All Chapters of Legacy of the Dark: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
158 chapters
Chapter 141: Elizabeth’s Abduction
In a quiet and secluded hideout, the atmosphere starkly contrasted with the chaos engulfing the city of London. Elizabeth, sitting in a comfortable yet modest living room, anxiously surveyed her surroundings. Lena, who had been assigned to guard Elizabeth and James’ two children, stood near the door, appearing calm yet vigilant.Elizabeth took a deep breath and stood up, her face showing strong determination. "Lena, I must return to London. James needs me by his side now more than ever."Lena, whose task was to ensure the safety of Elizabeth and her children, looked at her with deep concern. "Elizabeth, the situation out there is extremely dangerous. You know the risks that James and our team are facing. Your presence in London could worsen the situation."With a resolute gaze, Elizabeth replied, "I understand the risks, Lena. But James is going through tough times, and he needs to feel supported by those closest to him. I can't just sit here while he fights alone."Lena tried to expl
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Chapter 142: The Rescue Operation
James sat in his office chair, staring blankly out the window overlooking the city of London. His mind was in turmoil, and his chest felt tight. The news of Elizabeth's kidnapping had shaken his entire life. On one hand, he was a politician who needed to remain calm and composed in front of the public, but on the other, he was a husband devastated by the knowledge that his wife was in the hands of the enemy.James tried to focus on his work, but every time he picked up a pen or opened a file on his desk, his thoughts drifted back to Elizabeth. The image of Elizabeth, trapped and helpless, weighed heavily on his heart. He knew very well that Elizabeth was everything to him, and without her presence, James felt lost.The phone on James' desk rang, snapping him out of his thoughts. He picked up the phone with trembling hands. Nate's voice came through, filled with urgency and a hint of concern."We've got more information about Elizabeth's location," Nate said without preamble. "But we n
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Chapter 143: Successfully Rescuing Elizabeth
At Eagle Eye's headquarters, Rodrigo attempted to contact James. Their goal in kidnapping Elizabeth was clear—to force James to withdraw from the political race. "Call James," Rodrigo ordered. "We're going to start the negotiation." Sylvia promptly carried out the order, and moments later, the phone rang. Rodrigo quickly grabbed the phone, waiting for James Rolling to answer. When the call connected, Rodrigo spoke calmly. "James Rolling. You know your wife isn't safe, don't you?" "Who are you?!" James demanded angrily. "What do you want?!" "You know very well what I want," Rodrigo replied in a stern tone. "Withdraw from the political race if you want to ensure Elizabeth's safety." James was silent for a moment on the other end of the line before his deep voice was heard. "What makes you think I'll follow your orders? I have the support of many people. I won't back down just because of a threat like this." Rodrigo frowned. "You still don't understand. I'm not threatening y
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Chapter 144: The Long-Awaited Homecoming
In the spacious yet cozy living room, James stood frozen in the middle of the room. His mind was filled with the terrifying scenarios he had imagined all day. The thought of Elizabeth being in danger haunted him, making him restless every moment. But all that anxiety instantly vanished the moment the door to his house opened, and the person he longed for the most appeared on the threshold.Elizabeth entered with slow steps, her face showing exhaustion, but with a faint smile that melted James's heart. Without a second thought, James ran towards her and pulled her into a tight embrace. His breath caught in his throat, while his hands clutched Elizabeth's body as if afraid of losing her again."Elizabeth... Oh, Elizabeth..." James's voice was hoarse, filled with the emotions he had held back for days. He could not believe that his wife was now in his arms, safe and sound.Elizabeth returned James's embrace gently, resting her head on her husband's chest. She could feel James's heart bea
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Chapter 145: Rodrigo's Fury
That night, the skies over London were shrouded in dark clouds, adding to the grim atmosphere at Eagle Eye's headquarters. Inside the hidden building in the heart of the city, Rodrigo stood with a look of intense rage. His large, muscular frame exuded a dangerous aura, and everyone around him could feel the chilling atmosphere he radiated. In his hand, a nearly empty glass of liquor trembled from his clenched fist.In front of him, his subordinates stood in line with pale faces. They all knew that tonight would not end well. Elizabeth, their primary target, had managed to escape, and this was not only a major failure but also an insult to the organization. Rodrigo never allowed failures to go unpunished.Rodrigo slammed the glass onto the floor, shattering it and filling the room with the sound of breaking glass. Some of his subordinates flinched, but no one dared to move. Rodrigo’s face turned red, and his veins throbbed in his neck, signaling that his anger had reached its peak."Yo
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Chapter 146: A Shocking Proposal
The days following Elizabeth's abduction were filled with tension at James's house. Although Elizabeth had returned safely thanks to Nate and his team, fear and anxiety still hung in the air like a thick fog. James knew that his enemies wouldn't stop after just one failure. Every step they took, every decision they made, was now being watched by those who wanted to see his downfall.Amidst this tense atmosphere, the arrival of Benjamin, The Oracle's right-hand man, came like an unexpected whirlwind. That day, James had just finished reading the daily report on the worsening state of his political campaign. His defeat seemed increasingly imminent, with his support dwindling while Alex Hughes' reputation continued to soar.A firm knock on the door pulled James from his grim thoughts. A household servant came and informed him that there was a guest wishing to see him. "He said his name is Benjamin," the servant said hesitantly.The name startled James. Benjamin? Why did that name sound s
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Chapter 147: A Glimmer of Light in the Darkness
As Nate and his team returned to the headquarters after the meeting with James, the atmosphere was more tense than usual. When Nate stepped out of the car and walked into the building, his mind was still consumed by the conversation with James. Benjamin's offer kept echoing in his thoughts, making him feel as if there was something he hadn't fully understood yet.Nate walked through the quiet corridors of the headquarters, his mind wandering far. The offer was not just a threat but also a warning that their enemies would not stop until they achieved their goals. Benjamin and The Oracle were dangerous opponents, and Nate knew they couldn't dismiss this threat lightly.After a moment, Nate arrived at his office. He turned on the desk lamp and placed some files he had brought from James' house on the table. However, before he could review them, the door to his office opened, and Emma appeared at the doorway.Emma looked at Nate with a concerned expression. "You look like you're thinking
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Chapter 148: The Decisive Meeting
The next morning, Benjamin sat in his luxurious office, reviewing the reports he had just received. On his computer screen, a map of London was displayed, marked with various red dots indicating important locations they were monitoring. Benjamin’s mind was still filled with the grand plan he and Marcus, The Oracle, were executing. The success of their operation was within reach, and their enemies—especially Nate and his team—would soon be cornered.However, that morning, Benjamin received shocking news. One of his operatives monitoring James Rolling's communications sent an urgent message: James wanted to meet with him. Not only that, but James also hinted that he was interested in collaborating with Benjamin and The Oracle.Benjamin raised an eyebrow, surprised and suspicious. James Rolling, a tough and principled political opponent, suddenly wanted to negotiate? This was an unexpected development. He felt a strange tension, but also a potential opportunity that could benefit them.Q
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Chapter 149: The Scandal That Shook the Nation
Shortly after the agreement between James and Benjamin was finalized, a major news story rocked the political world of London. That morning, as the sun barely peeked over the horizon, the headlines of London’s major media outlets flashed shocking news: “Affair Scandal Rocks Alex Hughes’ Campaign!”The news quickly became the talk of the town among politicians, media, and the public. Alex Hughes, a strong candidate known for his integrity, suddenly found himself embroiled in a scandalous affair. Photos and seemingly authentic text messages revealed that Alex had engaged in an illicit relationship with a young woman unknown to the public.The media swiftly connected the scandal to Alex's soaring political ambitions. Within hours, the news spread throughout the city, from television screens to newspapers and social media, flooded with various speculations and comments from the public.***In a luxurious apartment in central London, Alex Hughes sat frozen in front of the television, watch
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Chapter 150: The Devious Plan
James Rolling sat in his black leather chair, staring at the computer screen displaying the latest news on the internet. The scandal involving Alex Hughes was dominating various media outlets, and it was a sight that brought James immense satisfaction. He knew that this scandal was a major blow to his political rival, and it filled James with a sense of victory that words could hardly express.In one of the news reports, Alex Hughes was seen leaving the courthouse, looking haggard and exhausted. A swarm of reporters surrounded him, bombarding him with sharp questions about the corruption and abuse of power allegations that had just surfaced. James smirked. This scandal was certainly no coincidence; he could sense the crafty hands of Benjamin and Marcus behind it.James took a sip of his coffee, savoring the bitterness that contrasted with the sweetness of the victory he felt. This was the moment he had long awaited. With this scandal, James was more convinced that the path to leadersh
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