple yet professional uniform—a black jacket with a small logo on the chest and a dark cap that partially obscured his face. All of this was part of the meticulous disguise he had planned. Disguising himself as the chief's aide had helped him gain access to the parking area, and now he had to perform his role as a valet flawlessly.Since arriving at the area, Aiden had incapacitated one of the original valets who happened to be at the scene. With speed and precision, he had removed the man and hidden him safely, then taken over his position. Now, Aiden stood with a relax
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Chapter 138: The Plan to Catch the Big Fish
Nate and his team were at their headquarters, seated around a large table cluttered with documents and glowing laptops. The atmosphere in the room was extremely serious, with each team member working hard to dig up as much information as possible about the guests present in the secret meeting video. All eyes were focused on a large screen displaying images from the video.Rachel, who was in charge of information retrieval, typed quickly on her laptop. “I’ve identified several of the business leaders and officials who attended the meeting,” she said, showing the screen to Nate and the others. “Most of them are prominent figures in the London business and political worlds.”Nate reviewed the names and profiles appearing on the screen. Some faces looked familiar, while others were high-profile names in politics and business that they had not directly encountered before. Although they managed to identify most of the guests, one person remained a mystery—the elderly man Nate believed to be
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Chapter 139: Weakening the Enemy’s Power
In a room located in the corner of the headquarters, Rachel sat on the edge of the bed, gazing at a photo frame on the bedside table. In the photo, she and Elias smiled happily, as if there was nothing in the world that could disturb their peace. The surroundings seemed insignificant compared to the memories held within that picture.Rachel gently stroked the wooden frame, feeling its texture under her fingers. Memories from the past flooded her mind, bringing back moments when they both felt that nothing could ruin their happiness. Every laugh, every joke, and every simple moment they spent together now felt like a beautiful dream, hard to grasp.Rachel closed her eyes for a moment, trying to calm herself. She thought about how Elias had become an important part of her life. They had gone through so much together, from daily challenges to dangerous situations. In every battle, Elias had always been by her side, providing the support and strength that meant so much to her. Now, with E
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Chapter 140: Earth and Sky
Two weeks before the election, London witnessed the increasingly intense campaign of Alex Hughes. Cars adorned with prominent campaign logos and large banners featuring Alex's face decorated the city's main streets. Every day, Alex visited various areas in London, attending public events, and delivering passionate speeches.That morning, the sun shone brightly over London, and the streets were bustling with activity. Alex, dressed in a formal suit and wearing a broad smile, began the day with a visit to a busy local market in East End. There, he spoke with the locals, listened to their complaints, and promised to improve their economic conditions if elected. Hundreds of people gathered, most of them enthusiastically welcoming the presence of their prospective leader."I understand how difficult life is here," Alex said with a voice full of passion. "If I'm elected, I will ensure that we prioritize the local economy and create more job opportunities. Every vote you cast is a vote for a
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